Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“) QoL Value+ Protector Read Slide Presented by Trevor Keeble, Director of Product Training Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company ("AGL“)
Introducing Value+ Protector What is the Value+ Protector? Value+ Protector index universal life insurance is an innovative and flexible protection-focused product designed to help serve your clients’ long-term needs for personal and business financial security. It combines many of the advantages of guaranteed universal life insurance with special features and crediting strategies that help reduce costs and deliver maximum value.
Quality of Life…Insurance® Product Portfolio Competitive and flexible products designed to meet your clients’ various needs Death Benefit Protection Cash Value Accumulation Competitive Product Portfolio Competitive cash value accumulation and income distribution potential in target market ages 35-55 Proprietary Volatility Control Index that helps stabilize returns Persistency bonus credited from year 6 that can further boost cash value and income QoL Max Accumulator+ Competitive premiums to carry in target market ages 40-70 Guarantee to life expectancy – generally age 85 up to age 100 Strong cash value growth with downside protection from volatility control index option and guaranteed persistency bonus QoL Value+ Protector Competitive guarantee premiums in target market of age 55+, most competitive guarantee to age 100-110 Built-in ROP in year 20 and 25 with no additional cost Guaranteed cash value accumulated in the policy QoL Guarantee Plus II Competitive premiums and living benefit riders Innovative design that is truly customizable - multiple durations to meet your clients’ exact insurance needs Attractive conversion provisions with conversion credits for certain years QoL Flex Term The Value+ Protector offers unique provisions for accessing excess cash value in the policy without reducing initial death benefit and in some cases increasing the death benefit. Other options include living benefits that accelerate the death benefit, thus protecting other family assets from being depleted to support a chronic illness or longevity. Strong Index Performance Feature Excess Funding Feature Accelerated Access Solution Lifestyle Income Solution Select Income Rider Premium Protection Rider Plus No-cost Living Benefit Riders covering chronic, critical and terminal illnesses on all products
Top Key Messages An attractive bridge product between GUL and Cash Accumulation IUL Helps provide security of a guaranteed death benefit like traditional GUL products Flexibility and attractive cash accumulation that is found in Indexed Universal Life products Competitive, low-cost death benefit focused IUL with built-in living benefits! Compared to QoL Performer Plus, this product offers longer guarantees for the same premiums QoL Value+ Protector offers tax-free death benefit with “dial-able” guarantees up to age 100 QoL Performer Plus offers more limited guarantees only up to age 80 Competitive price for protection focused IUL with guaranteed protection available up to age 100. Living Benefit Enhancements – chronic illness rider with no permanency requirement and higher maximum cap, plus longevity rider for supplemental income1. Two completely innovative options to access cash value without impacting death benefit.1, 2 Three index crediting strategies available including our new proprietary volatility control index – ML Strategic Balanced Index®.3 Account value enhancement beginning in year 6. Option to select a guaranteed income stream for beneficiaries that will grow at a fixed interest rate. 4
QoL Value+ Protector Selling Points QoL Accelerated Benefit Riders – Built in chronic, critical, and terminal illness protection. Two completely innovative options to access cash value without impacting death benefit.1, 2 Three index crediting strategies available including our new proprietary volatility control index – ML Strategic Balanced Index®.3 GUARANTEED account value enhancement beginning in year 6. Competitive price for protection focused IUL with guaranteed protection available up to age 100. Living Benefit Enhancements – chronic illness rider with no permanency requirement and higher maximum cap, plus longevity rider for supplemental income1. Two completely innovative options to access cash value without impacting death benefit.1, 2 Three index crediting strategies available including our new proprietary volatility control index – ML Strategic Balanced Index®.3 Account value enhancement beginning in year 6. Option to select a guaranteed income stream for beneficiaries that will grow at a fixed interest rate. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. 1. Under current federal tax law, partial withdrawals are reportable to the policy owner, and may be taxable. 2. Limitations apply. 3. IUL is not a direct investment in the stock market. Provides the potential for interest to be credited based in part on the performance of a specified index.
QoL Value+ Protector Selling Points Accelerated Access Solution Rider – Additional Chronic illness rider with no permanency requirements & higher maximum limits.1 Lifestyle Income Solution Rider – Longevity rider for supplemental income.1 Select Income Rider – Option to select a guaranteed income stream for beneficiaries that will grow at a fixed interest rate. Competitive price for protection focused IUL with guaranteed protection available up to age 100. Living Benefit Enhancements – chronic illness rider with no permanency requirement and higher maximum cap, plus longevity rider for supplemental income1. Two completely innovative options to access cash value without impacting death benefit.1, 2 Three index crediting strategies available including our new proprietary volatility control index – ML Strategic Balanced Index®.3 Account value enhancement beginning in year 6. Option to select a guaranteed income stream for beneficiaries that will grow at a fixed interest rate. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. 1. Under current federal tax law, partial withdrawals are reportable to the policy owner, and may be taxable.
