Media Training on EFA Hanoi, Viet Nam 18 to 20 April 2007 EFA Global Action Week Global Campaign for Education in Viet Nam On behalf of partners in Viet Nam
1. EFA National Action Plan
2. EFA National Action Plan
3. Overview – Key Education Statistics in Viet Nam Gross Enrolment Ratios (2004) Net Enrolment Ratios (2004) Primary Secondary Total M F 108 112 104 87 89 84 93 65 Adult literacy rate (2002-2004) Total Male Female 90 94 87
Conveying clear and easy message 4. Strategy for Activities in 2007 in Viet Nam Conveying clear and easy message - Who are not in school? Who are neglected? Make the people think…. How to increase access? How to decrease disparities? What knowledge and skills required? Cost-effective delivery? Contextual indicators analysis, eg. Gender analysis Etc etc. Strong involvement of media and journalists
5. Activities in 2007 in Viet Nam 2. Advocacy Campaign in the Project Sites 1. National Event 3. Media training for journalists 3. Development of Advocacy Materials 4. Joint Press Release
6. National Event Ministry of Education and Training organized event supported by the partners Event place : school Facilitator – Well-known TV newscaster Discussion groups Production of TV programme highlighting the event and disadvantaged population, to be broadcasted on the national television Participants: ED Policy makers, practitioners, Students, teachers, parents
7. Advocacy campaigns in the project sites Drawing, writing and photo contest Production of local documentary film Announcement through community radio speakers Local exhibition Image: Photo - Oxfam GB in Viet Nam
8. Advocacy Material Development - Localization
3. Media release - Conveying the key message 2006’s media release
Eisuke TAJIMA Education Programme Specialist, UNESCO Hanoi Office