What we deal with… Various subjects from more than 10 different textbooks will be discussed Each textbook costs 100 USD or more, up to 800 USD. Never try to buy it for yourself Digested syllabus will be uploaded on the web board All the topics should be understood and be memorized during the class Please do not study further after the class Terminology from Latin and Greek for biology and medicine Biological and medical basics for the beginner Applied engineering to biology and medicine Each session is composed of 2 weeks The first week: basic science The second week: applied science
Evaluation of fulfillment Attendance check by Quiz at every class Attendance itself: 20% - checked by quiz paper Quiz at the beginning (2 questions, starts 10:20 and ends 10:30):15% Quiz in the end (1 question): 15% Exception/excuse should be noticed before the class or be reported after the class with the permission letter of supervising professor Report: 15%, one or two times Exam: questionnaires with choices Mid term: 15% End term: 15% Performances during the class: 5% 7 or more non-attendance will make impressive grade, “F”
Francesco Redi (1665) Louis Pasteur (1864)
Robert Hooke Micrographia 1665
Omnis cellula e cellula
Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie (1877) (Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler)
Emil Fischer The Nobel Prize: Syntheses in the Purine and Sugar Group (1902) Friedrich Miescher (1869): nuclein
Take home message Please let me know… Less than A4 both sides Your current research subject Attractive research subject to you : we will discuss the topics in the ‘applied’ classes Your dream: What will you be after 20 years later : my personal interest, for future consult or mentoring Less than A4 both sides hand-writing, 한글 or English Until Wednesday Quiz will start on next Monday