Queens University Belfast ROSA PI
QUB has been a regular user of the DST over the past 20 years The observations and research trips were usually led by very competent graduate students September 1998: Peter Gallagher visits in September 1998 – Used the DST to test the SECIS equipment in advance of the 1999 (Bulgaria/Turkey) total solar eclipse July 2002: James McAteer, Shaun Bloomfield, Mihalis Mathioudakis – Wave mode coupling in the photosphere and chromosphere August 2005: Shaun Bloomfield & Dave Jess – Evershed Flow August 2008: ROSA imaging cameras commissioned at the DST (Damian Christian, Dave Jess, Mihalis Mathioudakis)
ROSA – Hardware ROSA commissioned at the DST In August 2008 See the ROSA instrument paper for full details (Jess et al., 2010, Solar Physics, Volume 261, 363)
May 2009: Damian Christian & Dave Jess led a very successful observing campaign – Exceptional seeing - Numerous publications on spicules, MBPs, mottles From 2010 onwards several UK groups obtain observing time at the DST Armagh Observatory, University of Sheffield, St Andrews University QUB staff supported the UK observations and data reduction In 2011 QUB brought new equipment to the DST (HardCam) as well as a camera and pre-filter for IBIS December 2011: Dave Jess & Peter Keys carried out an observing campaign in December 2011 (on behalf of St Andrews University) Running penumbra waves & Nature Physics publication on Coronal magnetic field using seismology (SDO/STERE0/DST) November 2014 – QUB and a consortium of 8 UK Universities and industry are awarded funding to provide the detectors for DKIST
Multi-wavelength Example Jess et al. 2016, Nature Physics
The DST has been invaluable to the QUB Solar Physics research More than 40 refereed publications that used the DST (including Nat Physics, Nat Comm) 10 successful PhDs that used DST data McAteer, Bloomfield, Jess, Crockett, Keys, Reardon, Kuridze, Nelson, Hewitt, Grant The DST has allowed the UK ground-based solar physics community to grow and led to the successful bid for UK-DKIST funding A big THANK YOU to the DST staff for their superb support over the past 20 years! We also want to remember Mike Bradford, gone too soon. Who had a keen eye for finding flaring regions!