Android 4: Second Project, Echoing Kirk Scott
Introduction This is another set of overheads which is largely based on the online tutorials Where the tutorials cover everything clearly, I just go with what Google says However, there are some significant additions, plus, where the tutorials occasionally refer you elsewhere for more information, I go there and included that information in the flow of the presentation
Outline 4.1 Building the User Interface for an Echoing Type App 4.2 4.3 Activities 4.4 Creating an Activity that Responds to a Button Click 4.5 Code Review
4.1 Building the User Interface for an Echoing Type App
Building a Simple User Interface In this lesson, you create a layout in XML that includes a text field and a button. In the next lesson, your app responds when the button is pressed by sending the content of the text field to another activity.
Commentary: In other words, the tutorial is going to go through the steps of building an echoing type program The user enters a string The user clicks a button to “send” the string to another part of the app The “other part of the app” displays the string that was entered
Accomplishing this can be divided into two logically separate steps: Build the interface for the first part of the app, where the user can enter a string and click a button Build the functionality for sending the string and displaying it in the second part of the app
This part of the tutorial focuses on the first half of the problem An important point is that the user’s input is not a hardcoded string It becomes necessary to refer to that string as a variable in the code The simple user interface to be developed is shown on the following overhead
The graphical user interface for an Android app is built using a hierarchy of View and ViewGroup objects. View objects are usually UI widgets such as buttons or text fields. ViewGroup objects are invisible view containers that define how the child views are laid out, such as in a grid or a vertical list.
Android provides an XML vocabulary that corresponds to the subclasses of View and ViewGroup so you can define your UI in XML using a hierarchy of UI elements. Layouts are subclasses of the ViewGroup. In this exercise, you'll work with a LinearLayout. [See the diagram on the following overhead.]
Alternative Layouts Declaring your UI layout in XML rather than runtime code is useful for several reasons, but it's especially important so you can create different layouts for different screen sizes. For example, you can create two versions of a layout and tell the system to use one on "small" screens and the other on "large" screens. For more information, see the class about Supporting Different Devices.
Commentary: The Starting Point for this Discussion The default layout file is shown on the following overhead Notice that it defines a relative layout Notice also that it contains a TextView The TextView is the “widget” that contains the text that is shown by the app
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingBottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingLeft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingRight="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingTop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context="com.example.kascott.myapplication.MainActivity"> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Hello World!" /> </RelativeLayout>
The starting point for the tutorial is changing the layout from relative to linear It would be possible to do the echoing app with a relative layout But the whole idea is to take baby steps to introduce new material You start having seen a relative layout, and you make the modifications to use a linear layout
Create a Linear Layout From the res/layout/ directory, open the activity_main.xml file. This XML file defines the layout of your activity. It contains the default "Hello World" text view. When you open a layout file, you’re first shown the design editor in the Layout Editor. For this lesson, you work directly with the XML, so click the Text tab to switch to the text editor. Replace the contents of the file with the following XML:
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="horizontal"> </LinearLayout>
LinearLayout is a view group (a subclass of ViewGroup) that lays out child views in either a vertical or horizontal orientation, as specified by the android:orientation attribute. Each child of a LinearLayout appears on the screen in the order in which it appears in the XML. Two other attributes, android:layout_width and android:layout_height, are required for all views in order to specify their size.
Because the LinearLayout is the root view in the layout, it should fill the entire screen area that's available to the app by setting the width and height to "match_parent". This value declares that the view should expand its width or height to match the width or height of the parent view. For more information about layout properties, see the Layout guide.
Commentary So at this point, you’ve changed the layout Plus you’ve eliminated the TextView A TextView is static—it shows text We will need a widget that makes it possible for users to enter text We will also need to add a button to the layout
Add a Text Field In the activity_main.xml file, within the <LinearLayout> element, add the following <EditText> element:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas. android <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="horizontal"> <EditText android:id="@+id/edit_message" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/edit_message" /> </LinearLayout>
Here is a description of the attributes in the <EditText> you added: android:id android:id="@+id/edit_message" This provides a unique identifier for the view, which you can use to reference the object from your app code, such as to read and manipulate the object (you'll see this in the next lesson). The at sign (@) is required when you're referring to any resource object from XML.
It is followed by the resource type (id in this case), a slash, then the resource name (edit_message). The plus sign (+) before the resource type is needed only when you're defining a resource ID for the first time.
