YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO DO THIS Read this question from an A2 exam paper. Between you, work out the key words and make a list of the issues you think you would need to discuss to gain the maximum number of marks. YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO DO THIS There were many rumours flying around in the spring of 2011 suggesting that the Government wanted to change the rules about best before date labels on food in an attempt to cut the amount of food wastage in this country. The Food Standards Agency have announced that they have no plans to scrap these date marks on food labels, but say that they are working with the Waste Resources Action Programme to discuss how to improve “use by” and “display until” dates. Read the article above. To what extent do you agree with the suggestion that date stamping produces food waste (10 marks)
0-3 Marks – a limited response which covers only the most obvious points. The answer lacks strong and relevant argument. 4-7 marks – a reasonable answer which covers the main issues. A good level of argument with examples. 8-10 marks – an excellent understanding of the issues. The argument is well considered, with relevant examples and original thought.
There were many rumours flying around in the spring of 2011 suggesting that the Government wanted to change the rules about best before date labels on food in an attempt to cut the amount of food wastage in this country. The Food Standards Agency have announced that they have no plans to scrap these date marks on food labels, but say that they are working with the Waste Resources Action Programme to discuss how to improve “use by” and “display until” dates. Read the article above. To what extent do you agree with the suggestion that date stamping produces food waste (10 marks)
People have been warned not to eat food that has gone past the use by date. Some people confuse sell by and use by Many people over shop, over-estimating the amount of food they will actually need. Many people have a high disposable income and it doesn’t matter to them if they buy too much food. Many consumers shop weekly and don’t plan for the use of leftovers so they buy new and throw away the old. Many consumers are de-skilled (lack cooking skills) and rely upon packaged food and ready meals, which they are afraid to eat one the product goes out of date. If they used fresh ingredients the amount of disposable packaging would drastically be reduced. Disposing of waste is easy and cheap so people tend not to act responsibly in minimising waste. If there were no date stamps there may be less waste, but more incidences of food poisoning and food manufacturers would be at risk of being blamed if people got ill. Some people argue that the dates make people buy more food products, which in turn is of benefit to the manufacturer. Perhaps the government should try to reduce ready-meal production and promote more home cooked food.
A2 FOOD TECHNOLOGY 2013 UNIT MAX MARK A* A B C D E Exam Food 3 Raw 84 73 68 61 54 47 40 Coursework Food 4 85 78 71 63 56 AS UMS 200 160 140 120 100 80 A2 UMS 400 360 320 280 240 180
Unit 4 Context Which of these starting points is going to be the most helpful and enable you to do well in the coursework? Bread products There has been a steady increase in the number of people suffering from coeliac disease with latest figures showing that one in a hundred people have coeliac disease which can be diagnosed from childhood onwards. This shows there is a need for a new product. Design a single product for a young professional person.
DESIGN OBJECTIVES Should include: Target group (male/female and age) Nutritional needs Foods already on market Substitute ingredients Dietary needs Retail outlets Appropriate information about portion size, costs, sensory How much to pay Type of product Environmental issues
MANUFACTURING OBJECTIVES Should include: Ingredients in market Cost of ingredients Availability of ingredients (seasonal) Impact of cost of ingredients upon price Portion size Packaging Labelling Storage/shelf life Marketing
Context and objectives 1 Detailed and perceptive understanding of the context which is then used to determine the objectives of the design and manufacture activity. 2 Sound understanding of the context which is used to determine the objectives of the design and manufacture activity. 3 Some understanding of the context which is used to determine the objectives of the design and manufacture activity. 4 Little understanding of the context which is used to determine the objectives of the design and manufacture activity. 5 Minimal or no understanding of the context which is used to determine the objectives of the design and manufacture activity. (1) 5 marks (2) 4 Marks (3) 3 marks (4) 2 marks (5) 0-1 mark
All the exemplar work shown on this slide is from a high B grade piece of work – although told it is an A grade!
4 pages of design ideas (not cooked) 10 design ideas (cooked) 8 Developments
This piece of work got 4 out of a possible 5 marks.