Presented to you by Lucky Clovers 5 Care Queenstown Primary School Lights Of Our Future Presented to you by Lucky Clovers 5 Care Queenstown Primary School
3 Things We Know The natural resources are limited. There is too much CO2 emissions in the atmosphere because of the burning of fossil fuels. Too much greenhouse gases in the air which causes global warning.
Sustainable Green Idea 1 People use too much tissue paper.
Sustainable Green Idea 1 Use a towel or handkerchief instead of tissue paper when you sneeze, sweat or cough, etc. SAVINGS About $2.50 per month if you use a handkerchief/towel instead of tissue paper We can buy 2 packets of chicken rice and a drink
We use more water than we need Sustainable Green Idea 2 We use more water than we need
Sustainable Green Idea 2 We can take a pail and leave it outside the house on a rainy day and after the rain, we can use the rain water collected in the pail to water the plants. Less WATER will be used SAVING About $65 per month We can use the amount saved to buy 60 UNIBALL Pens($1 each) and 2 small Rubik’s Cubes($2.50 each)
Sustainable Green Idea 3 We use air-conditioners whenever we feel warm and hence we use a lot of energy.
Switch off the air-conditioner and use a fan instead ENERGY USED Sustainable Green Idea 3 Switch off the air-conditioner and use a fan instead ENERGY USED A window unit AC uses 500 to 1440 watts. A floor fan uses only It uses 100 watts on the highest speed, and ceiling fans use only 15 to 90 watts depending on speed and size.
Switch off the air-conditioner and use a fan instead Sustainable Green Idea 3 Switch off the air-conditioner and use a fan instead SAVING If there are three air – conditioners in a house, each month they have to pay $147.42. If they use three fans instead, they only have to pay $9.21. So, they can save $138.21 per year if they do not use an air-conditioners. They can buy 138 country erasers with that much money and make a poor child’s day.
Given $500, we can do the following: TURN OFF AIR - CON WHEN NOT IN USE 1 air – con costs $1500. 3(approx. no. of air-cons -household)air - cons cost $3500(due to promotional values). Hiring a labour to assemble them costs $300. Total cost= $3800 1 table fan costs $30. 3 fans cost $90 There is no need to hire a labour. Total cost= $90 $3800/year $90/year Yearly Electricity Cost: Total monetary savings per year= $3800-$90= $3710 for the 1st year Assuming the fans work for 3 years= $11,130 for 3 years.
How we will benefit from the conservation: Energy use: Less energy will be consumed if you use fans. Waste reduction: Cheaper than buying 3 air – cons. The parts of an air – con are not very common so it might be a waste if you lose it or spoil it.
Given $500, we can do the following: We can buy a fan and save the remainder for other useful things like stationery, books, tuition fees, etc.
The possible problems in implementing the 3 ideas We still have to use fabric to make a towel/handkerchief IDEA 2: Aedes mosquitos might be able to breed, causing dengue fever to spread. IDEA 3: Some people are too poor to afford a fan
Our wish towards turning Singapore into a ‘Green’ global city state: Remind each other to keep Singapore a clean and green city. We should encourage others to live a sustainable lifestyle.
What we enjoyed: Learning new stuffs/things and listening to others What we found difficult: We keep on disagreeing with each other The greatest strength of this project is: The power of the teamwork
Acknowledgement services We would like thank our teachers and instructors from SABIC Miss Ivy Tan, Miss Sylvia Tay(Teachers) Mr Sreepad and Ms Amelia(Instructors from SABIC)
THANK YOU! Done by Lucky Clovers Josh Lim Jun Sheng Jovan Tan Fang Jun Riya Philip Fu Yun Jia THANK YOU!