Meeting the future health needs of people in the Odiham area Presentation to Public Meeting 3rd March 2011
Our responsibilities To ensure local people can access safe and effective services which will meet their health needs and offer value for money
NHS Priorities Improving outcomes Modern, personalised, responsive care Improving choice Improving independence Developing joined up health and social care Securing efficient use of NHS resources
Agreed plans to meet these priorities Healthy Horizons Transforming Community Services Reablement Dementia Strategy Public Health Strategy Carers Strategy
Context Current provider will end provision of services at Odiham Hospital July 2011 due to concerns re maintaining safe staffing levels Odiham Cottage Hospital owned by Trustees NHS Hampshire commissions range of hospital, community and reablement services Odiham Cottage Hospital cared for 93 people out of Hart population of 88000 in 2010
Demographics Hart population 88000(6% of Hampshire) Low rate of population growth 0.98% by 2015 Highest life expectancy in Hampshire Least deprived district in England 2.31% ethnicity Young population in relation to rest of Hampshire but ageing faster
Health profile information
Health profile for Hart residents Cancer greatest cause of death Less circulatory disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease than rest of Hampshire Second lowest number of older people with dementia in Hampshire Lowest rates of severe mental illness (0.4%) Injuries from falls above average for Hampshire Highest level of hazardous drinking in Hampshire
Local access to acute hospital services Frimley Park Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust Other specialist hospitals
Local access to community based services GP practices Hampshire Community Health Care Services-Community Matrons, Community Nurses, Virtual wards, Rapid Response Teams Reablement beds Fleet Hospital Odiham Cottage Hospital Hampshire Partnership Trust- CPNs Dental practices Pharmacies
Commissioning safe and effective services Regulatory requirements of providers inc Care Quality Commission Concerns regarding over reliance on agency staff by current provider with associated risks to patient safety Environment raises concerns re model of care that can be delivered at Odiham Cottage Hospital- no therapy area
Commissioning services which provide value for money What does £300 buy? 1 days care in an acute hospital such as Frimley Park or Basingstoke 1.5 days of care at Odiham Cottage 3 days reablement care in a local care home 9 home visits by a Community Nurse
Engagement Led by Local Involvement Network –LINKs Range of local drop in sessions: Mon 7th March 11am-1pm Odiham Health centre Tue 8th March 10am-12 noon Hook Health Centre Wed 9th March 2-4pm Old School, Odiham Mon 14th March 10-4pm Hartley Witney Surgery Mon 14th March 2-4pm Old School, Odiham Hart Locality Stakeholder Group involvement in option appraisal
Hart Locality Stakeholder Group Odiham Cottage Hospital Trustees Odiham Parish Councillors Hart District Councillors Councillors and officers from Hampshire County Council Local GPs League of Friends NHS Hampshire Hampshire LINk Practice Based Commissioning Group Hampshire Community Health Care
Potential options to meet future health needs of the area Inpatient bed based model providing 24 hour nursing care and rehabilitation. Re-ablement facility. Home based care from Community Matrons, community nursing teams, ‘Virtual’ Wards. Integrated care with Social Care and Voluntary Sector. Outpatient / clinic based care.