Physical vs. Chemical Properties Physical Property: Any characteristic of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the substances in the material: E.g.…..
Examples Viscosity : A liquids Resistance to flowing. High Viscosity = Slow flowing liquid. Quick Task : With your learning partner, design a quick experiment to test if temperature affects viscosity of a liquid. Conductivity: Ability of a material to allow heat to flow. High conductivity materials usually include: Metals, Glass. What would you use for cooking soup – metal spoon or a wooden spoon? Why?
Malleability – Ability of a solid to be hammered without shattering. What objects are usually malleable? Name some substances that are made as a result of this property. Hardness – You can test an objects hardness against another by seeing which one will scratch each other.
Task 2 – You find a new material whilst walking in the desert Task 2 – You find a new material whilst walking in the desert. You want to identify it as either a metal or non metal. Describe, with your learning partner, some of the test you would carry out on the material to identify it.
Physical Changes This occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same. Melting ice – Physical??? Chopping a Tomato – Physical??? Splitting water molecules into H atoms and O atoms. – Physical?
Chemical Properties Is any ability to produce a change in composition of material. Chemical properties can be observed only when the substances in a sample of matter are changing into different substances. Something is flammable (able to burn) – Chemical / Physical? Reactivity – chemical / Physical? Rusting of a metal – Chemical / Physical?
Iron Rusting Transfer of electrons from Iron to Oxygen. Iron loses electrons (oxidized) while oxygen gains electrons (reduced).
Identify Chemical Changes In your lab notebook. Carefully and neatly copy this table. Test Tube Contents Observations A B C
Instruction Safety: Clear your Work Benches. Use Goggles and Gloves. Wash hands at the end of class. 5ml of copper sulphate solution into A. 5ml of calcium chloride solution into B. 5ml of sodium chloride solution into C. 5ml of calcium chloride solution into test tube A. Add 5ml of sodium chloride solution to B. 5ml of copper sulphate to C. Examine the test tubes for evidence of chemical change. Record your observations.
Inferring: In which test tubes did a chemical change occur Inferring: In which test tubes did a chemical change occur? Explain your answer. Evaluating: Can you be sure that a chemical change occurred? Explain your answer.