Chesapeake Bay Environmental Literacy Workplan Update District of Columbia Dec. 14, 2016 | Grace Manubay
Major Accomplishments MWEE Scope and Sequence documents posted (high school): Anacostia Environmental Youth Summit Approximately 400 students in attendance from 13 schools NGSS/EL training for nonformal educators (with Center for Inspired Teaching) Approximately 25 educators from 19 organizations Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre 16 elementary schools adopting grade-by-grade environmental programs Grade 4: Anacostia/Potomac River connection Grade 5: Overnight MWEE emphasized (funded separately)
Successful Approaches DC Public Schools’ Cornerstone Initiative provided elementary science professional development for the first time in many years. Engineering Is Elementary units have environmental contexts. Half of the facilitators were environmental educators: great way to show our commitment to collaboration! Integration of MWEE as a requirement in OSSE’s School Gardens grant. Opening up the conversation for garden-based MWEEs. 2017 Environmental Literacy Plan Providing space for activities that are part of our performance targets (e.g., training program for students to provide environmental/ sustainability tours of their buildings)
Challenges Capacity – haven’t had time to set up meetings the following meetings: Charter school LEAs University partners Slow start for DCEEC sustainable schools grant – may have lost momentum from last year, must work to re-engage stakeholder interest in DC green/health/sustainable school certification DCPS elementary science professional development dropped again, will need to find another “in” to collaborate
Opportunities to collaborate Environmental Literacy Guides project Based on work being done in Oregon and Colorado Building on the DC Environmental Literacy Framework, the document will focus on providing teachers with ideas for activities Local Wellness Policy guidance revision DC Healthy Schools Act has a requirement for “increasing environmental sustainability in schools” Do other states have environmental sustainability indicators in their template?