When you compile the app, the SDK tools use the ID name to create a new resource ID in your project's gen/ file that refers to the EditText element. With the resource ID declared once this way, other references to the ID do not need the plus sign.
Using the plus sign is necessary only when specifying a new resource ID and not needed for concrete resources such as strings or layouts. See the sidebox for more information about resource objects. Commentary: I will do the sidebar at the end of this “lesson” with additional explanations about
android:layout_width and android:layout_height android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" Instead of using specific sizes for the width and height, the "wrap_content" value specifies that the view should be only as big as needed to fit the contents of the view.
If you were to instead use "match_parent", then the EditText element would fill the screen, because it would match the size of the parent LinearLayout. For more information, see the Layouts guide.
Commentary It’s not necessary to look at the Layouts guide this early in the game For now, just follow the example given In general, you don’t have to study XML explicitly Follow the examples and extrapolate from there When the time comes, use the graphical development tool, and then adapt the XML that it generates
[Back to the tutorial—the next attribute of the widget] android:hint android:hint="@string/edit_message" This is a default string to display when the text field is empty. Instead of using a hard-coded string as the value, the "@string/edit_message" value refers to a string resource defined in a separate file.
Because this refers to a concrete resource (not just an identifier), it does not need the plus sign. However, because you haven't defined the string resource yet, you’ll see a compiler error at first. You'll fix this in the next section by defining the string.
Commentary The tutorial’s explanation may be a little backwards—because of the order we’re doing things in The bottom line is this: There is no plus sign in this statement because this is not where the item is being defined Because elements of an Android app are stored in separate files, until things are defined in their respective files, other files which refer to them will show errors
[Back to the tutorial] Note: This string resource has the same name as the element ID: edit_message. android:id="@+id/edit_message" android:hint="@string/edit_message" However, references to resources are always scoped by the resource type (such as id or string), so using the same name does not cause collisions.
Commentary What the tutorials say is true: You can have resources of different types with the same name On the other hand, this might not be the best practice because it can be confusing Although it might be redundant, it might be clearer to use naming conventions like this: edit_message_id edit_message_hint
From the res/values/ directory, open strings.xml. [Back to the tutorial: Now move on to the strings.xml file] Add String Resources By default, your Android project includes a string resource file at res/values/strings.xml. Here, you'll add two new strings. From the res/values/ directory, open strings.xml. Add two strings so that your file looks like this:
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="app_name">My First App</string> <string name="edit_message">Enter a message</string> <string name="button_send">Send</string> </resources>
Commentary Notice that in XML, the actual string, >Enter a message<, for example is not in quotation marks The name of the string, “edit_message”, is in quotation marks This is kind of reversed from Java syntax
[Back to the tutorial] For text in the user interface, always specify each string as a resource. String resources allow you to manage all UI text in a single location, which makes the text easier to find and update. Externalizing the strings also allows you to localize your app to different languages by providing alternative definitions for each string resource. For more information about using string resources to localize your app for other languages, see the Supporting Different Devices class.
Add a Button Go back to the activity_main.xml file and add a button after the <EditText>. Your file should look like this: [See the following overhead.]
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas. android <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <EditText android:id="@+id/edit_message" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/edit_message" /> <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/button_send" /> </LinearLayout>
Note: This button doesn't need the android:id attribute, because it won't be referenced from the activity code. The layout is currently designed so that both the EditText and Button widgets are only as big as necessary to fit their content, as figure 2 shows. [See the following overhead.]
This works fine for the button, but not as well for the text field, because the user might type something longer. It would be nice to fill the unused screen width with the text field. You can do this inside a LinearLayout with the weight property, which you can specify using the android:layout_weight attribute.
The weight value is a number that specifies the amount of remaining space each view should consume, relative to the amount consumed by sibling views. This works kind of like the amount of ingredients in a drink recipe: "2 parts soda, 1 part syrup" means two-thirds of the drink is soda.
For example, if you give one view a weight of 2 and another one a weight of 1, the sum is 3, so the first view fills 2/3 of the remaining space and the second view fills the rest. If you add a third view and give it a weight of 1, then the first view (with weight of 2) now gets 1/2 the remaining space, while the remaining two each get 1/4.
The default weight for all views is 0, so if you specify any weight value greater than 0 to only one view, then that view fills whatever space remains after all views are given the space they require.
