Alessandro Palmero 1996-2000 2000-2002 2002-2006 2006-2008 Since I left IDS I have been living in Belgium, Eritrea and the Democratic Republic of Congo, always working for the European Commission. I am more and more convinced that IDS has been a worthy two years of my life. IDS gave me not only knowledge and tools, but also method. In my work I don’t do research, but read and examine quite a lot of country analysis and research out of all disciplines. Thanks to IDS I can understand it better and try to act consequently. On a more mundane plan, I divorced in 2002. My daughter Blanca, some of you might remember her, is now 12 and lovely as usual. She lives with her mother in Uganda, but we can meet regularly. Been quite inactive the last 6 months, due to a bad crash in Thailand last December. Bit better now… Alessandro Palmero 1996-2000 2000-2002 2002-2006 2006-2008 Brighton After MPhil, I started a PhD. Its non-completion remains one of my greatest frustrations Brussels – I joined the European Commission as a grey “fonctionnaire” I worked two years in Brussels, in the External Relations Division, programming the use of a special fund to promote democracy, human rights and governance and organizing EU electoral observation missions Asmara, Eritrea – EC Delegation Political and Economic Adviser, doing mainly country and regional analysis – At the same time, I also worked on Sudan (Darfur and East) as political adviser to the EU Special Representative for Sudan Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo – EC Delegation Head of Cooperation. Trying to programme and spend (wisely) EC funds for development cooperation and coordinating a group of 35 people.