Snarestone Primary School


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Presentation transcript:

Snarestone Primary School Curriculum Leaflet Swans Autumn 2 2016 English This term we are looking at stories in familiar settings Children will start to use simple punctuation in their writing. We will start to learn about features of non fiction texts. We will also look at poems with repetitive lines. Celebrations Music This term we learning the songs for our christmas production. Geography We will be learning about autumn and winter in the local area. Art/ Design and Technology We will be recreating landscapes using Claude Monet’s work as a model. Maths We will be focusing on developing secure number skills to 100. Science We will be looking at seasonal change in the natural world and in relation to the movement of the earth around the sun. R.E /PSHCE We will be learning about Special stories from the bible especially the Christmas story. We will be learning about the importance of hygene for health. ICT We will be using paint to support other curriculum areas.. P.E Children will be developing our skills using balls. We will be focussing on following patterns of sound to create dance.