Multiplication Word Problems Objective: You will use the Farmland application to create your own multiplication word problems. Open the Farmland app Choose a scene Create a picture using the stickers that can represent a multiplication equation Save your scene to the camera roll Open instacollage and use the writing tool to record your number sentence on your picture Teacher Notes Name: Emily Folk Email Address: School: HWMS Grade Level/ Subject: 3rd Grade Math Other Information: Optional for teacher to print story problems that were made up 3.OA.1 Interpret products of whole numbers as objects in groups.
Multiplication Word Problems Objective: You will use the Farmland application to create your own multiplication word problems. Open the Farmland app Choose a scene Create a picture using the stickers that can represent a multiplication equation On an index card, write a multiplication word problem that goes along with your picture. Write your answer on the back Save your scene to the camera roll Teacher Notes Name: Email Address: School: Grade Level/ Subject: Other Information: 4.OA.2 Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison by using drawings and equations with an unknown.
Multiplication Word Problems Objective: You will use the Farmland application to create your own multiplication word problems. Open the Farmland app Choose a scene Create a picture using the stickers that can represent a multiplication equation On an index card, write a multiplication word problem that goes along with your picture. Write your answer on the back On another index card, use your same picture to create a word problem that represents a division story. Write your answer on the back of your index card. Save your scene to the camera roll Teacher Notes Name: Email Address: School: Grade Level/ Subject: Other Information: 4.OA.2 Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison by using drawings and equations with an unknown.