The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act WIOA Consultation Webinar: State Requirements Re: Evaluation and Research February 24, 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks We are delighted to have you all participating today. This is one of a series of consultations re: the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA or the “Opportunity Act.”) This one concerns evaluations and research, one of many areas of reform in the Act. Another major reform: higher levels of collaboration and coordination at the Federal, state and local levels. The partners include DOL, Education and Health and Human Services
Introductions The partners represented here today – Wayne Gordon, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor Braden Goetz, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education Mary Lovley, Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education Assistance from: Wendy Russell, Kratos Corporation
Purpose of this Consultation To hear from you -- state and local leaders, practitioners, customers, and other stakeholders. Your input will be used to ... Inform development of regulations and guidance and Inform technical assistance strategies. Other opportunities to provide comments to DOL, ED and other Federal partners: other consultations, email and websites. Some addresses on the last slide here.
Plan for Today’s Session Overview of the Act and then discuss the major provisions on research and evaluation. Questions and your response via the chat feature. Summarizing some comments today. All responses will be reviewed, summarized , analyzed and used in developing draft regulations, guidance, and technical assistance.
Getting to Know You – Your System - Quick Poll # 1 We’d like to know about you -- so please respond to a few quick polls. Could you let us know about the main system you are involved in: Workforce System - Adults and Dislocated Workers Workforce System - Youth Adult Education Vocational Rehabilitation Career and Technical K-12 Education 4-Year Colleges and Universities Other
Level of Government/ Organization – Quick Poll # 2 Could you let us know the level of government you are with and the type of organization: Federal government State government Local government Direct Service Provider Research community Advocacy Organization
Your Role -- Quick Poll # 3 Could you tell us if you are currently responsible for any of the following: Conducting/managing research studies? Performance accountability? Managing data systems? Policy Development? Managing or delivering program services?
Overview of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act President Barack Obama signed WIOA into law on July 22, 2014. Passed by Congress with wide bipartisan majority (Senate: 93-5 and the House of Representatives: 415-6). Reaffirms ongoing role of American Job Centers. Complements and supports the President’s Job-Driven Workforce Vision.
Programs under WIOA Authorizes and identifies as “core programs” the following: Workforce System - Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services Adult Education Vocational Rehabilitation Services Recognizes other local partner programs – including Career and Technical Education, TANF, Housing programs and Food Stamps, among many others. Also authorizes the Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native Americans, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs, and Federal evaluation and research.
Highlights of WIOA Reforms (Workforce System) Supports closer links to and more services for employers and more tailored/accessible services for individuals through: Sector strategies, career pathways, work-based training, links with Registered Apprenticeship, and more access/improved services for individuals with disabilities. Promotes service coordination and alignment of programs at the Federal, State, local, and regional levels. Promotes accountability and transparency. Streamlines and strengthens the strategic roles of workforce development boards, and adds emphasis on regional collaboration.
Key Requirements for State Workforce Systems re: Evaluation - Section 116 (e) Conducting evaluations: a required statewide activity. Purpose of evaluations: “to promote, establish, implement, and utilize methods for continuously improving core program activities in order to achieve high-level performance within, and high-level outcomes from, the workforce development system.” Scope: evaluations are to be of activities carried out in regard to the core programs. Funding: Must use state set-aside funds. Can use funds authorized under any core program.
Key Requirements for States re: Evaluation – cont. Coordination and consultation: The state workforce agency… Needs to coordinate with other state agencies responsible for the core programs and local workforce boards in conducting evaluations Evaluations must be designed in conjunction with the State board, State agencies responsible for the administration of the core programs, and local boards. Must coordinate with evaluations and research projects conducted by: USDOL under Section 169 and by USED under 242 (re: Adult Education) and under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the investigations provided for by the under section 10(b) of the Wagner-Peyser Act.
Key Requirements for States re: Evaluation and Research - cont Conducting evaluations: Design: “Shall include analysis of customer feedback and outcome and process measures in the state-wide workforce development system; shall use designs that employ the most rigorous analytical and statistical methods that are reasonably feasible, such as the use of control groups.” Reports must annually be prepared, submitted to the State board and local boards in the State, and made available to the public (including by electronic means) to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce development system
Key Requirements for States re: Evaluation and Research – cont Cooperation with Federal evaluations (and research projects) authorized under WIOA (section 169, 242 and for VR act) is required of the state workforce agency, in Providing data, Responding to surveys, and Allowing timely site visits. To the extent practicable.
Key Referenced Sections Sec. 169 – Authorizes USDOL evaluation and research. Emphasizes rigorous methods. Focuses on valuating WIOA Title I programs and other federal employment-related programs. Includes studies to be conducted in collaboration with other Federal Departments. Sec. 242 – Authorizes research on adult education and literacy activities by ED, including an independent evaluation. Research on Adult Education also conducted under the Education Sciences Reform Act y ED’s Institute of Education Sciences. Title IV – Subtitle C – Authorizes research on Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) (amending the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). Evaluation activities are conducted directly by RSA and through a national institute. RSA research focuses on monitoring and review of Basic VR Services and American Indian VR Services.
Discussion Question # 1 – Part A A. In regard to state workforce agencies conducting evaluations, what are the major challenges you foresee?
Discussion Question # 1 - Part B B. In regard to state workforce agencies conducting evaluations, what do you see as the major benefits for your system?
Discussion Question # 2 – Part A A. For the workforce system -- what are the benefits – and possible challenges -- regarding coordinating and collaborating with other state agencies and with state and local workforce boards?
Discussion Question # 2 – Part B B. For adult education, vocational rehabilitation or other programs, what do you see as the benefits and/or challenges in collaborating with the workforce system on evaluation and research?
Discussion Question # 3 What are the key issues for you in regard to coordinating with Federal evaluations conducted under section 169 or 242 or under RSA?
Discussion Question # 4 In regard to cooperating in providing information and data for Federal evaluations, what are your major concerns?
Discussion Question # 5 In regard to technical assistance, what topics and subjects would be helpful to you in implementing the evaluation and research provisions? Evaluation and research methodologies Role of evaluation and research in strategic planning How E&R differs from performance accountability Selecting or procuring evaluators Research being done by DOL or ED. Other?
Discussion Question # 6 Do you have any other comments, concerns or ideas? Areas where you would like us to provide clarifications? Recommendations for supporting state evaluations and research?
Resources on WIOA Department of Labor Department of Education WIOA Resource Page ( WIOA Dedicated Email ( Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education’s WIOA Resource Page ( Rehabilitation Services Administration’s WIOA Resource Page ( reauthorization.html)
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