CHEN Yongqing Co-coordinator,EG-WIGOS OUTCOME FROM THE 1st SESSION OF EG-WIGOS Oct 31-Nov.1,2016, Abu Dhabi,UAE CHEN Yongqing Co-coordinator,EG-WIGOS
Outline Background Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II conclusion from the first session of EG-WIGOS Recommendation to the west Asia WIGOS implementation My presentation include five parts.
Outline Background Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II conclusion from the first session of EG-WIGOS Recommendation to the west Asia WIGOS implementation My presentation include five parts.
History of R-WIP-II Cg-16 (Geneva, 2011) (Res. 50) Decides to implement WIGOS Requests the regional associations To develop R-WIP To coordinate WIGOS implementation activities with the WIS in their operating plans and working programs To promote capacity-building and outreach activities to assist Members in the implementation of WIGOS RAII-15 (Doha, 2012) Decides to adopt R-WIP-II (Res. 3) Decides to re-establish RAII WG-WIGOS/WIS (Res. 11)
Brief introduction of R-WIP-II - Key Activity Areas for Regional WIGOS Implementation R-WIP-II is laid out in seven chapters that identify and describe the various activity areas to be addressed within this Region, which is corresponding to the following ten areas described in WIGOS Framework Implementation Plan v.1.0, (a) Management of WIGOS implementation; (b) Collaboration with WMO and co-sponsored observing systems; (c) Design, planning and optimized evolution; (d) Integrated Observing System operation and maintenance; (e) Integrated Quality Management; (f) Standardization, system interoperability and data compatibility; (g) The WIGOS Operational Information Resource; (h) Data and metadata management, delivery and archival; (i) Capacity development; (j) Communication and outreach.
Brief introduction of R-WIP-II - RA II WIGOS Implementation Activities Activity Deliverables Timeline Responsibility Potential Risks 1. Management of WIGOS Implementation in RA II 1.1 R Develop and update R-WIP-II Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan for RA II (R-WIP-II) Develop in 2012 and update if necessary Drafted by TT-R-WIP-II, to be adopted by RA II-15 (Dec 2012) and updated by RA II EG-WIGOS/MG Low (on-going) 1.2 Report progress of the RA II R-WIP-II Projects to RA II MG Progress reports 2013-2015 every year Coordinators of Projects 1.3 N Encourage RA II Members to appoint National Focal Point and submit national reports on progress of EGOS‑IP A list of RA II EGOS-IP National Focal Points RA II Members (Project No. I) Mod
2. Collaboration with WMO and co-sponsored observing systems 2.1 SR Examine data policy and exchange of surface-based remote sensing datasets/products for NWP use on an offline basis Exchange of datasets 2013-2014 Japan; Republic of Korea High 2.2 Examine data policies and exchange observational sand and dust data 2013
3. Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS and its regional, sub-regional and national observing components 3.1 R Review the progress of EGOS-IP in RA II based on EGOS national reports submitted by RA II Members Prioritized actions listed in the EGOS-IP 2015 China, Hong Kong, China (Project No. I) Mod 3.2 SR Design feasible and optimal draft design of integration of surface-based remote sensing observations based on OSE; use the results to update the RRR user requirements database and to fine tune the EGOS-IP and observing system plans. Draft design of integration of surface-based remote sensing observation based on OSE East Asia (Project No. III.1) High 3.3 Assess enhanced capacity in monitoring and forecasting of sand and dust storms by exchanged datasets; use the results to update the RRR user requirements database and to fine tune the EGOS-IP and observing system plans. Identified benefits from exchange of sand and dust data on a near real-time basis SDS-WAS Asian Node WG (Project No. V) 3.4 Develop strategic plan on development of the radar network. Draft strategic plan on development of the radar network Southeast Asia (ASEAN—SCMG: Thailand, Malaysia) (Project No. III.2) 3.5 Identify the requirements of NMHSs of developing countries, regarding satellite imagery, data and products, use the results to update the RRR user requirements database and to fine tune the EGOS-IP Reports on requirements of NMHSs of developing countries, regarding satellite imagery, data and products Japan, Republic of Korea, other satellite operators (Project No. VI)
4. Integrated Observing System Operation and Maintenance 4.1 R Collect and share standard and best practices documents from RA II Members Shared best practices on integration of observational systems 2013-2015 Republic of Korea (Project No. II) Low 4.2 SR Develop and share national reports toward operational rainfall estimation/forecasting based on radar data. Identified technical issues and lessons learned on operation of radar systems among ASEAN countries 2015 Southeast Asia (ASEAN—SCMG: , ) (Project No. III.2) Mod
5. Integrated Quality Management 5.1 R Survey and share the status on calibration instruments for surface-based observations in RA II Reports on status on calibration instruments for surface-based observations in RA II 2012-13 China, India, Japan (Project No. IV) Low (on-going) 5.2 Monitor data quality by utilizing monitoring reports on surface observations Improved data quality of surface observations 2012-15 Japan 5.3 Organize intercomparison between regional standards of RICs Traceability between RICs 2013-15 China, Japan High 5.4 Obtain ISO/IEC 17025 Enhanced RIC’s capacity Mod 5.5 Enhance supports by RICs, and encourage Members to work with RICs to ensure traceability to SI
