Fifth partner meeting in Alytus June


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Presentation transcript:

Fifth partner meeting in Alytus June 05-06 2017 CSF “Garstycios grudas” Fifth partner meeting in Alytus June 05-06 2017 The possibilities of the target group (convicts) to develop transversal competency

Chosen competences Conflict solution competence Social competence Civic competence

The purposefulness of chosen competences Conflict solution competence we chose it because in our work practice we often facing with convicts inability to resolve conflicts and the need to teach them of this competence. Social competence It has been chosen because for each convict the lack of this competence leads to a number of difficulties or even problems.

The purposefulness of chosen competences Civic competence we have chosen because in our work with prisoners it seemed a new and noteworthy, because we are trying to raise the convicts to be full-fledged members of society, and at the same time real citizens.

What are transversal competences? Competence – the entirety of certain knowledge, skills and attitudes, demonstrated ability to perform tasks, actions according to the contractual requirements.

Lifelong Learning competence - European Reference Framework 1. Communication in the mother tongue; 2. Communication in foreign languages; 3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; 4. Digital competence 5. Learning to learn; 6. Interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences; 7. Enterprise 8. Cultural expression.

THE RECOMENDATION OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL about lifelong learning competence In this document competences are defined like a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Transversal competence –the skills which are required for all individuals personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social integration and employment. By the end of basic education young people should have the necessary transversal competences for adult life, also to develop them further, update and maintain lifelong learning.

All three of our competences are in one of the selected 6th field which is called - Interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences Definition: These competences – all forms of behavior, when people are prepared for effective and constructive participation in social and working life, particularly in increasingly diverse societies, and to solve conflict where necessary.

Interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences Civic competence helps people fullfledged to participate in civic life, based on social and political concepts and structures of knowledge and a commitment to active and democratic participation.

The basis of this competence The skills of constructive communication in different environments, different viewpoints and understanding, negotiating by the creation of trust and understanding expression. People should be able to cope with stress and frustration and to express it in a constructive way, also should be able to separate personal and professional spheres.

Skills are related with the ability to actively participate in public life with others to show solidarity and interest in solving problems affecting the local and wider community. This is – critical and creative reflection and constructive participation in community and (or) neighborhood activities and decision- making at all levels - from local to national and European, in particular by voting.

The basis of building a positive attitude It is evaluation and understanding of comprehensive human rights, including equality, which is the essence of democracy, and respect for the differences between the various religious and value systems of ethnic groups.

The positive approach based on The feeling of belonging to own locality, country, EU and Europe in general and some part of the world, and the desire to participate in democratic decision making at all levels. Constructive participation also involves civic activities, support for social diversity and cohesion and sustainable development, and a readiness to respect others values and privacy.

Basic skills training rarely it is adapted to the needs of citizens of all ages. Under these circumstances, the creation of our training competencies creates significant added value by providing a reference tool for the development of general skills necessary for convicts to integrate into society and the labor market.

PARTNERS EXERCISE'S TESTING We choose three exercises that seemed appropriate for our rehabilitation program Excercises: „I“ statement Assertive behavior Learning to learn

TESTING RESULTS „I“ statement This exercise was interesting for rehabilitants and expert who performed the test, because for its implementation is necessary proper concentration, meditation and proper behavioral expression. We will use it for our clients / inmates in rehabilitation program.

TESTING RESULTS Assertive behavior To implement this exercise is not enough 30 minutes. It took 45 minutes, to do everything till the end. Probably because it is a novelty for expert and for clients. Exercise "Fairytale" is very realistic and giving not one solution.. We definitely will use this exercise in our practice.

TESTING RESULTS Learnin to learn - Three minutes task. Assessing implemented experiment by the time, for us average time of task implementation is 7 minutes. After this exercise, the majority of clients were not satisfied with their concentration and were asking how they can to develop their focusing on task in other way.

TESTING RESULTS Learning to learn – visual memory This exercise shows how the participant can concentrate, describes the level of attention, whether participant decision to solve the problems is considered or spontaneous. It's really important to find out implementing rehabilitation program for inmates

Competence development need for convicts This product created by this project is a very useful in developing transversal competencies of convicts to achieve efective integration into society and the labor market.

Thank you for your attention