Welcome to Mrs. Kiecana’s 1st-3rd Grade Classroom!
Classroom paraprofessionals! We have 3 new paraprofessionals in our classroom this year! Ms. Sayers Ms. Baumgart Mrs. Shaw These three wonderful ladies help support the students in the classroom, related services and in general education setting; including recess, lunch and specials.
Here are our wonderful related service providers! Social Work - Mrs. Krebill and Mrs. Glinski OT – Mrs. Binder Adaptive P.E. - Mrs. Adamson Speech - Ms. Greene and Paula Froehlich
Here are more of our wonderful related service providers! Debra Well, (PT) Brittney Foster, (Psychologist)
A Day In Our Classroom A.M. P.M. Morning Routine Bathroom Break Morning Activity Quiet Time Movement Break/3rd grade Special Smart Board Activity Snack Math Stations Bathroom Break Movement Break/1st Grade Specials Literacy Stations Science/Social Studies Circle Time Related Services Push-in Read Aloud Bathroom Break Recess Related Services Push-in Lunch End of the Day Routine
Special Days/Holidays Themes Month Theme Special Days/Holidays Social-Emotional August/September School Apples First Day of School Labor Day Picture Day Building Community School Rules October Pumpkins Scarecrows Leaves Columbus Day Halloween Fire Prevention Cooperation Sharing Listening November Turkeys Pilgrims Election Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving December Gingerbread Polar Express Christmas Hanukkah Feelings Emotions January Snow Snowflakes Snowmen New Years Martin Luther King February Groundhogs Hearts Presidents Dental Health Groundhogs Day Valentine’s Day President’s Day 100th Day of School Problem Solving March Dr. Seuss Shamrocks Dr. Seuss Day St. Patrick’s Day April Recycling Flowers Plants Earth Day Respect Responsibility May/June Animals Mother’s Day Memorial Day Last Day of School Father’s Day (over summer)
Curriculum and Instruction In order to meet student learning needs, the core curriculum listed below will be utilized within the social communication classrooms. In addition to this, we will also utilize additional resources to support growth with current IEP goals, language development, and social-emotional growth. The students’ instruction will be whole group, small groups, and one-on-one based upon needs of each student and the class. Additional resources will be decided upon by the teacher as units of study take place. Math: TouchMath & Attainment Early Numeracy Literacy & Language Arts: Attainment Early Literacy & Early Reading Skill Builder Word Study/Phonics: Words Their Way Social Studies/Science: Unique Learning Systems
Star Student Each student will have an opportunity to be the star student in our classroom and their assigned general education classroom! During your child’s Star Student week in our classroom they will get to share their “All About Me Poster”, there favorite picture book, and bring in a favorite item from home for Show-n-Tell. You will be invited to be a mystery reader in our classroom and join your child for lunch that week.
Snack Time Remember to send in a small snack and drink each day separate from your child’s lunch and clearly labeled. Please remember to follow the District Wellness Plan and send in healthy choices.
Birthdays Birthdays are a very exciting time for young children! When it is your child's birthday, you are more than welcome to bring something in to share with the class to celebrate their birthday. The district only allows tangible items as birthday treats. Examples of acceptable birthday treats include: Stickers Play-doh Crayons Small toys Bubbles
Absence If your child is absent from school, coming in later or leaving early, please notify the school office. If possible please let me know as well. You can call my direct line or send me an e-mail at carrie.kiecana@lz95.org. If your child rides the bus, please also call transportation. . I am happy to provide homework for your child too, but please let me know by 10:30, so I have time to put everything together.
Communication Your child has a take home folder that can be used for communication between home and school. Please use this to communicate short messages that you would like for me to know. I will also at times write notes regarding your child's day on their Daily Communication letter so please make sure to check it each day, sign and return to school. The best time to reach me by phone is after school hours at 847-540-2878, or e-mail me at carrie.kiecana@lz95.org. I will do my very best to get back to you as soon as possible.
What can you do at home? Check folders and signing daily sheets Check website for updated information and bi-weekly newsletters Read with your child Labeling things to promote language Take a copy of the Building Skills and Learning at home Packet for more ideas
Before you leave…… Sign-up a for November Conference
Here’s to a happy year in Mrs. Kiecana’s Class! I look forward to working with all of you to enrich and support your child’s overall growth. Here’s to a happy year in Mrs. Kiecana’s Class!