Disciples Women JEOPARDY
100 200 300 400 500 Resources Places to Go People to Know Social Justice Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500
Resources– 100 This is the official resource and Bible Study for Disciples Women’s Ministries provided by IDWM and the Office of Disciples Women. What is Just Women magazine? Back to Board
Resources- 200 This four year event, begun in 1957 is a networking, fellowship, worship and leadership training opportunity for all women?. What is Quadrennial Assembly? Back to Board
Resources- 300 The quarterly newsletter published by Disciples Women and is available for a free download from the website. It shares what is happening with Disciples women across the country. What is “Voices”? Back to Board
Resources– 400 These are a means of teaching the spiritual discipline of giving gratitude for the gifts received from God. Since 1999, they have contributed over $2,000,000 for the mission of the church. What are Blessing Boxes? Back to Board
Resources– 500 This newsletter is published by Disciples Women’s Ministry of National Convocation and is available for free download. What is “UMOJA”? Back to Board
Places to go - 100 This is a mission/study experience which enables women to personally meet with and begin to understand the needs and issues of people in other countries. It is a life changing experience. What is Woman-to-Woman Worldwide? Back to Board
Places to go - 200 This is a mission experience designed to help women look at their own communities with new eyes and fill the part of the purpose statement that says we are to take personal responsibility for the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. What is Women’s Action Web (WAW)? Back to Board
Places to go – 300 The designated country for the 2012 WWW journey. What is China? Back to Board
Places to go- 400 The 2010 WWW delegation journeyed to this country. What is Turkey? Back to Board
Places to Go - 500 The 2011 WWW delegation visited these countries in September. What are the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Back to Board
People to Know- 100 Her rich life and legacy was the focus of Volume 1 of the Wisdom of Women. Who is Nancy Heimer? Back to Board
People to Know- 200 This teacher, writer and historian shared her life and wisdom in Volume 2 of Wisdom of Women. Who is Melvia Fields? Back to Board
People to Know- 300 The Executive Director and Program Director of Disciples Women’s Ministries. Who are Pat Donahoo and Sheila Spencer? Back to Board
People to Know- 400 The President and Vice President of International Disciples Women’s Ministries? Who are Mary Jacobs and Laverne Thorpe? Back to Board
People to Know- 500 This Yale Divinity School Graduate and former missionary to the Congo became the first woman to lead a main-line denomination. Who is Sharon Watkins? Back to Board
Social Justice - 100 This world-wide issue, which happens in every country including the United States, has become the Social-Justice focus for IDWM. What is Human Trafficking? Back to Board
Social Justice - 200 The Disciples Women Ministry recently presented a resolution that was unanimously approved at this event. What is the 2011 General Assembly? Back to Board
Social Justice - 300 The money generated by those who participate in Human Trafficking is second only to this industry. What is illegal drug sales? Back to Board
Social Justice - 400 This is the title which IDWM has put on our efforts to combat Human Trafficking. What is Breaking the Chains? Back to Board
Social Justice - 500 This more graphic name has often been used when describing the issues around Human Trafficking. What is Modern Day Slavery? Back to Board
Potpourri - 100 These are the names of the Facebook pages that are created by Disciples Women’s Ministries. What are Disciples Women and Just Women Magazine? Back to Board
Potpourri - 200 You can go to this location for information on Disciples Women’s Ministries. What is www.discipleswomen.org? Back to Board
Potpourri - 300 The Ministry Associates who work in the Disciples Women’s Ministries office. Who are Beverly Ledwon and Regenia Smith? Back to Board
Potpourri - 400 This is the year when we will gather for our next Quadrennial Assembly. What is 2014? Back to Board
Potpourri - 500 This features letters, articles, musings and ponderings written by Pat Donahoo. What is “Patchwork of Ponderings”? Back to Board