6. Standardization, System Interoperability and Data Compatibility 6.1 R Survey and share the status on QC/QA procedures and site management for the network of RBCN and RBSN stations Reports on status on QC/QA procedures and site management in RA II 2013-15 Japan (Project No. IV) Mod 6.2 N Encourage the collection of metadata on observing stations Collection of metadata on observing stations RA II Members High
7. The WIGOS Operational Information Resource 7.1 R Develop a portal to share EGOS national reports Portal to share EGOS national reports 2013-15 China (Project No. I) Low 7.2 Develop a standards and best practices Portal Standards and best practices Portal Republic of Korea (Project No. II) 7.3 Develop QA/QC Portal QA/QC Portal Japan (Project No. IV) Mod
8. Data discovery, delivery and archival 8.1 R Encourage RA II Members to be designated as NCs and DCPCs RA II Members designated as NCs and DCPCs 2012-15 RA II EG on WIGOS Mod 8.2 Encourage RA II Members to share data via , including from organizations other than NMHSs New sources of data are available through
9. Capacity development 9.1 R Technical Training on QA/QC procedures Improved QA/QC at RBCN and RBSN stations 2013-15 China; India; Japan; Republic of Korea; Hong Kong, China; Kuwait; Russian Fedederation (Project No. IV) High 9.2 Hold training workshops on maintenance and calibration of meteorological instruments Improved capacity in maintenance and calibration of meteorological instruments 2013 Japan Low (being planned) 9.3 Develop training materials on maintenance and calibration of meteorological instruments Training materials on maintenance and calibration of meteorological instruments 9.4 Coordinate training activities on utilization of satellite data/products Improved capacity in utilization of satellite data/products 2012-15 Japan, Republic of Korea, , other satellite operators (Project No. VI) (on-going) 9.5 Establishing filed inter-comparison campaign for observation techniques Guidance to operate and maintain observation instruments Republic of Korea (Project No. II)
10. Communication and outreach 10.1 R Interlink RA II WIGOS portals and related websites Better access to RA II WIGOS-related information and products 2013-15 China; Hong Kong, China; India; Japan; Republic of Korea low 10.2 Develop RIC websites Improved access to information on RICs 2012-15 China, Japan (Project No. IV) Low (on-going) 10.3 Publish newsletter regularly Improved access to information on satellite data/products Japan; Republic of Korea, other satellite operators (Project No. VI)
Brief introduction of R-WIP-II Most of the activities will be implemented through seven “RAII WIGOS projects” under the initiatives of key regional players. EG-WIGOS has responsibility for tracking execution of these activities and projects. Most of the activities will be implemented through seven “RAII WIGOS projects” under the initiatives of key regional players. EG-WIGOS has responsibility for tracking execution of these activities and projects.
Brief introduction of R-WIP-II -RA II WIGOS Implementation Projects Project title Key regional players I Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II China; Hong Kong, China II Standard and best practise Portal, including technical documents with necessary details in English from all RA II Members Republic of Korea III.1 Observing systems integration for supporting disaster risk reduction - Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the China, Japan, Republic of Korea III.2 Observing systems integration for supporting disaster risk reduction - in Radar Techniques in the ASEAN (Thailand, Malaysia) IV Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support for NMHSs in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Japan V Developing a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Node VI Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Japan, Republic of Korea
Outline Background Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II conclusion from the first session of EG-WIGOS Recommendation to the west Asia WIGOS implementation My presentation include five parts.
Project. I Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II Key Regional Players: CMA, HKO (Hong Kong) Completed A portal for sharing the national progress of EGOS-IP implementation was established by CMA Meteorological Observation Centre (MOC). A report template has been prepared by S.T. Chen from HKO. The technical scheme of assessing the progress was drafted by CMA MOC. The evaluation indexes were divided into seven aspects: management, integration, observation capacity, products, standardization, data quality and acquisition, cooperation. On-going The report template will be posted to the portal. National focal points on EGOS-IP from Members will be invited to test the portal. The national progress report about EGOS-IP implementation will be requested to upload to the portal. The whole assessment of implementation progress for RA II will be completed in 2016.
