Concept Mapping Sheet Stimulus Number _____ Using each of the stimuli from the samples, attempt to create a storyline for each one considering the following points……………………. Structure linear/non linear Characters (including character status, relationships, purpose, voice and movement etc) Plot (including time period, events, location, key moment, climax etc) Form A play, scripted or improvised Dance drama Mime Monologue Movement Musical Pantomime Forum theatre Concept Mapping Sheet Stimulus Number _____ Themes and Issues (remember your issues come from your theme) Convention/s Flashback, Flashforward Freeze frame, Frozen picture Mime, Monologue Movement, Slow motion, Narration Voice over, Aside, Soliloquy Tableau, Split Stage Theatre Arts (Sound, Lighting, Set, Costume , Makeup, Props) Genre The following are standard genre, however you may find a performance has a more specific genre i.e. ‘kitchen sink’- Comedy, Tragedy, Crime drama, Docudrama, Melodrama Commedia dell ‘arte, Farce, Tragicomedy, Satire