Data-Basics Training & Support Job Cost – Beginner
Example Types of Jobs Service Jobs – For service work orders PM Jobs – Preventive maintenance with a billing and/or inspection schedule Contract/Install Jobs – For a project with a budget and closed when complete. Managed at the Job level. Overhead Labor Jobs – For unapplied/indirect labor and office salaries Overhead Vehicle/Equipment/Expense Jobs – To collect costs for a overhead expenses, vehicles or equipment and provide for easier PO entry and allocation
Definitions Client – Element for which A/R will be aged Client Site – Location where work is performed or parts are shipped Job – Cost collection point, joins client to site, sets tax and billing rules Cost Code – Tracks revenues and costs within job by Entity Bill Item – Sets billing method and invoice format Job Cloning (Job Templates) – Aids in consistency in creating new jobs Service Compute – Billing through work orders Progress Invoicing – Billing through Record Billing Adjustments
Job Structure
Client This is the Billing Address These fields will pre-fill email from collection screen and be used if auto-emailing customer statements. Use these fields to help in collection efforts when creating new orders
Client Site This address should always refer to work or shipping location. Fleetmatics GPS (if you have it) will validate the address and autofill the latitude and longitude fields. Child tabs display references to this client site in other tables such as Workorders, Equipment, and Jobs
Client Site Email address for Techanywhere receipts Used for COP sales
Client Site If PO Required is checked, all work orders for this site will require a Customer PO in New Call Sites that have pre-billed PM contracts will contain a billing schedule. If Master Contract is used, only executed pre-billied lines will appear here.
Client Site COP rules and history
Client Site Quote defaults will pre-fill all new quotes created for this site. All quote history for this site will appear in the child tab.
Job Joins Client to Site Rules regarding billing and taxation as well as Workers Comp overrides are stored on the job.
Job This controls what MAILING address will appear on the invoice. Note: It does NOT change the A/R account to which the invoicing gets posted. Invoices can be auto-emailed if proper This area indicates whether this job will use service invoicing through the work orders, or progress invoicing
Cost Codes The cost code controls the GL entity (profit center) that the revenues and costs will post to. This allows one job to post to several different profit centers.
Bill Items These fields determine how revenue is calculated for this billing item. Read only Service Compute comes from the Invoicing tab of the job. This determines the source of billing; via workorder or progress invoicing.
Job Cloning 5. Fill in other info as discussed on previous slides. DON’T FORGET TO CLICK THE INVOICING TAB TO SPECIFY WHERE THE INVOICE SHOULD BE MAILED. 1. Choose Job Template 2. Click Clone Job Button 3. Complete Job Clone Wizard screen with New Job ID and name and new or existing site and client ids and names 4. If you created a new client or site, those viewers will open automatically. Complete each record, save and close. Edit existing client and site as needed using buttons.
Service Compute Jobs (Service and PM) marked service compute with a report ID of SERVICEINVOICE will be billed through the service compute process in the work order.
Progress Invoicing Jobs NOT marked service compute with a report ID of RININV3 will use progress invoicing through Record Billing Adjustments.
Progress Reporting The JC Summary tab of the job offers quick reference job-to-date information. Job budgets can be entered directly on the child tab.
Collection of Costs and Revenues The job serves as a collection of costs and revenue which are stored in job history. A quick view of job costs can be found on the Revenues tab of the job. Milestones can be used to report important target dates of the job.