VALUE – Clients are looking for lower prices and extended guarantee periods Alternative to GUL with 10% lower premium and 5% higher targets.1 Competitively priced against most protection IULs. Affordable design, combined with flexible features to help you serve more clients and win more cases in all rate classes and funding patterns. Competitive rates on level pays that carry to 105. Competitive single pays with optional Premium Protection rider. Can potentially reduce required premiums with Select Income Rider.2 Alternative to GUL with 10% lower premium and 5% higher targets.1 Also competitively priced against most protection IULs. Affordable design, combined with flexible features to help you serve more clients and win more cases in all rate classes and funding patterns. Competitive rates on level pays that carry to 105. Competitive single pays with optional Protected Premium rider. Can potentially reduce required premiums with Select Income Rider.2 1 When QoL Value+ Protector is illustrated at 6%. 2 The rider must be selected at the time of policy purchase. There is no additional fee for this rider. A portion of the installment payments under this rider may be taxable.
QoL Value+ Protector Target Market Read comparison
$250,000 Face Amount SNT – Level Pay to Lifetime (Age 121) 4.75% Age 30, Male Product Illustrated Rate Premium % Diff vs QPP Guar Age CSV YR 20 QoL Performer Plus 4.75% $1,551 --- 69 $28,916 QoL Value+ Protector $1,335 -14% 90 $20,592 6.00% $1,126 -27% 81 $15,310 QoL Value+ Protector @QPP Premium 95 $32,248 Walk through example
$250,000 Face Amount SNT – Level Pay to Lifetime (Age 121) 4.75% Age 40, Female Product Illustrated Rate Premium % Diff vs QPP Guar Age CSV YR 20 QoL Performer Plus 4.75% $2,058 --- 74 $40,657 QoL Value+ Protector $1,736 -15% 97 $28,069 6.00% $1,467 -28% 82 $21,468 QoL Value+ Protector @QPP Premium 102 $45,027 Walk through example
ACCESS TO CASH - Clients want to increase protection and access funds The QoL Value+ Protector offers attractive provisions for accessing excess cash value in the policy without reducing initial death benefit and in some cases increasing the death benefit. Strong Index Performance Feature Excess Funding Feature Premium Protection Rider Other options include living benefits that accelerate the death benefit, thus helping to protect other family assets from being depleted to support a chronic illness or longevity. QoL Accelerated Benefit Riders Accelerated Access Solution® Lifestyle Income Solution® The Value+ Protector offers innovative provisions for accessing excess cash value in the policy without reducing initial death benefit and in some cases increasing the death benefit. Other options include living benefits that accelerate the death benefit, thus protecting other family assets from being depleted to support a chronic illness or longevity. Strong Index Performance Feature Excess Funding Feature Accelerated Access Solution Lifestyle Income Solution Select Income Rider Premium Protection Rider
Key Terminology BENCHMARK PREMIUM: The Benchmark Premium is a level annual premium which is used to determine the Excess Funding option. BENCHMARK CASH VALUE: The Minimum Benchmark Cash Value is calculated using a tracking account that applies the same premium and current charges as the policyholder account value with the exception that interest will be credited on the tracking account at a fixed rate. (5.50%) You can locate these values on the Your Narrative Summary page of the illustration The total cash withdrawal benefit for all combined options will be limited to the lesser of $100,000 and 10% of the Specified Amount whichever is lower. Exercising the ABRs, Chronic Illness or Terminal Illness will result in forfeiting the liquidity options. All other riders do not effect the liquidity options.
Excess Funding Feature If clients pay extra premium into their policy to achieve additional tax advantaged growth, they can use this unique liquidity option to withdraw excess premiums in policy year 20 with no decrease in their initial death benefit,1 if there is available cash surrender value in the policy.2, 3 If clients pay extra premium into their policy to achieve additional tax advantaged growth, they can use this attractive liquidity option to withdraw excess premiums in policy year 20 with no decrease in their initial death benefit, if there is available cash surrender value in the policy. 1. Option election dates are at the end of the 20th policy for issue ages 0-64 or the later of age 85 or the end of the 5th policy year for issue ages 65-85. 2. Under current federal tax law, partial withdrawals are reportable to the policy owner, and may be taxable. 3. Limitations apply.