In activity_main.xml, modify the <EditText> so that the attributes look like this:
<EditText android:id="@+id/edit_message" android:layout_weight="1" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/edit_message" />
Setting the width to zero (0dp) improves layout performance because using "wrap_content" as the width requires the system to calculate a width that is ultimately irrelevant because the weight value requires another width calculation to fill the remaining space. [See the changed layout on the following overhead.]
Here’s how your complete activity_main Here’s how your complete activity_main.xml layout file should now look:
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <EditText android:id="@+id/edit_message" android:layout_weight="1" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:hint="@string/edit_message" /> <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/button_send" /> </LinearLayout>
Run Your App This layout is applied by the default Activity class that the SDK tools generated when you created the project. To run the app and see the results, click Run 'app' in the toolbar. Continue to the next lesson to learn how to respond to button presses, read content from the text field, start another activity, and more.
Commentary: Concluding commentary on this section of the tutorials The use of weights is a side show at this point in time Also, once you get experience, you will probably edit one file at a time You plan everything out, create the layout file, and then create the strings file You wouldn’t jump back and forth between the two except as a result of having forgotten something
Finally, the business of running the app at this point is essentially premature Yes, you can check the layout you’ve created—that’s valid But the key point is that you haven’t written any app logic yet That topic will covered after considering what the file is
The first two overheads are the contents of the sidebar on resources in the tutorial The sidebar refers to another part of the tutorials Instead of going there, the rest of this section is just a freelance discussion of
Resource Objects A resource object is a unique integer name that's associated with an app resource, such as a bitmap, layout file, or string. Every resource has a corresponding resource object defined in your project's gen/ file. You can use the object names in the R class to refer to your resources, such as when you need to specify a string value for the android:hint attribute.
You can also create arbitrary resource IDs that you associate with a view using the android:id attribute, which allows you to reference that view from other code. The SDK tools generate the file each time you compile your app. You should never modify this file by hand. For more information, read the guide to Providing Resources.
Commentary The remainder of this section is commentary There is no ideal order of presentation of the material for any topic in computer science… The problem always is, to do X, you need Y, and vice-versa, to do Y, you need X
On the one hand, this section is a diversion in the tutorial’s flow of making the new, echoing application On the other hand, in the foregoing material the gen/ file was mentioned The file is so important that it deserves some attention early on
Plus, it turns out that even finding the R. java file is not intuitive In other words, this topic is related to the earlier overhead files where the Android Studio development environment was introduced Finding provides additional experience navigating around the development environment
Considering is worthwhile for the following reasons: 1. In this app, user input is defined in the layout that was just considered, as an EditText widget with an id When the code is written for the functionality of the app, it will be necessary to obtain the contents of the widget The Java code will have to refer to the widget by its id The id will be generated by the system in the file
2. Because elements of an app are divided into different files, errors will be generated until the files are made consistent This means that some errors may end up being reflected as problems with the system generated file,
In summary, is the glue that holds different parts of an app together You need to be aware that problems show up there which simply mean that different parts of the app have not yet been created or are not consistent But you also need to remember that you never edit the file yourself
Finding in the Android Studio Interface is system generated and should not be edited or modified by the programmer For that reason, it is buried in the interface This makes a certain amount of sense But a programmer needs to be aware of it, and for many people seeing is believing So why not take a look at it?
