Tuesday May 31st
Agenda Announcements Disney Villain Essay Submission Short, short stories
As You Enter… Please take out your Disney Villain Essay and place it on your desk. Please staple your papers with your final draft on top, the stapler is on my desk. Please do not come to me with any excuses or sob stories as to why you do not have your essay today. I do not want to hear them.
Announcements My Gradebook closes Friday. Wednesday (tomorrow) is summative retake day Come in for office hours to complete either: LWG Final Retake Vocab Final Retake LWG Portfolio Submission (more rigorous standards) This will be the only day this week that I will have office hours If you do not have your Disney Villain Essay today I will accept it tomorrow for half credit.
Short, Short Stories “For sale, baby shoes, never worn.” More than thirty years ago, Ernest Hemingway was lunching at the Algonquin, sitting at the famous "round table" with several writers, claiming he could write a six-word-long short story. The other writers balked. Hemingway told them to ante up ten dollars each. If he was wrong, he would match it; if he was right, he would keep the pot. He quickly wrote six words on a napkin and passed it around. His short story was complete. It had a beginning, a middle, and an end! His story was: “For sale, baby shoes, never worn.”
Short, Short Stories Bedtime Story – Jeffery Whitmore “Careful honey, it’s loaded,” he said, re-entering the bedroom. Her back was against the headboard. “This is for your wife?” “No. Too chancy. I’m hiring a professional.” “How about me?” He smirked. “Cute. But who’d be dumb enough to hire a lady hit man?” She wet her lips, sighting along the barrel. “Your wife.”
Short, Short Stories The Understudy – Sheree Pellemeir “The show must go on,” said the director when the star dropped dead moments before act one. The star, not the understudy, would play the corpse tonight. The understudy changed quickly. His performance was inspired. The star was flawless in his final role. The understudy, fingering the syringe in his pocket, bowed to thunderous applause.
Short, Short Stories Bad Luck – Alan E. Mayer I awoke to searing pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed. “Mr. Fujima,” she said. “You were lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But you’re safe now here in this hospital.” Weakly, I asked, “Where am I?” “Nagasaki,” she said.
Short, Short Stories Accidents – Mark Cohen Reginald Cooke had buried three wives before he married Cecile Norwood. “Tragic accidents,” he told her. “How sad,” replied Cecile. “Were they… wealthy?” “And beautiful,” said Reginald. They honeymooned in the Alps. Later, Cecile told her new husband, “You know, darling, my first husband died in a tragic mountaineering accident.” “How sad,” replied Justin Marlow.
Short, Short Stories Young Love – David W. Meyers The lovers found the genie’s lamp on the beach. “For freeing me,” said the genie, “I will grant each of you a wish.” Looking into the boy’s eyes, the girl said, “I wish we could be lovers until the end of the world.” Looking out to sea, the boy said, “I wish the world would end.”
Short, Short Stories Final Witness – Candice C. Mutschler Pandemonium erupted. The next witness was walking through the courtroom doors. “Order in the court!” the judge bellowed, cracking his gavel. All eyes focused on Tommy, who was sitting on the stand, his mouth open in shock. It was quite obvious now who murdered his wife. No one.
Short, Short Story Assignment You are to create a story of your own, any genre you choose. You may draw inspiration form the stories we read together just now, or from a creative writing website, but PLEASE MAKE SURE THE STORY YOU SUBMIT IS YOUR OWN. Word Count: English II: 50 words (Max) Honors: 40 words (Max)