Excess Funding Feature Assume the policyowner funds the policy at $500 above the Benchmark Premium of $3,489 for 20 years, then they withdraw the additional funds in year 20 and pay only Benchmark Premium in future years: The policy earns a 6.05% hypothetical crediting rate: Annual Premium Cumulative Premiums End of Policy Year 20 Benchmark Premium $3,489 $69,780 Hypothetical Premium – Additional $500/Year for 20 years $3,989 $79,780 Funding Access Available $10,000 Review example. Male 45 Preferred Non-Tobacco $500,000 DB 6.05% Illustrated Rate Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
Only Benchmark Premium With Additional Funding After Withdrawal Excess Funding Feature What happens if the Policyowner exercises the Cash Access from Excess Funding Feature? Only Benchmark Premium With Additional Funding After Withdrawal Death Benefit $500,000 Cash Value Year 20 $63,316 $68,852 At 6.05% Hypothetical Crediting Rate Premiums at Years 21+ $3,489 Policy Guarantees Death Benefit To Age 85 Age 91 Policy Stays Inforce To Age 121 Cash Value at Age 100 $408,263 $605,173 Review example. Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
Illustrating Benchmark Premium (Excess Funding) The Value+ Protector offers innovative provisions for accessing excess cash value in the policy without reducing initial death benefit and in some cases increasing the death benefit. Other options include living benefits that accelerate the death benefit, thus protecting other family assets from being depleted to support a chronic illness or longevity. Strong Index Performance Feature Excess Funding Feature Accelerated Access Solution Lifestyle Income Solution Select Income Rider Premium Protection Rider
Illustrating Benchmark Premium (Excess Funding) Read slide
Strong Index Performance Feature If values in the policy exceed benchmark assumptions due to strong index performance, this differentiated liquidity option allows clients to withdraw the excess cash value, either in policy year 20 or at age 85 – with no decrease in the initial death benefit or length of death benefit guarantee.1 The cash can be used as desired, or to buy additional paid-up life insurance without further underwriting.2 If values in the policy exceed benchmark assumptions due to strong index performance, this one-of-a-kind liquidity option allows clients to withdraw the excess cash value, either in policy year 20 or at age 85 – with no decrease in the initial death benefit or length of death benefit guarantee. The cash can be used as desired, or to buy additional paid-up life insurance without further underwriting. Option election dates are at the end of the 20th policy year (for issue ages 0-64) and the later of age 85 or the end of the 5th policy year (for all issue ages). Under current federal tax law, partial withdrawals are reportable to the policy owner and may be taxable. Limitations apply.
Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. Strong Index Performance Feature Male 45 PNT, $500,000 DB Assume the policyowner pays a premium which will guarantee the policy to age 92: Benchmark Cash Value rate = 5.50%. If the policy actually earned 6% the results would be as follows: End of Year 20 At Age 85 Benchmark Cash Value $77,048 $304,108 Cash Surrender Value $81,066 $344,694 End of Year 20 At Age 85 Cash Access from Strong Index Performance Available: $4,018 $40,586 Additional Paid-Up Life Insurance Available $7,879 $51,260 Review example. Guaranteed to age 93 Min Paid Up Amount $5,000 Max Paid Up Amount $250,000 $500,000 DB M 45 PNT Strong Performance must be used 1st. Paid Up Life Insurance Option Only Available for Standard or Better Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
Illustrating Strong Index Performance Walk through example
Illustrating Strong Index Performance Walk through example
Cash Access Features Both cash access options can be utilized at the same time I.E.—At the end of policy year 20, you may access the Excess Funding & Strong Index Performance features at the same time The total amount that can be accessed by either of the options is $100,000 Walk through example
Premium Protection Rider The Premium Protection Rider can be selected for those policies that will be funded early, for example through a single-pay premium or the transfer of a policy from another company. With this rider, the client may withdraw funds above the target premium in years 2 through 5 with no surrender charge penalties, to the extent that accumulation value is available.1 the funds are not locked in. Protected Premium rider is elected at the time of policy purchase for an additional charge. The Protected Premium rider can be selected for those policies that will be funded early, for example through a single-pay premium or the transfer of a policy from another company. With this rider, the client may withdraw funds above the target premium in years 2 through 5 with no surrender charge penalties, to the extent that accumulation value is available.1 the funds are not locked in. Protected Premium rider is elected at the time of policy purchase for an additional charge. Premium expense charge of 2%. 1. The target premium is a level annual premium which is intended to carry the policy to or close to maturity on a current (non-guaranteed) assumption basis assuming 1) a 6% illustrated rate and 2) that premiums have been paid on time at the beginning of each policy year.
Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. Premium Protection Rider Read Slide Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
Accelerated Access Solution (AAS) Additional Chronic Illness Coverage Read slide Policies issued by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL)
Accelerated Access Solution Details Additional paid Chronic Illness benefit available on new QoL products Accelerate 100% of death benefit, up to $3 million, in the event of qualifying chronic illness Dollar-for-dollar acceleration; client always knows the benefit amount Maximum underwriting class: Table D Minimum monthly benefit payout: $1,000 Benefit payout may be elected to be lump sum or monthly payout Read through slide
Accelerated Access Solution 101(g) No LTC license necessary 2-out-of-6 ADLs; or Severe Cognitive Impairment No Permanency Requirement* Indemnity Benefit No Receipts Spend benefits on anything Flexible Benefit Base Benefit = 50% up to 100% of Death Benefit $50,000 minimum up to $3,000,000 maximum Full waiver of monthly deductions Let’s look at some of the benefits of the Accelerated Access Solution. Accelerated Access was filed as a rider under IRC section 101(g). That primarily means that: No LTC license is required for you to be able to sell the Accelerated Access Solution as part of an AG Secure Lifetime GUL II policy. Your Life Insurance and Accident & Health licensing is all that’s necessary from a licensing standpoint. It also means that the primary triggers for Chronic Illness benefits are either (1) inability to perform 2-out-of-6 Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s); or (2) severe cognitive impairment. The benefit was filed as an Indemnity benefit. That’s completely different than the alternative – the Reimbursement benefit. With Reimbursement, you must file a claim and provide copies of all invoices. Your claim is reviewed and, eventually, you receive a reimbursement in an amount the insurance company deems appropriate based on your receipts. With American General Life’s Indemnity version, you don’t need to provide an receipts or file any claims regarding your treatments. American General Life will send your benefit checks every month, regardless of whether you’ve incurred any costs at all, and regardless of what those costs were. You meet the criteria for ADLs or severe cognitive impairment, file your claim and satisfy the 90-day waiting period, and American General Life begins sending the checks. 27
Accelerated Access Solution Flexible Monthly Benefit IRS Per Diem capped at 2% per month IRS Per Diem capped at 4% per month IRS Per Diem with No Cap! Max. Monthly Benefit = Total Benefit ÷ 12 Monthly benefit: American General Life will always pay up to the maximum IRS monthly Per Diem benefit, but you have a choice of three different caps on the maximum monthly benefit American General Life will pay. 2% of the AAS Benefit Base. With this option, if you had an Accelerated Access Solution aggregate benefit of $500,000, your monthly maximum benefit would be the lesser of: (a) the IRS monthly Per Diem; or (b) $10,000 per month. 4% of the AAS Benefit Base. With this option, if you had an Accelerated Access Solution aggregate benefit of $500,000, your monthly maximum benefit would be the lesser of: (a) the IRS monthly Per Diem; or (b) $20,000 per month. If you don’t choose to cap your monthly benefit at 2% or 4%, and assuming the same aggregate $500,000 Accelerated Access Solution benefit, the maximum monthly benefit will be the lesser of: (a) the IRS monthly Per Diem; or (b) $500,000 divided by 12 months = $41,666 per month. So, choose your aggregate benefit, and your monthly cap, and you’ll be ready to go! IRS caps the maximum daily rate each year. The 2017 maximum is $360/day or $10,950 month. Subsequent years may be higher. * Maximum monthly benefits limited to IRS per diem in effect at time of claim 28
Accelerated Access Solution Inflation hedge against future costs Purchase more than today’s Per Diem limit Many products won’t allow it Provides inflation protection with a maximum monthly benefit cap 4% Cap – example: 4% of $300,000 = $12,000 per month Go on-claim in 2017: Collect $10,950 per month Go on-claim in the future when Per Diem = $15,000 per month: Collect $12,000 per month Per Diem – example: $300,000 AAS benefit Maximum monthly benefit: $300,000 = $15,000 per month For clarification, here are a few more examples. With Accelerated Access Solution you can actually purchase more than today’s Per Diem limit. There are products on the market that won’t let you purchase a benefit in excess of the current year’s Per Diem limit, which means your benefit will never go up, regardless of an increasing, inflation adjusted Per Diem. Because AIG allows you to purchase an aggregate amount and a monthly benefit amount in excess of the current Per Diem, the outcome is very simple. At lower Per Diem amounts you get less per month, but for more months. At higher Per Diem amounts you get more per month, but for fewer months. Let’s look at another example using a 4% cap. If you purchased a $300,000 Accelerated Access Solution benefit, your maximum monthly benefit would be $12,000. Accelerating $12,000 per month would be able to continue for 25 months ($300,000 ÷ 12 = $25) If you went on-claim in 2017 you’ wouldn’t receive the entire $12,000 per month. The IRS Per Diem would limit you to $10,950 per month, which would last for 30 months. And, if you went on claim when the IRS Per Diem was $15,000, American General would limit your monthly benefit to your capped amount of $12,000 per month. Lastly, if you did not choose a 2% or 4% cap, then your maximum monthly benefit is your total benefit divided by 12. In this example, $300,000 ÷ 12 = $25,000 per month. Naturally, if the Per Diem amount is less than $25,000 per month, you’ll receive the Per Diem in effect when you began your claim. * Maximum monthly benefits limited to IRS per diem in effect at time of claim 29
Lifestyle Income Solution For an additional fee, clients can select the Lifestyle Income Solution rider, which allows clients to accelerate their death benefit Lifestyle Income Solution: Longevity Rider Accelerate up to 10% of DB per year Primary requirement: Live to age 85 Tax-free up to basis; ordinary income after The Lifestyle Income Solution: provides a type of longevity insurance. With this rider the insured/policyowner has the ability to accelerate up to 10% of their death benefit per year. The primary requirements is that they live to age 85. It is a tax free return of their cost basis “100% ROP” and the rest is taxed as ordinary income. Max table rating of D. This rider was revamped such that when combined with the Accelerated Access Solution Rider, the resulting premium cannot be less than either rider on its own. This rider was revamped such that when combined with the AAS rider, the resulting premium cannot be less than either rider on its own. Choosing to exercise rights under the Lifestyle Income Solution can impact cash available under the Accelerated Access Solution. Please speak with your American General Life Insurance Company representative for more information.
