Analysis Optimization - Background Section Editors BaBar: Frank Porter(?) Belle: (?) Theory: no one B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31
Papers Belle BaBar Published Published 1) Reference 1) Maybe no papers from BaBar/Belle 2) ... Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: # Belle Published 1) Reference 2) ... Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : # Summary of papers (BaBar+Belle): 1) PRL: # 2) PRD: # 3) ....
Section subdivision Section Analysis optimization - Background Subsection Introduction Figures of merit Methods Subsubsection rectangular cuts Fisher discriminant (maybe not here?) Neural nets Binary decision trees Boosting Bagging Random Forest Approximate expected # pages needed for whole section: 10
Inter-correlation Foreseen resolution: related to Analysis Optimization serves as background Section Analysis Optimization - Background (Subsection (Title)) (Subsubsection (Title)) (Paper (Reference)) related to Section Continuum suppression PID Tagging Section (Title) (Subsection (Title)) (Subsubsection (Title)) (Paper (Reference))
Contributors Confirmed (beside section editors) BaBar: Belle: Names Un-confirmed BaBar: Jose Ocariz, Ilya Narsky, ? Belle: ?
Comments Not sure what sort of section this will be in the book, this is mostly a guess of the sort of introductory material that should be somewhere.