Ventilated underground tunnel as a contribution for sustainable refurbishment of buildings affected by rising moisture Jiří PAZDERKA, Eva HÁJKOVÁ Department of Building Structures, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Presentation outline Remediation methods - air cavities Current design of ventilated underground ducts New technical solution of air ducts Drying efficiency - laboratory test Results and discussion Acknowledgement Research project „Analysis of the Effectiveness of Modern Methods of Rehabilitation of Buildings Affected by Moisture“, no. SGS15/128/OHK1/2T/11.
Remediation methods - air cavities Additional protection of buildings against moisture rising from the subsoil Principle: enable an air flow along the surface of moist structures to ensure sufficient evaporation of moisture from the structure High demands for the durability of materials used in the structures of the air duct
Current design of ventilated underground ducts Conventional air duct based on a masonry structure
New technical solution of air ducts New sustainable solution: A specially shaped concrete block
New technical solution of air ducts Ventilated tunnel (concrete blocks) installed into a historic masonry building
Drying efficiency - laboratory test Scheme of a laboratory model with air duct in a scale of 1 : 2
Drying efficiency - laboratory test Arrangement of laboratory model
Drying efficiency - laboratory test Laboratory test – Timeline months
Results and discussion The final values of the moisture readings w [wt. %] , after 3 month of ventilation using The velocity of the flowing air in the duct 0.05 m/s Decreased of moisture in the masonry by 43 % on average.
Results and discussion The initial values of moisture after 30 days of using the fan
Results and discussion The final values of moisture after 90 days of using the fan
Conclusion Effective solution for the additional protection of historic buildings against ground moisture - high durability and simplicity In comparison with contemporary masonry air ducts - more sustainable (higher durability of used structures) Respecting the original appearance of historic buildings without damage to historic masonry Moisture in the masonry decreased by 43 % on average compared to the reference sample
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