My Bondage and My Freedom by Fredrick Douglas English 3 Objective: Students will recognize the importance of significant events in real life experience My Bondage and My Freedom by Fredrick Douglas
Monday, December 2, 2013 Read page 494 Write an outline for page 495 Define autobiography and tone Vocabulary: congenial, benevolent, stringency, depravity, consternation, redolent Begin reading from, My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass p. 497-502
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Finish reading, from My Bondage and My Freedom by Fredrick Douglass p. 497-502 Answer questions 1-6, Review and Assess p. 502 Answer in complete sentences pulling support from the text as necessary. Establishing a purpose q. 7-9 page 503
Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 College Admission Essay A college application often requires you to write about an experience that helped shape you as a person. Just as Douglas described how knowledge freed him, you to can identify a key event in your life and describe its effect on you. Page 505
Thursday, December 5th, 2013 Student objective: Students will prepare for upcoming summative by reviewing important concepts and the relevant vocabulary terms Review Questions 1-6 p. 502 Edit and Revise College Admission Essay
Friday , December 6th, 2013 Turn in notes form page 495 Review and Assess page 1-6, 502 Reading Strategy, Establishing a purpose q.7-9 page 503 Essay, College Admission Essay Final Draft Staple all of these assignments together in the order above and turn into the basket at the front of class. Make sure your name, the date and period are on your papers.