Diamond Supreme International Unit JAN 2014 NEWSLETTER written by: SSD Juliana Aw, Hp: 9688 1798, Find me on Facebook or email: julianaaw@gmail.com Dearest Team Members We have broke our own production records for the past 12 months! I’m so proud of you all! These recognition certs are dedicated to you all! So proud of our Future Sales Directors Alyssa Chong, Cindy Lam, Suhaila, Siti and Nooria, I know that this year will be the year that you become Sales Directors, I will be so proud to bring you all up during the Seminar 2014! Let’s make 2014 a great beautiful year for all of us and to enrich more women in Singapore!
Please feel free to share my istory to your potential recruits Please feel free to share my istory to your potential recruits. You can also share the following benefits to your team and potential recruits - Free skincare and makeup trainings Always have encouragement from my mentor and sisterhood in Mary Kay. In Mary Kay, we praise people to succeed, noone will scold you for what you do or did not do. I have flexibility in time always to do what I wanted. Once my dad was hospitalized for 3 weeks, I was able to be with him all the time. I could just dropped my classes immediately and passed it to my trainers and I took care of my family instantly. I always got recognition at work – at Seminar, APPLAUSE magazines and top 10 recognition boards and also on BC Night! I am also crowned Queen of Personal Sales for Sales Director Category for 2 years – 2012 and 2013. I can do public speaking now! I used to hate doing presentations because I was not good at it at work, but now I could even speak to upto 50 paxs in a class. I don’t have to wait for payday. Money just come in when I do skincare/makeup classes. I have security, I know where my future is. Do you ever know where you want to be in 5 years’ time? I got retrenched after working for 3 years. I know in Mary Kay, with constant skincare classes, I know I will be the first National Sales Director in Singapore!
Career – I never knew that I could have my own career, loving it every moment. Doing the job that I love everyday so I don’t dragged myself everyday at work. Achievements – seeing so many women got enriched and all of them leading their own recruits and on their way to become Sales Directors! Such job satisfaction! Boss – How many of you love to work at your own time and able to wake up at the time that you wanted? And how many of you worked so hard at work and reap the rewards? I do in Mary Kay! You can treat Mary Kay as beauty school and every thurs it’s our Trainer’s The Trainers class, your customers can attend our class and tell them if they bring friends to you they get a gift too! In a typical beauty school like Cosmoprof, you have to pay not only school or course fees (approx $4000), you also have to pay for products and also you need to find at least 50 faces to increase your portfolio but in Mary Kay, trainers can attend free makeup/skincare trainings, and you get to earn at the same time when you are doing classes, and at the same time, you get to increase your makeup portfolio. **Note – Sales Director is like a head of dept in a corporate world. National Sales Director is like a CEO in a corporate world.
Team members, please call me when you want to move up your career path, I will hold your hands to move up together. New Consultants please remember to visit my blog: http://fromjulianadesk.wordpress.com. Password is diamond. Please download things you required to learn – skincare script, things you required for classes, etc. New consultants are advised to observe my class on every THURS of the month starting from SEPT 2013 at 7pm at International Plaza. Programmes will be as advised in this newsletter and my facebook.
Our Unit’s Mission It is to greatly impact others to get what they want and to become who they have imagined. Our Vision To produce more leaders in our unit, and to help women around the world to be happy, to be stunning and sexy, earning good income, and having her makeup done!
Queen of Sales (DEC 2013) Venalie Tan (3688 PSP) (Future Sales Director Cindy’s Team) CONGRATS! I am so proud of you!
Queen of Sharing (NOV 2013) FSD Cindy Lam You won the SWATCH watch! CONGRATS! I am so proud of you!
RECOGNITION BOARD QUEEN OF SALES 2) Cindy Lam (2346 PSP) 12) Patrick Lee (601 PSP) 3) Suhaila Yusoff (1578 PSP) 13) Ann Chen (521 PSP) 4) Siti Fatimah (1456 PSP) 14) Diana Natasha (504 PSP) 5) Alyssa Chong (1128 PSP) 6) Nooria Hafsa (1019 PSP) 7) Suriati (977 PSP) 8) Julie Soo (855 PSP) 9) Joanne Luo (688 PSP) 10) Adeline Chow (614 PSP) 11) Sarimah (602 PSP)
Exclusive Brooches Rewards From today onwards till 31 Jan 2014, New bonus Exclusive Brooches rewards - 3 classes a week - 1 brooch 5 classes a week - 2 brooches 3 recruit interviews a week - 1 brooch... 5 recruits interviews a week - 2 brooches SMS me to inform me by 1 Feb so I could prepare the brooches during the recognition! Senior consultants and above pls inform your recruits too!
1 to 31 Jan 2013 Rewards Achieve 600 psp – disposable cloth and one mirror Achieve 800 psp - eyebrow pencil Achieve 1200 pts - eye makeup remover Achieve Queen of Sales and Queen of Sharing will get designer inspired necklace pieces from Korea!
DIAMOND SURPREME TEAM JuLY CLASSES UNIT MEETING SCHEDULE Take note: Mainroom (if company is using the room we will do Room 1) ESRS Schedule (945am to 6pm) : 24 and 25 Jan 2014 Jan 2014 (Trainer’s the Trainer class) 26 Dec 7pm – basic class 2 Jan 7pm – Basic Korean day makeup workshop 16 Jan 7pm – Smokey Korean Day makeup Workshop / Advanced Anti-aging workshop 23 Jan 7pm - Prosperity makeup workshop / Workshop III / Regena / CNY lucky draw Feb 2014 6 Feb 7pm – Basic Class 13 Feb 7pm – Valentine’s Day makeup workshop / Workshop II 20 Feb 7pm – recruits training and selling 27 Feb 7pm – Kua Sha facial/ Learn latest Spring / Summer makeup!
Debrief for all Consultants while you attend my classes! Every Thurs at 7pm it’s our skincare/makeup open class. You can bring your guests, however you are required to bring your own products for your guests. After the whole skincare class, let’s sit down together and do debrief. As you can see from the above flow of the class, there are 3 parts. To all New Consultants, please memorise the following when you attend my classes: For first class, memorise what I did for part 1. Then when you come for the second class, memorise what I did for part 2 and then when you come for third class, memorise what I did for part 3. During the classes, you can record or video taped me during the classes. This business is all about duplicating . Just duplicate what I did. And treat all your guests with the “Make me Feel Important” attitude. Tell me also your learning key points and what can you improve from there. Challenge for all Consultants (1 to 31 Oct 2013)– If you feel that you are ready, call me to observe your classes. Consultants who conduct at least 3 classes, will get a special gift from me! SMS me at 96881798 when you have finished conducting 3 classes!
New Makeup Launch! Check out latest APPLAUSE mag!
More fabulous promotions! Check out latest APPLAUSE Jan mag!
TEAM BUILDING – RED JACKET RALLY Achieve this and get a gift from me! Pls SMS me at 9688 1798. Congrats to Cindy Lam you are on track!
Attn: All Red Jackets. Move up and more bonus cash this year Attn: All Red Jackets! Move up and more bonus cash this year! Must achieve!
Must achieve this to get free trip to Hangzhou!
Congrats to SD Joey & FSD Cindy! You are on track! So proud of you all!
New DIQs
New Directors
This Seminar 2014 – aim for these rings! Must attend April conference!