The following overhead shows a screen shot of the Android Studio interface In it, notice that the project view is set to “Android” This is the way we’ve used the interface when looking at or activity_main.xml
You want a different project view if you want to find The following overhead shows going to the drop down menu for the project view
To find, take the “Project” view In that view, this path leads to the file: app/build/generated/source/r/debug/com.myexample… The screen shot on the following overhead shows the top of the file for the default app before making any changes
Suppose you followed along with the tutorial and add the widget with an id Then suppose you built the project The file would be changed If you scroll down through the many system supplied components that are automatically defined you will eventually reach the class named id
If you scroll down through the id class, you will eventually find the line highlighted on the following overhead This is the internal definition of the edit_message id which the system provides in the file
public static final class id { public static final int action0=0x7f0b0055; public static final int action_bar=0x7f0b0045; public static final int action_bar_activity_content=0x7f0b0000; public static final int action_bar_container=0x7f0b0044; public static final int action_bar_root=0x7f0b0040; … public static final int customPanel=0x7f0b0039; public static final int decor_content_parent=0x7f0b0043; public static final int default_activity_button=0x7f0b002a; public static final int disableHome=0x7f0b000c; public static final int edit_message=0x7f0b0054;
As you can see, the text name actually refers to a hexadecimal number, which is the actual unique identifier You will never use that numerical value The presence of this entry in means that later on when writing code, you will be able to refer by name to the object that was defined in the XML layout file
As a developer, you create layouts and other resources in XML files At build time, the system generates an file which contains entries for the resource components of your app These entries make it possible to use those components when writing the logic of the app in your own Java code
It is now possible to look again at the MainActivity It is now possible to look again at the code with greater understanding It’s given on the following overhead
package com. example. kascott. myapplication; import android. support package com.example.kascott.myapplication; import; import android.os.Bundle; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } }
The parameter is a resource defined in an XML file This is the line of code which is hopefully a bit clearer now than it was before: setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); The parameter is a resource defined in an XML file In the Java code for the app, it is referred to by the id which the system generates for it in
This model will be repeated when working with individual widgets When the application is built and run, an entry for the widget will be created in The app can make use of the resource by referring to its entry in
4.3 Activities
The next task in getting the app to work is writing code to respond to clicking the button in the layout that was defined earlier Putting an interface and actions together is, practically speaking, what an activity is all about
The beginning portion of the API documentation of the Activity class will be presented next This is a way of going one step further in understanding what an activity is so that the example app can be successfully completed
Activity public class Activity extends ContextThemeWrapper implements LayoutInflater.Factory2, Window.Callback, KeyEvent.Callback, View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, ComponentCallbacks2
java.lang.Object ↳ android.content.Context android.content.ContextWrapper android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
Known Indirect Subclasses ActionBarActivity, AppCompatActivity, LauncherActivity, PreferenceActivity, TabActivity Known Direct Subclasses AccountAuthenticatorActivity, ActivityGroup, AliasActivity, ExpandableListActivity, FragmentActivity, ListActivity, NativeActivity
An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. Almost all activities interact with the user, so the Activity class takes care of creating a window for you in which you can place your UI with setContentView(View).
[Sideshow for now] While activities are often presented to the user as full-screen windows, they can also be used in other ways: as floating windows (via a theme with windowIsFloating set) or embedded inside of another activity (using ActivityGroup).
There are two methods almost all subclasses of Activity will implement: onCreate(Bundle) is where you initialize your activity.
Most importantly, here you will usually call setContentView(int) with a layout resource defining your UI, and using findViewById(int) to retrieve the widgets in that UI that you need to interact with programmatically. [findViewById() will be a big deal]
[Sideshow for now] onPause() is where you deal with the user leaving your activity. Most importantly, any changes made by the user should at this point be committed (usually to the ContentProvider holding the data).
To be of use with Context To be of use with Context.startActivity(), all activity classes must have a corresponding <activity> declaration in their package's AndroidManifest.xml. [This is the end of the beginning part of the API on the Activity class.]
Commentary For now, we can rely on default creation of the manifest file The following overhead shows the contents of the manifest file so far At the moment, it’s apparent that we have an app (application) which is driven by (and whatever files the system recognizes as associated with it)
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.kascott.myapplication"> <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsRtl="true" android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> <activity android:name=".MainActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> </manifest>
4.4 Creating an Activity that Responds to a Button Click
Starting Another Activity After completing the previous lesson, you have an app that shows an activity (a single screen) with a text field and a button. In this lesson, you’ll add some code to MainActivity that starts a new activity when the user clicks the Send button.
Commentary Once again, the tutorials lead you by the nose, when it might be helpful to have a quick overview first The keyword sendMessage and a method named sendMessage() will be used in order to make the button in the app responsive to clicks
Responsiveness to clicks is inherent in a button The system will call the sendMessage() method when the button is clicked The body of the sendMessage() method implements the functionality that is to be executed when the button is clicked In this example, the functionality is that a new activity will be started which displays the input string (in other words, the input will be echoed)
In the code you write to accomplish this, you will make specific reference to the file Referring to the file and finding an element of the code by id are critical aspects of developing in Android
Respond to the Send Button 1. In the file res/layout/activity_main.xml, add the android:onClick attribute to the <Button> element as shown below: <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/button_send" android:onClick="sendMessage" /> This attribute tells the system to call the sendMessage() method in your activity whenever a user clicks on the button.
