Parents’ Guide for Year 6
Class 10 Mrs Rigby/Ms Fox Class 11 Mr Kane Teachers Class 10 Mrs Rigby/Ms Fox Class 11 Mr Kane
School website
The curriculum for 2017-2018 English Non-fiction Fiction Persuade (P) Non-fiction Fiction Persuade (P) Inform (I) Entertain (E) Poetry Autumn 1 Beowulf Michael Morpurgo Job Application Non-chronological Report Myth Autumn 2 The Great Kapok Tree Unbalanced Argument Diary extract from characters point of view Beowulf Poem (Narrative Poetry)
The curriculum for 2017-2018
Full long term map is available on the website. Long Term Map – Autumn 1 Full long term map is available on the website.
By the end of the year…. Children will be either: Emerging (working towards Y6 expectations) Expected (achieving almost all Y6 expectations) or Exceeding expectations Please note, exceeding is not awarded for Maths or Reading in the official SATs report.
Classroom Monitor This is an online tool for managing the curriculum and its assessment, tracking pupil progress and reporting to parents. As a school, we are committed to ensuring we have effective communication with parents and carers and we realise how this can make a big difference to our pupils realising their potential. The Classroom Monitor program helps us to involve you as parents and carers with your child’s learning. Our report-writing tool clearly links assessment scores to meaningful descriptions and achievements.
Attendance Attendance is always important, please help to ensure that your child is in school as much as possible. This will help them to keep up with the work which is happening in school.
SATS DATES Monday 14 May 2018 Tuesday 15 May 2018 Wednesday 16 May 2018 Thursday 17 May 2018
Homework Homework books and a homework letter will be handed out on a Friday Homework books should be returned to school on a Wednesday Reading books are to be returned to school as soon as they are completed. Many children are reading lengthier books and so we ask that the yellow reading record be sent back to school on a Wednesday with the name of the book and the page number that they are up to (even if they haven’t finished). Spelling and times tables will be sent out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.
Homework As a school we are moving all children towards a new reading system called Accelerated Reading (some children will have started this already). A national study has been conducted with this programme, which has given substantial evidence for rapidly moving children on with their reading (regardless of their current reading age). Presentation is important, even in homework books. We ask that maths homework is completed in pencil. English can be completed in blue or black pen. If a pencil is not available, please complete Maths homework in blue or black pen.
Mobile Phones If you send your child into school with a mobile phone, because they are walking home, this needs to be turned off and handed into the teacher as soon as they enter school. All phones will be kept in a safe place. Due to our rigorous safe guarding policy, children should not use their phone whilst in school, this includes on the school playground before or after school.
School Trips 2017-2018
School Trips 2017-2018 Autumn Term – Anglo-Saxons Spring Term – Fiddlers Ferry and Liverpool Islamic Cultural Centre – Al-Rahma Mosque (as part of our RE topic). Summer term – PGL and Alton Towers