Project. II Standard and Practical Portal, including Technical Documents with Necessary Details in English from all RA II Members Key Regional Players: KMA Completed KMA’s domestic project for standardization of met observations finished 1st phase (2013). By 2015, more than 3,600 sites data from 28 agencies (including local gov.) were collected into one system. 85% of the data are collected in real time. QCed data are open for domestic agencies for DRR, public broadcast and local governments. On-going Development of webpage for sharing the experience of standards and best practice. Form to collect standards and best practice from RAII Members will be developed and distributed after RAII- 16 session. The collected information will be shared through the webpage to exchange the experiences and know- how.
Project. III-1 Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the East Asia Key Regional Players: CMA, JMA, KMA Completed Real-time exchange of radar CAPPI products and automated weather station data between Japan and Korea Evaluation of Impact of assimilation of QPE over Korea on NWP over Japan On-going Progress of JMA-KMA projects will be monitored, and the benefit and difficulties of regional exchange of surface-based remote sensing observations will be identified. Based on the new RMDCN system between KMA and CMA, more detailed bilateral discussion on the issues of real-time radar data exchange will be initiated. KMA is developing the system for broadcasting the domestic GNSS data in BUFR via WIS/GTS, and it is expected to be finished and operational by the end of 2016. JMA will disseminate the domestic GNSS data in BUFR via WIS/GTS by mid of 2018.
Project. III-2 Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in the Southeast Asia Key Regional Players: ASEAN-SCMG: Thailand, Malaysia Completed ASEAN Regional Training Workshop on Weather Radar Maintenance, QPE and Forecast (Bangkok, 2014) with 20 participants from 7 ASEAN members. National reports on usage of weather radar (Thailand and Malaysia submitted to 35th ASEAN/SCMG, 2013) TMD – JMA technical meetings on radar issues started in 2011 and followed by 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 meetings as activities of WMO/ESCAP Typhoon Committee. MMD – JMA technical meetings on radar issues started in 2014. BMKG – JMA technical meetings on remote- sensing technology started in 2015. On-going Continuous activities for capacity building on QA/QC techniques of weather radar in Southeast Asia thorough technical meetings. Experimental radar data exchange for radar composite map in Southeast Asia subsequent to the technical meetings on radar issues. Thailand proposed to hold Regional Training Workshop on Weather Radar Quality and Standardization at ASEAN/SCMG (Myanmar, Aug 2016). To be approved as RA II/V Joint WIGOS Project as proposed as Jakarta Declaration. Consider further involvement of other Members in the Regions. Consider the establishment of Coordination Group for effective management of the project.
Project. IV Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Key Regional Players: JMA (Coordinator) and Coordination Group Completed WMO/JMA Survey on met. instruments, calibration and training in RA II was implemented, and the consolidated report was issued as WMO/IOM No. 122 (available on RIC Tsukuba website) The users’ needs were clarified (i.e. lack of standard instruments, SI tractability etc.) So-called “RIC-Tsukuba Package”, combination of cooperative activities; Preliminary survey Provision of standard instruments and/or inspection equipment On-the-job training Follow-up successfully implemented in some NMHSs (i.e. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc.) On-going To develop a draft report for the WMO/JMA investigation survey (implemented in 2016) on quality management of meteorological observation by NMHS in RA II. To hold a workshop focusing on sharing and transferring technical skills of observations quality management. Continue providing “RIC-Tsukuba Package” to ensure traceability of instruments and improve quality of surface observation in RA II. To enhance RIC-Tsukuba webpage in friendly and attractive manner.
Project. V Develop a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Asia Node Key Regional Players: CMA, JMA, KMA Completed The three dust forecast models (from CMA JMA and KMA) have been continuously operated. A web portal to display in real time all SDS models including ECMWF and NCEP forecast products was developed. Dust forecast model products verification has been carried out. Data –exchanged list has been identified. On-going RA II encouraged China to realize its plans related to sand and dust storm-related services and recommended a demonstration of operational forecasting capabilities. CMA will apply for WMO RSMC (Regional Specialized Meteorological Center) with activity specialization on atmospheric Sand Dust Forecasts.