2. In the file java/com. example. myfirstapp/MainActivity 2. In the file java/com.example.myfirstapp/, add the sendMessage() method stub as shown below:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } /** Called when the user clicks the Send button */ public void sendMessage(View view) { // Do something in response to button } }
Specifically, the method must: In order for the system to match this method to the method name given to android:onClick, the signature must be exactly as shown. Specifically, the method must: Be public Have a void return value Have a View as the only parameter (this will be the View that was clicked)
Commentary: Note carefully the last statement given above: When the button is clicked in the interface, the sendMessage() method will be called When it’s called, the system will send a reference to the button as the parameter The parameter “View view” will be a reference to the button
[Back to the tutorials] Next, you’ll fill in this method to read the contents of the text field and deliver that text to another activity.
Build an Intent An Intent is an object that provides runtime binding between separate components (such as two activities). The Intent represents an app’s "intent to do something." You can use intents for a wide variety of tasks, but in this lesson, your intent starts another activity. In, add the code shown below to sendMessage():
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE"; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } /** Called when the user clicks the Send button */ public void sendMessage(View view) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMessageActivity.class); EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(; String message = editText.getText().toString(); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message); startActivity(intent); } }
Note: Android Studio will display Cannot resolve symbol errors because the code references classes like Intent and EditText that have not been imported. To import these classes, you can either 1) use Android Studio's "import class" functionality by pressing Alt + Enter (Option + Return on Mac) or 2) manually add import statements at the top of the file.
Comment: To make the key combination work, highlight the name of the missing class in the code file and then press Alt + Enter A little pop-up menu will appear with the option to import the class Comment Mode Off
The tutorials mention this later, but it’s the first bit of new code Comment: The tutorials mention this later, but it’s the first bit of new code Don’t overlook it public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE"; At the top of the method, you’re creating a constant string for use in a call later on
There’s a lot going on in sendMessage(), so let’s explain what's going on. The Intent constructor takes two parameters: 1. A Context as its first parameter (this is used because the Activity class is a subclass of Context) 2. The Class of the app component to which the system should deliver the Intent (in this case, the activity that should be started).
Note: The reference to DisplayMessageActivity will raise an error in Android Studio because the class doesn’t exist yet. Ignore the error for now; you’ll create the class soon.
Commentary This is quite phenomenal The tutorials skip over these two lines of code without explaining them EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(; String message = editText.getText().toString();
The first line of these lines of code illustrates what you have to do in order to get a Java reference to the editable text field you declared in your app code base Working from the inside out, you need to know the form of the name it is given in You need to call the method findViewById(), passing the name as a parameter
And you need to know that the thing you’re trying to get access to is an EditText object, so that you can cast the returned View to that type The second line of code is conceptually simpler You call getText() on the reference and call toString() on the result of that in order to acquire the text string that is currently in the editText view Comment Mode Off
[Back to the tutorial] The putExtra() method adds the EditText's value to the intent. An Intent can carry data types as key-value pairs called extras. Your key is a public constant EXTRA_MESSAGE because the next activity uses the key to retrieve the text value. It's a good practice to define keys for intent extras using your app's package name as a prefix. This ensures the keys are unique, in case your app interacts with other apps.
The startActivity() method starts an instance of the DisplayMessageActivity specified by the Intent. Now you need to create the class.
Commentary This overhead and the next two overheads summarize the foregoing: This line of code creates an Intent for future use: Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMessageActivity.class);
Commentary… In these two lines of code you acquire a reference to the edit text field and you get the text string it contains EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(; String message = editText.getText().toString();
Commentary… In these two lines of code, you create an intent containing the text string and you call startActivity() on “this”, passing the intent as the parameter intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message); startActivity(intent); The new activity will find out what it needs to know by checking the contents of the intent that was passed when it was started
Create the Second Activity 1. In the Project window, right-click the app folder and select New > Activity > Empty Activity. 2. In the Configure Activity window, enter "DisplayMessageActivity" for Activity Name and click Finish
Commentary Remember that the project window is the area to the left of the editor which shows the project in the form of folders and files You know you’re in the project window when the Project tab along the left hand margin is selected You right click the app folder in the project view to make a new activity See the following overhead
Following this procedure for creating the new activity is analogous to creating the new, empty app at the very beginning Creating the new app created the main activity Now you’re creating an additional activity belonging to the app
[Back to the tutorial] Android Studio automatically does three things: Creates the class with an implementation of the required onCreate() method. Creates the corresponding layout file activity_display_message.xml Adds the required <activity> element in AndroidManifest.xml.