Lifestyle Income Solution Highlight LIS now has an even 10 year payout. Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
Flexible income for family or business if your client dies too soon. The tax-free death benefit can help ensure that their family or business lives on with a lump-sum benefit payment. Another option the insured can choose for their beneficiaries is the optional Select Income rider. Another option the insured can choose for their beneficiaries is the optional Select Income rider. Riders are not available in all states.
Select Income Rider No cost rider Potentially decreases policy’s required premiums Helps beneficiaries manage ongoing expenses Optional rider converts a portion or all of the life insurance benefit for beneficiaries to a predefined guaranteed set of annual payments Minimum percentage of life insurance benefit available to convert is 10% (up to 100%) You can choose payment durations to beneficiaries of 10, 20, and 30 years No cost rider Potentially decreases policy’s required premiums Helps beneficiaries manage ongoing expenses Optional rider converts a portion or all of the life insurance benefit for beneficiaries to a predefined guaranteed set of annual payments Minimum percentage of life insurance benefit available to convert is 10% (up to 100%) Riders are not available in all states.
Select Income Rider Only available at issue Once selected at issue, the installment payment period is irrevocable for the beneficiary May lower the policy’s cost of insurance charges, which may enable the premium amount to be lower Premium amounts may decrease by 8-10% on average compared to what it would be without the rider Only available at issue Once selected at issue, the installment payment period is irrevocable for the beneficiary May lower the policy’s cost of insurance charges, which may enable the premium amount to be lower Premium amounts may decrease by 8-10% on average compared to what it would be without the rider Riders are not available in all states.
Select Income Rider Payout Example Death Benefit $1,000,000 Payout $100,000 $101,010 $102,030 $103,061 $104,102 Period 1 2 3 4 5 $105,153 $106,215 $107,288 $108,371 $109,466 6 7 8 9 10 Review Example Total Death Benefit $1,046,696 Minimum Installment Amount: $10,000 Minimum Initial Installment Payment: $500 Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. Riders are not available in all states.
Select Income Rider Effect on Premium 11.5% Decrease Female 40 SNT Without Select Income Rider With Select Income Rider Initial life insurance benefit $250,000 Premium to carry to age 105 $1,429 $1,264 9% Decrease Male 60 SNT Without Select Income Rider With Select Income Rider Initial life insurance benefit $500,000 Premium to carry to age 105 $9,407 $8,565 Review Example Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only. Riders are not available in all states.
1 Policy loans and withdrawals may be taxable. Take income for any purpose Use the policy’s loan and withdrawal features any time to access cash for any purpose Standard Loan 3% Charge / 2% Credit Preferred Loan 2% Charge / 2% Credit Available after policy year 10 but are restricted to a policy year maximum of 10% Participating Loans 5% rate at product launch Loan rate will vary between 4% and 8% declared monthly Loan rate is governed by The Model Policy Loan Interest Rate Bill (MDL-590) Switch Loan Type up to 3 times during the life of the policy Review loan rates. Discuss AG 49 implications. 1 Policy loans and withdrawals may be taxable.
Rate Summary Blend Participation Rate 0.00% NA 100% 6.05% 0.75% Rates Current as of 10/02/2017 Index Strategy Guaranteed Minimum Interest Cap Rate Participation Rate Non-Guaranteed Crediting Rate AG 49 Guaranteed Account Value Enhancement (policy yrs 6+) Blend Participation Rate 0.00% NA 100% 6.05% 0.75% Utilizing MLSB Index 60% Utilizing S&P 500 10.00% Declared Interest 2.00% 2.90% Read Slide Hypothetical representation for illustrative purposes only.
