Ever tried to solve catch 22? May be a perspective problem
Some light entertainment to keep your brain busy – I hope you enjoy this How can we try to solve a catch 22 situation?
Catch 22 is a paradoxical situation with a contradiction Ever been in a situation where you cant do A without doing B and you cant do B without doing A? For example: To get the job you need the experience, To get the experience you need the job, – a catch 22 situation
Seems like you go around and around in circles? Yep That’s the point If you look at this conundrum as a circle from the top you get:
Catch 22 – cant do A with out B and you cant do B with out A A bit like A and B going around the circle above
So how do we try to solve it? Lets change our perspective Consider the circle as a dinner plate with A and B as two points on each side on the edge of the plate A B
Now instead of looking down over the plate pick it up and look at the edge with A and B on the edge:
Now think of the edge of the plate as a line So A and B come together if you look at the problem from a different perspective. It is often how we look at problems that determines how likely we are to solve them A B
Expanding this to a real life situation Eg: need to spend money to fix the house A to rent the house B to get the money to fix the house Instead of a focus on what cant be done try to look at the problem from a different perspective and work out what we can do (eg the side of the plate) Can I rent the house at a lower rent to get a some money to fix the house to spend on it to fix it as we go to get a higher rent in the future? Can I get some training to get the job that will help me with some experience to do the job in the future
Not saying that this is a solution to all Catch 22 problems We are saying that changing your perspective can help solve some of them Have a safe day