Enhancing Intuitive Decision Making Through Implicit Learning (I2BRC) Paul J. Reber & Ben Reuveni, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University Audiovisual Category Learning Task Enhancing IDM using IL Research Question(s) & Approach Correct answer is based on hidden dimension structure and embedded auditory cues Arbitrary categories based on 4 stimulus dimensions: Terrain (hilliness) Vegetation (tree density) Weather Time of day IDM = Intuitive decision making -Effective use of instinct, gut reactions IL= Implicit learning -Phenomenon of learning without awareness Goal: Using IL methodology to quantify and enhance effective IDM Developing a new IL/IDM protocol -Moving from laboratory work towards simulation-based training Goals: -Task must require a complex decision -Learning is gradual over training session -Effect of implicit learning can be quantified Will provide a testbed to measure the effectiveness of IDM enhancing training Task: Your group needs to travel across this terrain quickly. Which formation do you think will let you arrive on time? Cat. Hills Trees Time Weather Auditory Cue Alpha 0.442 0.783 0.753 0.288 Cardinal Bravo 0.748 0.410 0.877 0.241 Blue Jay Charlie 0.449 0.392 0.683 0.592 Eaglet Alpha Bravo Charlie Background Theory Set-up: 450 Total Trials (150 per category) Feedback after each trial - Learning by trial and error Auditory Predictive Cues embedded in natural background noise 80% present / 80% predictive 64% True Cue, 20% No Cue, 16% False Cue Preliminary results: Terrain dimensions learned relatively evenly. True Auditory Cues enhance performance. Some evidence of conscious rule discovery by verbal report Some identified bird calls aided in category discrimination. Memory is not just one thing - We “remember” things we encounter or try to memorize In the brain: medial temporal lobe memory systems - We get better with practice and experience In the brain: pervasive neuroplasticity mechanisms How do we use information represented in different parts of the brain to guide decision making? Project Outline * Dimension scales = 0.0-1.0 Embedded Predictive Cue Results Task 1 -Establish learning in substantial sample -Assess awareness of knowledge Task 2 -Embed probabilistic cues learning implicitly -Quantify performance difference with/without cues Task 3 -Measure effectiveness of manipulations such as stress, speed, distraction, meditation, etc. PINNACLE Two route, competitive model -Deliberate cognition -Implicit intuition When does implicit learning lead to accurate intuitive judgments? When does and explicit strategy inhibit intuition? Model-derived training recommendations Explicit, deliberate Implicit, intuitive Decision Module Gating Input Status Intuition: implicit knowledge of patterns, statistics, associations Conscious, explicit memory: Rules, heuristics, examples Perception Evaluation of options, action selection Next Steps Lengthen protocol or shorten trials duration to increase exposure to subtle cues. Change frequency and predictive power of embedded auditory cues. Manipulate cognitive state of participant to determine state effects on IDM. n = 11