ML Strategic Balanced Index® Dynamically Blending Equity and Fixed Income Indices to Provide Stability with Upside Growth Potential What You Should Know About the S&P 500 and ML Strategic Balanced Index The S&P 500® Index includes 500 of the largest companies in the U.S. market. It is widely regarded as the standard for measuring U.S. stock market performance. The Merrill Lynch 10-Year Treasury Futures (Total Return) Index tracks the performance of a portfolio of near maturity 10-year U.S. Treasury futures contracts. It is representative of the fixed income market. The ML Strategic Balanced Index is a hybrid index that diversifies across multiple asset classes. It seeks growth and volatility control by dynamically allocating to equity, fixed income and cash. Account options that use the ML Strategic Balanced Index may benefit from a higher, more consistent level of earned interest. 39
Rules-Based Indexing A dynamic two-step allocation process The ML Strategic Balanced Index® employs quantitative rules based on market volatility to adjust exposures between the S&P 500® Index (without dividends) and the Merrill Lynch 10-Year Treasury Futures (Total Return) Index. This rules-based process helps to eliminate the negative impact that emotions may have on allocation decisions, making the process objective and transparent. Equity and fixed income allocations are rebalanced semiannually based on the historical volatility of the underlying indices. Volatility is also monitored on a daily basis, and allocations may be shifted to cash when short-term volatility rises above 6%. The Index seeks to maintain volatility at this level to help balance risk and return. 1. Volatility Control measures seek to provide smoother results and mitigate sharp market fluctuations. While this type of strategy can lessen the impact of market downturns, it is important to note that it will also lessen the impact of market upturns, therefore limiting upside potential.
The Value of a Dynamic Rules-Based Approach Stable performance over the past 20 years Read directly from slide Note: Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The ML Strategic Balanced Index® was created on August 12, 2014. Levels for the Index before August 12, 2014 represent hypothetical data determined by retroactive application of a back-tested model, itself designed with the benefit of hindsight. The above hypothetical chart only reflects the performance of the ML Strategic Balanced Index.® It does not reflect the amount of interest credited to an index annuity or index life product during this time. Actual results for a specific insurance contract would depend on the crediting strategy chosen and the spread or participation rate for the time period(s) shown.
QoL Value+ Protector Features designed for more stability to help meet death benefit protection needs Guaranteed Account Value Enhancement of 0.75% from year 6 Guarantees to life expectancy or longer Volatility Control Index that provides stable returns Read slides.
Product Specifications Product Highlights Issue Age 0 - 85 Minimum Death Benefit $50,000 Surrender Charge Period 14 years Monthly Admin Fee $10.00 (current) $10.00 (maximum) Premium Load Years 1-5 = 12%, Years 6-10 = 7.5% Years 11+ = 5% Max is 12% Expense Charge Monthly Per $1,000 Expense Charge for first 5 years only, including increases Read Slide
Standard Non Tobacco Includes Table B! Product Specs Product Highlights Underwriting Classifications Preferred Plus Non Tobacco Preferred Non Tobacco Standard Non Tobacco Preferred Tobacco Standard Tobacco Special (Substandard) Non Tobacco Special (Substandard)Tobacco Death Benefit Option Option 1 (Level Death Benefit) Option 2 (Increasing Death Benefit) Read Slide Issue ages are calculated by age nearest birthday. Free look provision is 10 days. We have improved our standard non tobacco rates and removed the Standard Plus Non-tobacco classification! Standard Non Tobacco Includes Table B!
Competition Read Slide 45
QoL Value+ Protector vs QoL Value+ Protector vs. GUL Competitive Premium with Attractive Cash Value Accumulation Male, 45, PPNT, $1,000,000 Death Benefit, Full-pay, Guarantee or Carry to Age 121 Company Product Premium % from QoL Value+ Protector at 6.05% CSV YR20 Target Guar To Age Carry To Age American General QoL Value+ Protector at 6.05% $5,752 $116,290 $7,630 84 121 American National Signature Guarantee UL $6,451 12% $0 $6,230 QoL Value+ Protector at 5% $6,768 18% $140,046 92 Nationwide YourLife No Lapse Guarantee UL $7,001 22% $8,461 QoL Guarantee Plus II $7,253 26% $7,237 $6,968 North American Custom Guarantee (Gen 8) $7,435 29% $6,540 Prudential PruLife Universal Protector (2016) $7,729 34% $7,720 Protective Advantage Choice UL 2-16 $7,738 35% $76,161 $6,700 Mutual of Omaha GUL $8,192 42% $5,010 $8,560 Lincoln Financial LifeGuarantee UL 2013 $8,696 51% $8,110 Read slide Strong cash value built with substantially lower premiums Rates as of 09/18/2017.