Comment The following two overheads show a screen shot and the contents of a manifest file for a project with two activities There’s not really much to see here, but it is a concrete illustration of the statement that has been made multiple times already: An app may consist of multiple activities, and among the purposes of the manifest file is recording the activities that belong to it
<. xml version="1. 0" encoding="utf-8" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.kascott.echoingapplication"> <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:supportsRtl="true" android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> <activity android:name=".MainActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> <activity android:name=".DisplayMessage"></activity> </application> </manifest>
Commentary, Continued When you add an activity, in addition to creating the manifest file, the system creates the default layout and Java files, in their respective places in the project view The system opens the java file for the new activity in the editor This is shown on the following overhead It looks just like the default file, except the name is different
[Back to the tutorial] If you run the app and click the Send button on the first activity, the second activity starts but is empty. This is because the second activity uses the default empty layout provided by the template.
Commentary This is where we’re at: The original layout has an EditText and a Button Clicking the button triggers sendMessage() sendMessage() acquires the text message and starts a new activity, passing it the message In its current state, the app runs, but the second activity doesn’t yet echo This is illustrated on the following two overheads
The first activity runs fine The first activity runs fine. I can enter any message I want to in the EditText area. Clicking the SEND button is functional
Clicking the SEND button causes the second activity to run Clicking the SEND button causes the second activity to run. Its layout is shown on the device screen, replacing the interface for the main activity. But the second activity does not yet contain any functionality. Nothing else happens
Display the Message Now you will modify the second activity to display the message that was passed by the first activity. 1. In, add the following code to the onCreate() method:
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_display_message); Intent intent = getIntent(); String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE); TextView textView = new TextView(this); textView.setTextSize(40); textView.setText(message); ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; layout.addView(textView); }
2. Press Alt + Enter (option + return on Mac) to import missing classes. Comment: Remember, highlight the missing class name in the code, then press Alt + Enter in order to get the pop-up menu with the import option
There’s a lot going on here, so let’s explain: 1. The call getIntent() grabs the intent that started the activity. Every Activity is invoked by an Intent, regardless of how the user navigated there. The call getStringExtra() retrieves the data from the first activity.
2. You programmatically create a TextView and set its size and message. 3. You add the TextView to the layout identified by You cast the layout to ViewGroup because it is the superclass of all layouts and contains the addView() method.
Commentary The tutorial’s description is OK as far as it goes But I think two elements of the code deserve further emphasis They are the two places where the code refers to R
This is exactly analogous to what happened with the main activity At the beginning of the onCreate() method for the new activity, immediately after the call to super.onCreate(), you have this call: setContentView(R.layout.activity_display_message); This is exactly analogous to what happened with the main activity Here the parameter is simply a name in R
Then at the end of the onCreate() method for the new activity, you do this: ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; layout.addView(textView); This time you need to call findViewById() in order to get a reference to the layout Then you make the call to add the newly created text view to the layout for the new activity
Note: The XML layout generated by previous versions of Android Studio might not include the android:id attribute. The call findViewById() will fail if the layout does not have the android:id attribute. If this is the case, open activity_display_message.xml and add the attribute android:id="@+id/activity_display_message" to the layout element.
Commentary The previous overhead contains vital information—plus it seems muddled I installed the latest versions of everything on my machine In spite of that, the id was not automatically included in the XML file for activity_display_message The moral of the story simply is, include the id manually if necessary, regardless of what version you’re using
[Back to the tutorial] You can now run the app. When it opens, type a message in the text field, and click Send. The second activity replaces the first one on the screen, showing the message you entered in the first activity. That's it, you've built your first Android app!
