Tutor @ Safeguarding Behaviour Anti-Bullying Safeguarding award. Aspirations Safeguarding award. A2L & PAS
Behaviour Reminders Be on time Be equipped and ready to learn Be engaged Active Listening All gadgets switched off and put away Show respect All food must be eaten in the dining room Be polite (No offensive language)
In the Classroom Stage 1: If you do not follow the academy expectations your teacher will be remind you. If this continues your name will be placed on the board. Stage 1: General classroom strategies used to promote the best possible classroom environment e.g. seating plans, consistency, teacher behaviour etc. Stage 2: Warning- : If you do not follow the academy expectations your teacher will be remind you. If this continues your name will be placed on the board. 1: If you do not follow the academy expectations your teacher will be remind you. If this continues your name will Stage 3: Your name will be recorded on the behaviour log and you will be expected to complete your work and resolve the issue with your teacher in a 10 minute call back that day. 2: Your name will be recorded on the behaviour log and you will be expected to complete your work and resolve the Stage 4: If your poor behaviour continues you will then be removed to matrix, your behaviour will be logged and this will be seen by the Curriculum Leader and Head of House as serious disruption. You will still be required to complete your work and resolve the issue with your teacher in a 10 minute call back that day. In addition due to the severity of being asked to leave the room a 30 minute after school house detention will apply. Stage 5: You will be removed to a separate area (room 131) and can remain there for the rest of the day. This is a serious disruption and leads to further consequences. You will spend your time working with SLT.
Detentions………… If you miss call back ……………. Failure to complete detentions will result in a parental meeting Failure to complete call back results in a 20 minute lunchtime faculty detention. Failure to complete this will result in a 60 minute Academy detention (Tuesday) Failure to complete this will result in a 90 minute Academy detention (Thursday) All disruption is monitored by your Head of House, Curriculum Leader and SLT. Continued disruption will result in reports and be seen as very serious disruption of learning in the Academy. All detentions are compulsory
Being on time………. The Academy begins at 8:30, it is essential your are in your tutor by that time. Failure to do so will result in an Academy detention on Tuesday nights. Persistent lateness will be seen as a serious issue and further sanctions including lunchtime isolations will be allocated. Lateness to lessons will be entered into the detention systems and you will be expected to complete your work in call back in that lesson.
Uniform……… Everyone must wear FULL Academy uniform. This does not include items such as skirts above the knee, trainers, Ugg boots, jeans, non-academy jumpers, leggings, large belts, cardigans, outdoor coats, hats/caps, coloured socks or any footwear containing colours other than black. Footwear or clothes with brand names or non-Academy jumpers Non-Full uniform will result in borrowing stock uniform/Isolation until parents are able to change your uniform.
On the corridors? Remember the corridors are now open for sensible and mature behaviour no food is to be eaten on the corridors. Hot food should not leave the canteen. If you are caught chewing, eating/drinking on the corridor, messing around on the corridor or littering you will lose your lunch and breaks and complete littering. Anyone smoking will lose their lunch and attend smoking cessation class. Parents will be contacted.
ü X Natural Hair Colours Un-natural Hair Colours – Blue/Red/Green/Pink/Purple etc. Wrist watch ‘’Gauge/Plug/Stretcher’ type earrings One Necklace/Chain worn inside the shirt Multiple ear piercings 1 flat ring Visible body piercings 1 pair of stud earrings
What’s new in behaviour? There will be a key focus- “All students should never be matrixed” Increased penalties for any student who uses verbally aggressive or upsetting language, makes physical contact with others, swears at staff or uses racist/homophobic words. We will challenge the boys to catch the girls up with good behaviour. We will challenge everyone to become an expert learner. Students who disrupt will be taken away from their classes
Anti-Bullying The anti-bullying peer mentors have worked on this definition for bullying. “Causing others harm on purpose, a number of times, when they are less able to defend themselves” There will be a lot of work over the year on anti-bullying. It is everyone’s job to eradicate all forms of bullying.
Anti- Bullying @ Sirius Any type of bullying or prejudice will not be tolerated You will complete a lot of work on bullying but to begin with it is vital that you report any of the following to your house leader or house assistant or tutor.
A2L and Pastoral Awards Are you going to reach expert learner this term?
Are you going to complete your pastoral award? Throughout the year you will have the opportunity to develop your pastoral knowledge and skills in order to complete your pastoral award levels- this will start this week in tutor with the staying safe award.