Elektronika Daya (Power Electronics) Pekik Argo Dahono
Isi Kuliah Pendahuluan Saklar Semikonduktor Daya Konsep-konsep dasar Penyearah Dioda Konverter thyristor Konverter daya dc-dc Konverter daya dc-ac Soft switching converters Switched mode dc power supplies Power conditioners and UPS DC Drives AC Drives Harmonic Problems
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Buku Rujukan Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, “Power Electronics”, 3rd ed., Wiley 2003. Rashid, “Power Electronics”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2004.
Additional Readings Kassakian, Schlecht, and Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison Wesley, 1991. P. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics”, Oxford, 1998. R. erickson, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer, 1999. Trzynadlowski, “Introduction to Power Electronics”, Wiley, 1998. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Industrial Applications Society Annual Meeting Records IEEE Power Electronic Specialist Conference Records IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Records IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Meeting Records European Power Electronics Conference Records IEEE Power Electronics and Drive System Conference Records IEEE International Telecommunication Energy Conference Records
Rencana Kuliah Minggu ke 1 : Introduction to power electronics Minggu ke 2 : Switching devices Minggu ke 3: Basic concepts Minggu ke 4: Diode rectifiers Minggu ke 5 : Thyristor rectifiers Minggu ke 6: DC-DC Converters Minggu ke 7: DC-AC Converters Minggu ke 8: AC-AC Converters
Rencana Kuliah Minggu ke 9 : Control of static power converters Minggu ke 10 : DC Motor control Minggu ke 11 : AC Motor control Minggu ke 12: Modern rectifiers Minggu ke 13 : Transmisi dan distribusi Minggu ke 14 : Soft switching Minggu ke 15 : Offices and home appliances