Commentary With the needed id included, the build was clean and the app was runnable The following two overheads show it in operation The first activity allows you to enter a message Clicking the button starts the second activity, which displays the message which was sent to it
[Back to the tutorial] “To learn more, follow the link below to the next class.” Commentary: The next topic in this lesson is: Supporting Different Devices Although support for different devices is one of the great things about Android, this isn’t of primary importance now For your homework and project, you can restrict your attention to developing for a single device, not many different devices
4.5 Code Review
Although layouts are critical to an app, the contents of the layouts we’ve seen so far are not too complex, and won’t be reviewed here However, even though the code we’ve seen so far has been relatively short, it already exhibits a degree of complexity, so it merits review
The code is not computationally complex—it doesn’t “do” much It simply passes a message from one activity to another and displays it The complexity arises from the need to manage resources, like layouts, obtain and use id’s effectively, and create intents and start other activities
What follows is the complete Java code for both the main activity and the display message activity, with comments included This is intended to give a synopsis of the main points of what was covered in this set of overheads, where the tutorial takes the “lead you by the nose” approach, rather than a more global approach
Package and Imports /* If you use the development environment it will * automatically put your app into a package. */ package com.example.kascott.myapplication; /* Here are the general imports for the app. */ import; import android.os.Bundle;
/* You need to import the intent class and the view classes * in order to use them in your code. The view classes * correspond to the views in the layout in * activity_main.xml. */ import android.content.Intent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.EditText;
The App Class and the Standard Provided Methods /* This is the class of the app as provided by * system. */ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { /* This is simply a string constant which will be used later. */ public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE";
/* This method is the moral equivalent * of a main() method. It’s provided * by the system. */ @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); }
/* The sendMessage() method is called when the * button in the layout which belongs to the app * is clicked */ /* This is very important: Remember that in * layout terms, the button is a view. * The view that comes in as a parameter to * the method when the button is clicked * is a reference to the button. */ public void sendMessage(View view) {
/* The body of the sendMessage() method will come next. */ /* This is very important: In order to get handles * on the other views in the layout of the app so that * you can work with them in the app code, you have to * call methods to acquire them. You will see that the * calls are floating in space—they’re on the implicit * parameter. At this point we don’t really know what * the implicit parameter is. More explanations will * come later. For the time being, accept that the * calls can be made. * Notice these two critical elements of the calls: * 1. You specify the view you want a handle on by * sending its id as a parameter. * 2. You have to cast the return value to the specific * kind of view you were expecting back. */
/* Create an intent which goes from this, the implicit parameter, the main activity, to what will be the compiled class for the second activity. */ Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMessageActivity.class); /* Obtain a reference to the editText widget of the main activity by passing in its identifier from the R file. */ EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
/* Using the reference, make a call to acquire the contents of editText and convert it to a string. */ String message = editText.getText().toString(); /* Put the editText string into the intent, using the EXTRA_MESSAGE string constant as the other parameter. */ intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message); /* Start the activity indicated by the intent. In other words, run the code for the DisplayMessageActivity class. */ startActivity(intent); /* Package and imports. */ package com.example.kascott.myapplication; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.content.Intent; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView;
/* Class declaration and onCreate() method. */ public class DisplayMessageActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_display_message);
/* Acquire a reference to the intent that started this activity. */ Intent intent = getIntent(); /* Acquire the string that was sent to this activity. */ String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);
/* Create textView here in the program, not predefined in the layout file. Put the string from the intent into textView. */ TextView textView = new TextView(this); textView.setTextSize(40); textView.setText(message); /* Acquire a reference to the layout belonging to this activity and add textView to the layout. */ ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) findViewById(; layout.addView(textView);
Summary and Mission After 150+ overheads, your head can spin a little What was this all about? In summary, it covered everything you needed to know, every aspect of any file that you as a programmer need to touch, in order to create an echoing application.
From a Java programmer’s point of view, the code is not long Also, the functionality that’s implemented, echoing a message, isn’t complex However, the code itself couldn’t be characterized as simple by a person who is first learning to do this There is a trade-off going on
Each different activity has its own layout User interface design is isolated in the layouts, not in the Java code Much of what you have to work with ends up centralized in the R file The challenge is keeping track of all of the different files in the project, what has to go into them, and their relationships to each other
There is no one thing that’s most important Everything that is necessary to make this work is important Activities are fundamental Intents are also fundamental From a programming point of view, maybe the most important thing to get used to is acquiring references to things using the R file
What is your mission? You should be able to follow the steps given in order to create the echoing app that was described As with the other “missions” so far, this is not assigned homework and there are no points for it However, being able to do this is the basis for doing the homework assignments, which will begin with the next set of overheads
The End