George stephenson born in 1781
Rocket Robert spent three years in South America, before coming home to help build the Rocket. George Stephenson's Rocket train, the first steam powered locomotive
Liverpool to Manchester In 1829, another railway was planned, between the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. Not everyone was pleased. Some farmers did not want the railway to cross their fields. George Stephenson built the railway. He built track across a bog called Chat Moss. The owners of the railway wanted to find the best locomotive. They offered a prize of £500. Trials were held at Rainhill, near Liverpool. Crowds came to watch.
Life George Stephenson became a rich man. He went to live in Derbyshire. He liked farms and gardens. After his second wife Elizabeth died, he married for a third time. George Stephenson died in 1848. He was buried in Chesterfield.
Father and son George Stephenson built many railways. His son Robert helped him. George paid for Robert to go to school, and to university in Edinburgh. Father and son did homework together, so George could learn more too.