RSC May 2017.


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RSC May 2017

World Convention 37 WCNA Updates Sign up to receive information about the 37th World Convention of NA, to be held from 30 August thru 2 September 2018 in Orlando, Florida, USA. You will receive updates as they are available. WCNA 37 “The Magic is Still Real” Presentation by NAWS was introduced at the Florida Service Symposium

Guiding Principles: The Spirit of our Traditions NA’s new book, Guiding Principles: The Spirit of Our Traditions is available for purchase in hardcover or softcover You can order the book through our Regional Service Office  (Almost 40,000 copies have been distributed) A limited, hand-numbered, special edition of Guiding Principles is now available for $30 . . . Limited to 7,000 copies . . . Includes a coordinating debossed leatherette bookmark ================================================== Product News Flash JFT Calendars available $11.75 Keychain Medallion Holder $8.00

World Board Happenings A few reminder about input deadlines: Mental Health/Illness IP Project—Ideas about what you would like to see in such an IP are due 1 June. For more information: Daily Meditation Book—Ideas about what you would like to see in a new meditation book are due 1 June. For more information: Convention & Events Toolbox—A draft of a potential tool for those working on convention and events program is posted for input until 15 June Local Service Toolbox—A draft of CBDM Basics has been posted for input until 5 July

Contribution Portal World Service has launched a new contribution portal. Over the past few years, some of you have asked for a history of personal and group/service committee contributions. This new portal will allow contributors to see their past contributions dating back to June 2015, and keep track of any new ones going forward. As always, all personal data will be held securely by the payment gateway, to ensure the privacy of financial information. For questions regarding the portal or about contributions in general, please email You can access the new portal at

PR/FD Zonal Contact The 2016–2018 NAWS Strategic Plan includes a project focused on the relationship between public relations and Fellowship Development and the need for more collaboration and planning. This cycle’s strategy is to “Support the efforts of NA service bodies —especially those of Zonal Forums—to strengthen and grow NA as part of a coordinated, comprehensive PR Strategy that advances the Vision for NA Services.”

PR Pamphlet Another thing NAWS wants to announce is that the PR pamphlet, Narcotics Anonymous and Persons Receiving Medication-Assisted Treatment, is at last available. Thank you to all of you who gave input to improve the piece. This pamphlet is intended for professionals who prescribe medication to treat drug addiction. IT is posted online at and copies are available for order from NA World Services.

Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust The Conference has clearly stated that only literature written by addicts for addicts and approved through global decision making at the WSC should carry the NA name. And, in a delegated responsibility from the fellowship, NA World Services is the sole publisher and distributor of that literature. World Service continues to believe that members with information remain in the most advantageous position to halt copyright infringements, and they welcome opportunities to help.

IDT’s The Issue Discussion Topics for the cycle are: Introduction to Guiding Principles Atmosphere of Recovery in Service Applying Our Principles to Technology and Social Media. Workshop outlines, PowerPoints, and handouts for the IDTs are all posted at If you put on a workshop locally, don’t forget to send us the input. The input helps us better understand local needs and concerns. NAWS will summarize what we’ve heard in the Conference Report each cycle. NAWS will send an eblast when workshop and discussion questionnaires are developed.

Social Media Social Media as a PR Tool Project: The use of social media by other non-profits and twelve-step programs will be researched, along with any public NA PR pages. Please contact if you have experience with this.

Recovery Literature Projects NAWS is collecting input to help shape two recovery literature projects that will be included in the project plans for consideration at WSC 2018. One is a meditation book and another is an IP on recovery and mental illness/mental health. NAWS has posted webpages for each project with input questions online to fill out and downloadable forms you can use for your local workshops. Please spread the word to any interested addict. More voices means better literature. The deadline for this is 30 April 2017. Mediation book page:  Mental illness/mental health IP page:

Project Deadlines A few reminders about input deadlines: Mental Health/Illness IP Project—Ideas about what you would like to see in such an IP are due 1 June. For more information: Daily Meditation Book—Ideas about what you would like to see in a new meditation book are due 1 June. For more information: Convention & Events Toolbox—A draft of a potential tool for those working on convention and events program is posted for input until 15 June Local Service Toolbox—A draft of CBDM Basics has been posted for input until 5 July

Web Meetings If you would like to join and discuss issues and solutions in service efforts, please send your name, trusted servant position, and region and/or area to for conventions, for H&I and Inmate Step Writing committees, for PR/PI trusted servants, and for Service System. These member-driven web meetings are held every three to four months. ========================================================= Upcoming Additional Web Meetings Saturday 17 June, 1-2:30 pm PST: CBDM Basics input Tuesday 20 June, 1-2:30 pm PST: CBDM Basics input

Workgroup Participation NAWS wanted to let you know that at our the next Board meeting they will Be discussing workgroups for Delegate Sharing and WSC Seating. The latter is the workgroup that will review the 2018 applications for seating and make recommendations about each application. If you are interested in serving on either of these workgroups, please email and let us know. NAWS will be coordinating several virtual focus and workgroups, and possibly some face-to-face workgroups this cycle. If you are interested in ‘The Future of the WSC’; ‘Service Tools’; ‘WSC Seating’ or any other projects, please let the World Board know at If you have not completed a World Pool Form, please complete one at

Future of WSC Seating The broader question about a sustainable approach to the future of WSC seating is one that NAWS will be framing for discussion and input. Discussions this cycle will focus on WSC sustainability and effectiveness; consensus building, discussion protocols, and decision-making processes during the Conference; and how we spend our time in between Conferences in relation to planning, communicating, and building consensus. NAWS has no immediate plans to form a workgroup on this broader question but they look forward to talking together— delegates, Board members, and interested members— throughout the cycle in the hopes that they can have productive discussions about next steps at WSC 2018.

SEZF Our March Report to the SEZF has been posted on our Website Minutes of that meeting are also posted on our website Next meeting will take place in Alabama/NW Florida in July

Florida Service Symposium Florida Service Symposium was held at our last RSC weekend This was a big undertaking and drew participants from many other Regions including World Board Participants Thank you all who participated ================================================= What went well? What did not go so well?

World Service Publications Reminder: These periodicals come to you without charge via email subscription  NAWS Update WCNA Update Just For Today NAWS News Reaching Out NA Way

Living Clean Chapter 3 When we act together, we are greater than the sum of our parts, smarter than our decisions, and more powerful than we think we are.

July 2017 RSC TBA