QoL Value+ Protector vs. Competitors’ IULs Male, 45, PPNT, $1,000,000 Death Benefit, Full-pay, 6% or max rate if not available, Carry to Age 121 Company Product Premium % from QoL Value+ Protector CSV YR20 Guar to Age Target American General QoL Value+ Protector $5,793 $117,325 84 $7,630 Global Atlantic Lifetime Foundation $5,945 3% $69,955 70 $8,770 AXA BrightLife Protect $5,967 $118,077 85 $6,720 Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL Protector $5,973 $144,700 65 $6,797 Mutual of Omaha Life Protection Advantage $6,059 5% $152,369 63 $7,850 John Hancock Protection IUL 15 $6,097 $91,417 75 $8,590 Pacific Life Pacific Indexed Protector 2 $6,284 8% $88,614 $10,932 Prudential PruLife Founders Plus UL (2016) $6,343 9% $125,798 $8,940 Protective Indexed Choice UL $6,500 12% $161,775 93 $9,220 Lincoln Financial WealthAdvantage IUL $6,788 17% $143,418 59 $9,200 Voya Financial Voya IUL-Protector $7,055 22% $170,921 54 $9,160 Lifetime Provider $7,304 26% $161,840 50 $9,900 Minnesota Life Eclipse Protector Indexed Life $7,531 30% $174,292 64 $8,190 North American Guarantee Builder IUL (Gen 4) $7,640 32% $158,133 98 $8,460 PruLife Index Advantage UL $7,675 $117,043 $14,550 National Life Flex Life II $8,446 46% $155,330 $16,810 American National Signature Plus IUL $8,484 $182,298 57 $16,990 Transamerica TransNavigator IUL $8,706 50% $174,223 $16,150 Signature IUL $9,611 66% $210,045 61 Voya IUL-Global Choice $9,987 72% $142,243 47 $18,000 Read Slides. Strong cash value built with substantially lower premiums As of 9/18/2017
QoL Value+ Protector vs. Whole Life Male, 45, PPNT, $1,000,000 Death Benefit, Level-pay Whole Life—Guarantee Endowment at age 121 Company Product Premium CSV YR20 DB A85 Guarantee to Age American General QoL Value+ Protector $14,401 $348,382 $2,362,031 121 American National Signature Whole Life $22,830 59% $442,837 $1,142,823 Nationwide YourLife WL 100 $24,400 69% $496,790 $1,000,000 Minnesota Life Secure Protector Whole Life $24,948 73% $560,527 $1,484,287 Penn Mutual Guaranteed Choice WL $26,940 87% $800,223 $2,132,637 National Life NL LifeBuilder $27,655 92% $672,830 $1,276,067 New York Life Whole Life AD116 $33,330 131% $838,058 $2,122,401 Read Slides. Strong cash value built with substantially lower premiums Rates as of 09/18/2017.
QoL Value+ Protector vs QoL Value+ Protector vs. Competitor IULs Designed with features and riders for downside protection and cash value accumulation Company Product Guarantee to Life Expectancy or longer Volatility Control Index Persistency Bonus Cash Access/Liquidity Features Built-in Chronic/Critical Illness ABRs AGL QoL Value+ Protector American National Signature IUL 10 years a Signature Plus IUL AXA BrightLife Protect a- through rider Global Atlantic Lifetime Foundation Half of DB guaranteed for life John Hancock Protection IUL 15 Lincoln WealthAdvantage IUL Minnesota Life Eclipse Protector Indexed Life National Life/LSW FlexLife II 15-30 yr depending on age through rider Nationwide YourLife Indexed UL Protector North American Guarantee Builder IUL 8 Pacific Life PIA Protector Protective Index Choice IUL Prudential PruLIfe Founders Plus IUL Transamerica Navigator IUL 5-20 years depending on age Voya Financial IUL Protector 20 years up to age 90 IUL-Global Choice 9 years Read Slides. As of 9/18/2017
Questions Read Slide
Important Information Policies issued by: American General Life Insurance Company (AGL), Policy Form Numbers ICC16-16760; 15600; 15872. Issuing company AGL is responsible for financial obligations of insurance products and is a member of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). AGL does not solicit business in the state of New York. Products may not be available in all states and product features may vary by state. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. These product specifications are not intended to be all-inclusive of product information. State variations may apply. Please refer to the policy for complete details. This information is general in nature and may be subject to change. The Company, its financial professionals and other representatives are not authorized to give legal, tax or accounting advice. Applicable laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. Any tax statements in this material are not intended to suggest the avoidance of U.S. federal, state or local tax penalties. For advice concerning your situation, consult your professional attorney, tax advisor or accountant. ©2017 AIG. All rights reserved. AGLC109806
Index Disclosure for the S&P 500 The S&P 500 (the “Index”) is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC or its affiliates (“SPDJI”), and has been licensed for use by American General Life Insurance Company (AGL). Standard & Poor’s®, S&P®, and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”). The trademarks have been licensed to SPDJI and have been sublicensed for use for certain purposes by AGL. The life insurance products underwritten and issued by AGL are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, S&P, or any of their respective affiliates (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”). S&P Dow Jones Indices does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of AGL’s or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in AGL’s products particularly or the ability of the Index to track general market performance. S&P Dow Jones Indices’ only relationship to AGL with respect to the Index is the licensing of the Index and certain trademarks, service marks and/or trade names of S&P Dow Jones Indices and/or its licensors. The Index is determined, composed and calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices without regard to AGL or its products. