Toolkit To Localize the SDGs Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the Local Level CIB Working Group May 19, 2016 – Istanbul, Turkey Luana Natali, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), ART Initiative – Hub for territorial partnerships
Toolkit for Localizing the SDGs As recognized throughout the “Dialogues on the Localization of the Post-2015 Agenda” and by the newly adopted “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” WHY? WHAT? FOR WHOM? HOW? SDGs can be reached only if local actors fully participate not only in the implementation, but also in the agenda-setting process, monitoring, etc. Aiming at supporting LRGs and other stakeholders in implementing the SDGs at local level, providing practical guidance to design appropriate policies and implement them coherently with the new agenda; and empowering local stakeholders within the new development architecture. A full range of actors active at the local level. By setting the context, laying out the conceptual framework, presenting strategies and processes and providing practical instruments, guidelines and tools. The toolkit process is jointly promoted by the Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Main Purposes of the SDG Toolkit Raising awareness Guidance through tailored tools The Toolkit will propose concrete instruments, tools, practices and experiences that point out why localizing is critical to the global effort agreed in the SDGs. Based on such concrete contribution the crucial importance of the local level for the new agenda will become more and more accepted and mainstreamed. In full complementarity with the GTF Roadmap The Toolkit aims at being a practical support for local stakeholders, and in particular local and regional governments, by providing suggestions and pointing out best practices in order to make their decisions coherent with the SDGs’ attainment in support of a better quality of life for all citizens.
SOME CONSIDERATIONS The process of elaboration of the toolkit has started some months ago - as an open and participatory process – aiming at building the toolkit together with a wide array of actors. The toolkit wants to acknowledge the complexity of the topic but strives to be very practical – the largest part will have to provide guidance for relevant actors (can be in various forms but also strongly experience related) The toolkit intends to talk about key processes, mechanisms and tools that can facilitate the implementing of the SDGs at local level – the aim is however to also apply them to different sectors – provide very concrete guidance; this does not mean to lose the overall focus on faciltating localisation but make the toolkit practical and more relevant, e.g. multi-level governance in the water sector, etc. It is important to create the political momentum – inter alia through the toolkit process – we would be looking for champions within LRGs but also national Governments as well as other relevant stakeholders
STRUCTURE of the SDG Toolkit THE BASIS: GOOD LOCAL GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS Key Stakeholders Responsive and Accountable Local and Regional Governments Enabled private sector Empowered civil society Academia Integrated Planning Mechanisms Local Level Accountability Mechanisms and Monitoring systems Multilevel Governance Mechanisms Territorial Articulation Mechanisms Development Cooperation Effectiveness Mechanisms Needs assessments Key Mechanisms for the Implementation of the SDGs at the Local Level
The Toolkit PROCESS HOW IS THE TOOLKIT DEVELOPED? STOCK TACKING MDG toolkits Relevant Documents Meetings FOCUS MEETINGS Using relevant stakeholder meetings Dedicated sessions Territorial processes VALIDATION MEETINGS FINAL CONSOLIDATION LAUNCHING DISSEMINATION TOOLKIT DRAFTING Steering Committee (GTF-UN-HABITAT-UNDP)
Latest developments The stocktaking exercise has already started, with a wide number of partners - such as LRGs and associations thereof, CSO, International Organizations, Research and Academic Institutions, and other LDLG practitioners and experts- contributing through stakeholder workshops and discussions. Example of some ongoing initiatives: Systematization of the process carried out by Regional Government of Valencia between the months of October 2015 to April 2016 to create the basis to define the localization strategy of Sustainable Development Goals (ODS), its mainstreaming in policy and action in its territory and its external action. Systematization by the Region of Tuscany (Italy) on systems to facilitate citizens’ participation and on youth policies. Elaboration of a tool by French partners (local governments and CSOs) called PRISME to bring technical guidance to integrate the theory of change in local strategic planning. Elaboration of a tool by French partners (local governments and CSOs) called « Platform Rhone Alps Rule of Law » would provide practical support to integrate a human right approach in strategic planning, facilitating the integration of issues of Rule of Law, Democratic Governance, and access to rights for everyone (with a special gender focus). Joint initiative of UNDP with the Brazilian network of municipalities CNM to define appropriate monitoring systems at the local level.
Contributing to the process We would like to invite CIB members and interested actors to contribute. How? You can: Note: Soon it will be launched a virtual platform where all actors are invited to discover what has been elaborated until now and contribute by sharing tools, stories and interacting with peers through e-discussions. Contribute to stocktaking by feeding the Toolkit with relevant publications, experiences and existing toolkits Participate in a Toolkit focus meetings and bring the experiences and lessons learned of your territory, city, municipality, region, etc. Mobilize the expertise of your city/ region/ institution and organize an input-gathering process around a specific area of relevance Join our advocacy efforts Become a champion for localization
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