Anne Arundel County Public School District Profile October, 2013 By: Melanie Page
Total Number of Students Enrolled with Disabilities (Ages 3-21) Total = 7,932 students (10.1 % of total population) Intellectual Disability = 344 students Hearing Impaired = 26 students Deaf= 13 students Speech/Language= 1,558 students Visually Impaired= 15 students Emotional Disability= 459 students Orthopedically Impaired= 11 students
Total Number of Students Enrolled with Disabilities (Ages 3-21) Other Health Impaired= 1,093 students Specific Learning Disabilities= 1,938 students Multiple Disabilities= 934 students Autism= 881 students Traumatic Brain Injury= 576 students Development Delay= 576 students Developmental Delay- Extended IFSP= 63 students
Disabilities by Gender Total = 7,869 students Male = 5,416 students Female = 2,453 students
Disabilities by Race American Indian or Alaska Native= 24 students Asian= 144 students Black or African American= 2,134 students Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander= 20 students White= 4,448 students Hispanic or Latino= 710 students Two or More Races= 389 students
Students with Disabilities by Least Restrictive Environment Ages 6-21 Grand Total = 6,659 students Inside Regular Education Classroom 80% or More = 4,461 students Inside Regular Education Classroom 79-40% = 617 students Inside Regular Classroom <40% = 695 students Home = 4 students Hospital = 0 students
Students with Disabilities by Least Restrictive Environment Ages 6-21 CONTINUED… Public (Day) = 91 students Private (Day)= 322 students Correctional Facilities = 0 students Parentally Placed= 59 students
Number of Students Suspended Total Number of Students Suspended= 4,061 students Total number of Students with Disabilities Suspended= 1,634 students Total number suspended for more than 10 days= 11 students
Anne Arundel County Strengths Compared to other school districts in Maryland, Anne Arundel County Public Schools are strong in having a lower suspension rate than 16 other counties in Maryland. Another strength is the graduation rate, 41.3% of student graduate with a diploma and 8.6% graduate with a certificate.
Anne Arundel County Weaknesses A weakness for Anne Arundel County Public Schools is that 13.7 % of students with disabilities end up dropping out of school.
Recommendations My biggest recommendation for Anne Arundel County Schools is to decrease the drop out rate for students in special education. There are more programs that could be implemented to make sure students are finishing and gradating high school. Students need to complete with a diploma or a certificate. There should be a higher rate of students graduating and a lower rate of drop out students. Schools should include more certificate-career based programs, this will give the students another outlet other than an diploma or college.
Recommendations Continued Schools should include real life scenarios into the classes that are being taught to special education. They need to be aware of the students needs in the classroom and make sure they are being met at all times. All the high schools in Anne Arundel County need to improve their drop out rates for students with disabilities.
Resources Maryland Department of Education Maryland Public Schools Maryland Public Schools nningresultstest/doc/20132014Student/sped13.pdf