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation to take the needs of AGL or the owners of its products into consideration in determining, composing or calculating the Index. S&P Dow Jones Indices is not responsible for and has not participated in the determination of the prices, and amount of AGL’s products or the timing of the issuance or sale of AGL’s products or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which AGL’s products are to be converted into cash, surrendered or redeemed, as the case may be. S&P Dow Jones Indices has no obligation or liability in connection with the administration, marketing or trading of AGL’s products. There is no assurance that investment products based on the Index will accurately track index performance or provide positive investment returns. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC is not an investment advisor. Inclusion of a security within an index is not a recommendation by S&P Dow Jones Indices to buy, sell, or hold such security, nor is it considered to be investment advice. S&P DOW JONES INDICES DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ADEQUACY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS AND/OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE Index OR ANY DATA RELATED THERETO OR ANY COMMUNICATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ORAL OR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (INCLUDING ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS) WITH RESPECT THERETO. S&P DOW JONES INDICES SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY DAMAGES OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DELAYS THEREIN. S&P DOW JONES INDICES MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE OR AS TO RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY AGL, OWNERS OF AGL’S PRODUCTS, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FROM THE USE OF THE Index OR WITH RESPECT TO ANY DATA RELATED THERETO. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT WHATSOEVER SHALL S&P DOW JONES INDICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, TRADING LOSSES, LOST TIME OR GOODWILL, EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THERE ARE NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES OF ANY AGREEMENTS OR ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN S&P DOW JONES INDICES AND AGL, OTHER THAN THE LICENSORS OF S&P DOW JONES INDICES LLC.
Index Disclosure for the ML Strategic Balanced Index The ML Strategic Balanced IndexSM provides systematic, rules-based access to the blended performance of two underlying indices—the S&P 500 (without dividends), which serves to represent equity performance, and the Merrill Lynch 10-year U.S. Treasury Futures Total Return Index, which serves to represent fixed income performance. To help manage overall return volatility, the Index may also systematically utilize Cash performance in addition to the performance of the two underlying indices. Important Note: The ML Strategic Balanced Index embeds an annual index cost in the calculations of the change in Index Value over the Index Term. This “embedded index cost” will reduce any change in Index Value over the Index Term that would otherwise have been used in the calculation of index interest, and it funds certain operational and licensing costs for the index. It is not a fee paid by you or received by the Company. The Company’s licensing relationship with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated for use of the ML Strategic Balanced Index and for use of certain service marks includes the Company’s purchase of financial instruments for purposes of meeting its interest crediting obligations. Some portion of those instruments will, or may be, purchased from Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated or its Affiliates. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and its affiliates (“BofA Merrill Lynch”) indices and related information, the name “BofA Merrill Lynch”, and related trademarks, are intellectual property licensed from BofA Merrill Lynch, and may not be copied, used, or distributed without BofA Merrill Lynch’s prior written approval. The products of licensee American General Life Insurance Company have not been passed on as to their legality or suitability, and are not regulated, issued, endorsed, sold, guaranteed, or promoted by BofA Merrill Lynch. BOFA MERRILL LYNCH MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND BEARS NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY INDEX, ANY RELATED INFORMATION, ITS TRADEMARKS, OR THE PRODUCT(S) (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS QUALITY, ACCURACY, SUITABILITY AND/OR COMPLETENESS). The ML Strategic Balanced Index (the “Index”) is the property of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, which has contracted with S&P Opco, LLC (a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC) to calculate and maintain the Index. The Index is not sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices or its affiliates or its third party licensors (collectively, “S&P Dow Jones Indices”). S&P Dow Jones Indices will not be liable for any errors or omissions in calculating the Index. “Calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices” and the related stylized mark(s) are service marks of S&P Dow Jones Indices and have been licensed for use by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated.