The Jungle Book
Symbolism: The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities practice of representing things with symbols In the movie the Jungle Book, many of the characters represent real live events attitudes, and people of the time. Can you guess what each of the following characters represent? Remember Kipling was born in the time of British Colonialism. Great Britain Colonized India Which characters represent the attitude of British Colonization? Some characters represent real live changes/situations. What characters do you think represent struggles in life? The movie “The Jungle Book “ was made in the late 1960’s. Which characters in the movie do you think represent events in the United States in the 1960s? Always explain why you picked a character to represent you topic.
Monkeys: Bander Log
Shere Khan
The Vultures
Col. Hathi
King Louie
The Jungle
Dawn Patrol
Hindu Gods Raksha the Demon is another name for who?
What is the Law of the Jungle? Rules we live by.