Substance Misuse Nurse Team Lead Acute Division Pauline Izat Substance Misuse Nurse Team Lead Acute Division
An update to Alcohol Misuse in Scotland Trends and Costs( Scottish Executive,October 2001) A & E attendances,the 10.5 million sum utilises a cost per A & E attendance of 57 (ISD, 2003), and attributes 12% of A & E attendances as being alcohol-related (Pirohamed et al, 2000).
Challenges Strategic Education of Public and Staff regarding the role of Accident and Emergency within Healthcare Clinical Activity
STRATEGIC HEAT 4 Partnership working with key ADP agencies Local press involvement
Nae Bother Campaign Strathclyde Police June 2010
Education Health promotion events FAST screening Challenging of cultural attitudes
St Aidans High School Pour Yerself a Drink!
Clinical Activity Identification of Top 20 attenders Development day facilitated by LEAN methodology to support partnership working across statutory agencies A/E clinic
James Identified as a regular attender of our A/E department. 35 year old man, married with 2 children. Employed. First attended our department in 2008 with a minor injury. Not referred to this service until his first admission. Did not manage to engage with appointments at this time but attended on several occasions thereafter asking for detox. No referral made until his last admission.
Attendances to Emergency Department TOTAL NUMBER OF ATTENDANCES 41 WITHIN 9 MONTH PERIOD !
Hours spent in Emergency Department Oct 2008- Oct 2009 TOTAL HOURS SPENT 61.6 HOURS 1 BREACH OF 4 HOUR TARGET!
James During this time James was brought to hospital in an ambulance on 12 occasions. He was also brought by Police twice. He separated from his wife and lost access to his 2 children He became homeless following the death of his mother
Substance Misuse Nurse Service Saw James on 12 occasions to support him with his ongoing alcohol detox following discharge from hospital Initiated on going support with local services Re established links with GP Re established links with family Arranged support via mutual support group Supported tenancy application
James No attendances to A/E since June 2009! Remains abstinent Now in permanent accommodation Has regular access to children Has returned to work
If we always do things the same things will always stay the same!