University of Texas System IT TAKES A VILLAGE CAMPUS A Federation Story June 27, 2006 Paul Caskey University of Texas System Copyright Paul Caskey 2006
Agenda Background Why bother? Where are we at? Who does what? Things to consider Where are we heading?
Background 16 Institutions 9 academic 6 health 1 System Administration 16 unique organizations, budgets, problems, ideas Leadership sees increased collaboration as a strategic objective
Why bother? Increasing importance of Identity Management UT System Strategic Leadership Council’s Statement of Direction for Identity Management Need for a secure collaborative infrastructure New applications need higher LoA Increased regulation / oversight Opportunity to consider consistent set of IdM standards and practices for UT System institutions
SLC Statement of Direction “The University of Texas System Information Technology Strategic Leadership Council agrees that deployment of a robust, secure, interoperable infrastructure for identity management in support of inter-institutional collaboration is a strategic goal. This infrastructure will be based upon the available standards and best practices: LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) compliant directory services, eduperson schema as promulgated by EDUCAUSE and Internet2, utperson schema (to be developed), inter-institutional access control utilizing Internet2 Shibboleth, and consistent institutional definitions and identity management trust policies for students, faculty, and staff as well as sponsored affiliates.”
Where are we at? NMI-EDIT ETR Grant Shibboleth Install-fest Policies and procedures documents (Charter, Member Agreement, FOP, MOP, Attributes, Fees – Pilot Federation Five federated applications currently in production (several more under development throughout the system)
Who does what? Which services reside where? Who determines required LoA for applications? How is an IdP’s LoA determined? Who supports the end users and applications? Who audits IdP practices and what standards are used? What is the role of governance?
Things to Consider Before Flipping the Switch On… Policy work is very slow, but critical – start early Identifiers Privacy Content copyright Don’t underestimate the difficulty of application integration with new infrastructure or legacy infrastructure Consider new support models Communication and coordination are key Keeping everyone motivated and involved can be quite a challenge
Where are we heading?
The Immediate Future Pilot to Production Federation by 9/1 Still to do: Publish utPerson LDAP object class Upgrade IdPs to Shibboleth 1.3 Work with institutional MOP compliance contacts on education and remediation Establish federation organizations (Ops, Tech, and Policy) Develop audit plan Develop support plan Develop disaster recovery plan
The Long-Term Future When infrastructure is mature, shared services on a grand scale become much more feasible licensing benefits? support benefits? administration benefits? cost reduction/avoidance Shared LMS applications Shared HR / Benefits applications Grid computing Plus, the myriad of smaller applications that can easily plug right in to the infrastructure