Project. VI Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Key Regional Players: JMA, KMA and other satellite operators in RA II Completed Establishment of the Project website RA II WIGOS Project Newsletters (quarterly) Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC): 4th Conference, Melbourne, Australia (Oct 2013) 5th Conference, Shanghai, China (Nov 2014) 6th Conference, Tokyo, Japan (Nov 2015) 7th Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Oct 2016) Russia, India and Indonesia newly joined. Memorandum signed by PR from sponsors (WMO EC-68, 2016) Coordination Group meetings: 3rd meeting, Tokyo, Japan (Nov 2015) 4th meeting, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Oct 2016) Held training seminars on meteorological satellite data for NMHSs in Asia and Pacific region along with AOMSUC. Support users for smooth transition to the new generation satellites. Tutor programs (dispatching experts on satellite data utilization) for users in Asia and Pacific to facilitate efficient use of Himawari-8. Feasibility study on Himawari-8 event-driven rapid-scan with AuBoM. On-going RA II WIGOS Project Newsletters on satellite issues to be continued. Promote supportive activities of user readiness for new generation satellites, considering coming launches of Himawari-9 (2016), FY- 4A (2016), GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (2018). Enhance training events on usage of Himawari-8/9. (Corresponding activities for FY-4A, GEO-KOMPSAT-2A will also be expected) AOMSUC and training seminar 8th Conference (Vladivostok, Russia, 2017)
Outline Background Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II conclusion from the first session of EG-WIGOS Recommendation to the west Asia WIGOS implementation My presentation include five parts.
Conclusion 1– Achievements of WIGOS Projects(1) EG-WIGOS he WIGOS projects have gained initial achievements. Project I A portal for sharing the national progress of EGOS-IP implementation was established Project II KMA’s domestic project for standardization of met observations has provided a model for RA II
Conclusion 1– Achievements of WIGOS Projects(2) Project III-1 Real-time exchange of radar CAPPI products and automated weather station data between Japan and Korea Project III-2 Experience was shared by ASEAN Regional Training Workshop on Weather Radar Maintenance, QPE and Forecast (Bangkok, 2014) with 20 participants from 7 ASEAN members.
Conclusion 1– Achievements of WIGOS Projects(2) Project V The three dust forecast models (from CMA JMA and KMA) have been continuously operated A web portal to display in real time all SDS models including ECMWF and NCEP forecast products was developed Dust forecast model products verification has been carried out. Data –exchanged list has been identified
Conclusion 1– Achievements of WIGOS Projects(4) Project IV WMO/JMA Survey on met. instruments, calibration and training in RA II was implemented, and the consolidated report was provided So-called “RIC-Tsukuba Package” was successfully implemented in some NMHSs (i.e. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc.)
Conclusion 1– Achievements of WIGOS Projects(5) Project VI Establishment of the Project website Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC) Training seminars on meteorological satellite data for NMHSs in Asia and Pacific region along with AOMSUC was held Tutor programs (dispatching experts on satellite data utilization) for users in Asia and Pacific to facilitate efficient use of Himawari-8
Conclusion 2– Proposal to the Continuation of WIGOS Projects EG-WIGOS recommended that 6(5) of 7 Projects should continue in the next four years and should be updated in accordance with the new requirement of preoperational phase of WIGOS.(I,II?,III-2,IV, V, VI)
Conclusion 3 –new WIGOS project proposals New projects should be added if necessary,
Conclusion 4– WIGOS Centers WIGOS Centers should be established in pilot mode in the next RA II session. The WIGOS Centers should cover west and east Parts of Region II Unlike WIS, RWCs do not have responsible countries to take care of. The function of WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System should be included in RWC A proposal paper will be prepared and submitted to RA II MG meeting next month.
Conclusion 5– RBON A road map for the implementation of RBON will be developed A task team on develop of RBON in RA II is proposed to be established
Conclusion 6–Updating of R-WIP-II EG-WIGOS recommended that a new version of R-WIP-II should be developed and should focus on the key issues of pre-operational phase of WIGOS. The a new version of R-WIP-II will be submitted to the RA II – 16 for approval.
Conclusion 7–Updating of RBSN/RBCN EG-WIGOS recommended that the current RBSN/RBCN list will still be operational until the new RBON is formally operational by the end of 2019. The RBSN/RBCN list should be updated and be submitted to the RA II 16 for approval. When the RBSN/RBCN list being updated, the requirements of RBON should be considered, the status of potential candidate RBON station should be stated.
Conclusion 8–Future Structure of EG-WIGOS Naming of Theme Leader to be changed to Project Leader Project leaders should be identical to those mentioned in the template. Task Team on RBON to be established (Task Team leader will be a member of EG-WIGOS)
Outline Background Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II conclusion from the first session of EG-WIGOS Recommendation to the west Asia WIGOS implementation My presentation include five parts.
Recommendation for the West Asia WIGOS Implementation Urge the PRs to nominate the focal points for ,WIGOS OSCAR/ Surface, if not yet done Urge that updated WIGOS metadata are provided in OSCAR/Surface Urge the implementation of WIGOS at national level Provide adequately trained staff to support WIGOS implementation
Recommendation for the West Asia WIGOS Implementation Consider the development of Regional WIGOS centre pilot project in West Asia Communicate and promote the concept and benefits of WIGOS in the Region and nationally; Support Radio Frequency protection in RA II at national level Support the development of the RA II WIGOS project “V. Developing a Sand & Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Asia Node”
Thank you!