Primary health care
Outpatient physician visits in primary health care per 1000 inhabitants
Primary health care, outpatient visits other than physician visits per 1000 inhabitants
Inpatient primary health care, average length of stay
Patients seen by a physician in primary health care as % of total population
Reimbursement for visits to private physicians, recipients as % of total population
Persons aged 18 and over who have used oral health services in health centres, as % of total population of same age
Persons who have used private-sector dental services (reimbursement recipients), as % of total population
Health promotion capacity building in primary health care - TEA, score
Specialised somatic health care
Somatic specialist medical care, rate of utilisation
Somatic specialist medical care, cost index
Patients waiting over 6 months for access to specialised health care on 31 Dec per 10 000 inhabitants
30-day mortality in myocardial infarction patients, standardised ratio (%)
30-day mortality in stroke patients, standardised ratio (%)
Discharge of hip-fracture patients within 4 months, adjusted ratio (%)
Re-surgery of hip replacement patients within 2 years, adjusted ratio (%)
Mental health and substance abuse services
Mental health outpatient visits of adults per 1000 persons aged 18 and over
Outpatient visits in specialised health care, child psychiatry, per 1000 persons aged 0-12
Outpatient visits in specialised health care, adolescent psychiatry, per 1000 persons aged 13-17
Psychiatric inpatient care, care days per 1000 inhabitants
Patients in psychiatric inpatient care for over 90 days without interruption per 1000 inhabitants
Persons aged 18 and over subject to involuntary care (involuntary referral) per 1000 persons of same age
Cost of psychiatric specialised health care, euro per inhabitant
Persons aged under 23 waiting over 3 months for access to child and adolescent psychiatry on 31 Dec
Clients in specialized clinics for substance abusers, clients per 1000 inhabitants
Institutions for substance abusers, clients per 1000 inhabitants
Hospital inpatient care for substance abuse, patients per 1000 inhabitants
Housing services for substance abusers, clients per 1000 inhabitants
Social services for adults
Social care, social workers per 10 000 inhabitants (-2007)
Social assistance, recipient persons during year, as % of total population
Social assistance, euro per capita
Cost of services and financial support provided pursuant to the Act on Services and Assistance for the Disabled, euro per client
Child, adolescent and family services
Children aged 3-5 in child day care, as % of total population of same age, services funded by the municipality
Child-health-clinic visits in primary health care per 1000 persons aged 0 - 7
Child welfare clients in open care, aged 0-17 during year, as % of total population of same age (THL)
Placements outside the home for those aged 0-17, as % of total population of same age (THL)
Children aged 0-17 years placed in care or emergency placement according to the last placement decision, as % of total population of same age (THL)
Services for older people
Population aged 75 and over as % of total population
Living at home among those aged 75 and over, as % of total population of same age
Regular home care, clients aged 75 and over on 30 Nov, as % of population of same age
Support for informal care, persones cared for, aged 75 and over, during year, as % of total population of same age
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, clients aged 75 and over on 31 Dec, as % of total population of same age
Care in residential homes or long-term institutional care in health centres, clients aged 75 and over on 31 Dec, as % of total population of same age
Service costs
Operating net expenditure on the municipal social services and health care (excl. early childhood education and care (2015-), euro per capita