Intramural Basketball Captains Meeting
General Information All games played at Recreation Center Courts 2, 3, or 4 Games will be held on Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday at varying times (depending on the division you registered for) Please refer to IMLeagues for schedules
Rosters Students, Faculty, and Staff Must present a valid TCNJ picture ID when checking-in for a game Ex-varsity players must be one year removed from their last competitive season The roster online at IMLeagues is the official roster Please have everyone join the roster Members not on the roster by the end of the regular season will be ineligible to play in playoffs
Rosters Cont. Players are only allowed to play in play in a Men’s A and Co-rec or Men’s B and Co-rec Players are not allowed to play in both a Men’s A and B league Result: Forfeit for those games All players must wear numbers Arrive with team jerseys of the same color that have numbers Otherwise, must wear pinnies that are provided
Forfeit Policy If a team shows up and does not have the minimum number of 4 members to play, an additional 5 minutes will be granted If the team does not have the minimum number of 4 to start, they will be given a forfeit and the other team with enough players will be awarded the win If neither team has the minimum number of players, a double forfeit will be administered Two forfeits results in removal from league
Conduct Each team is rated on their overall sportsmanship after each game Sportsmanship is based on a 4.0 GPA rating scale Teams need to have an overall rating of 2.75 to be considered for playoff eligibility Failure to meet this requirement will disqualify the team from playoffs, regardless of W- L record
Substitutions Substitutes can only enter the game during dead ball stoppages They must first notify the scorer’s table they will be entering the game Subs must be beckoned on my official in order to enter the game
Timing Two, fifteen minute halves Two timeouts per game During the final 2 minutes of second half, clock will stop for dead ball situations Two timeouts per game Overtime: 3 minutes One period of overtime is played for regular season Additional overtime periods will be played until a winner is declared for playoffs
Scoring 1 point for free throw, 2 points for all goals inside the arc, and 3 points for all goals beyond the arc Co-rec modification: Females will not be awarded an extra point for made goals No Dunking- results in a technical Mercy Rule: 30 under 7 minutes, 20 under 3 minutes of second half
Violations and Fouls All violations and fouls will be in effect Two technical fouls results in ejection from game Technical foul results in 2 foul shots and possession for opposing team
Questions Please refer to the official IM Basketball Rules located under the “Handbooks & Manuals” tab on IMLeagues Any questions, please contact the Intramural Department at Thank you and good luck!