Preparing for class tests
How are you intelligent? One theory suggests that there are 8 ways that people are intelligent: Musical intelligence (music smart) Visual-spatial intelligence (picture smart) Linguistic intelligence (word smart) Logical-mathematical intelligence (number smart) Kinaesthetic intelligence (body smart) Interpersonal intelligence (people smart) Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart) Naturalistic intelligence (nature smart) Take a test here, here or here
General principles Involve your brain Use blocks of 20 minutes Give yourself a reward after studying Plan what you will revise when Do leave it until the last minute Better to revise little and often rather than in big blocks
Reading your folder Making notes Writing questions Testing each other Methods of revision Reading your folder Making notes Writing questions Testing each other Teaching others Effectiveness
Reading your folder This is the least effective way of revising. Your brain is only involved for the first few minutes, then you lose concentration Good if you are word smart
Making notes Write down the key points for each section of the test Use index cards to keep the sections separate Use bullet points Move on from these to add questions about each section You could also record audio notes to listen to later Good if you are word smart, self smart, number smart
Diagrams Create a mindmap of what you will be tested on Include diagrams or drawings as this helps memory Draw diagrams to show systems or processes you need to remember Good if you are picture smart or number smart
Writing questions Try to think how your teacher would ask these questions in a test Write questions for each section of the test Assign points for each question Come back to these questions a few days later and try to answer them Test others with your questions Search the internet for suitable questions for your subject and grade Good if you are word smart, self smart, number smart
Testing each other Prepare some questions about what will be in the test. Arrange to meet as a group to test each other Could be on the internet, could be at lunchtime, could be after school Very effective! The best way to learn something is to teach it. Good if you are word smart, self smart, number smart, people smart
Teaching others Work with others and arrange to teach them about a section of what will be in your test You could work with others in your group, so you each teach a section You could teach your parents You could use Skype or Google Chat etc. Good if you are word smart, self smart, number smart, people smart