Theatre Arts/Fundamentals I Mr. Baines Spatial Awareness Theatre Arts/Fundamentals I Mr. Baines
Stage directions Stage directions are notes in the script usually written in italics and enclosed in parentheses or brackets. They describe: The where and when How the characters should say their lines How the characters should move onstage. They may explain the character’s mood. Stage directions may also describe sets, costumes, props, lighting, and sound effects.
Basic Stage Vocabulary Stage directions apply to the actor as he/she faces the audience Stage Right –R the actor’s right Stage Left –L the actor’s left Downstage –D nearest the audience Upstage –U away from the audience C – Center Stage
Other Stage Vocabulary Onstage – the acting area within the set, visible to the audience Offstage – the parts of the stage not enclosed by the setting Backstage – the area behind the setting Wings – the offstage areas to the left and right of the acting area House – the auditorium where the audience sits (also called ‘out front’)
Body Positions Five basic positions: One quarter……………… Full front………… Profile………………………... Three quarter….. Full back……………………
Other Important Maps
Other Important Maps