The Five Pillars of Islam 8th Grade Social Studies
What are the Pillars? Religious Duty All religions have certain duties that believers have to perform to be associated with that particular faith. The Five Pillars are five actions that Muslims try to accomplish throughout their lives.
Shahada First Pillar: Shahada (Whitness) In this pillar all Muslims must simply state their faith in Allah and express that there is no God but Allah. Muslims fulfill this obligation through prayer everyday and repeating the phrase “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet”
face Mecca in Arabia when praying Salat Second Pillar: Salat (Prayer) This Pillar is praying five times a day. There are set prayers which Muslims should say, and all Muslims should: face Mecca in Arabia when praying pray on a prayer mat wash before they pray pray with fixed movements, which include kneeling with the forehead placed on the ground in front.
Zakat Third Pillar: Zakat (Charity) Each month, Muslims are supposed to give a some of their income for charity. In some countries it can be as much at 10% of your monthly income. In this way, they believe that their wealth is “made pure.”
Sawm The Fourth Pillar: Sawm (Fasting) Muslims must not eat food and drink during the month of Ramadan during daylight hours. They do this to experience what the less fortunate go through.
Hajj Fifth Pillar: Hajj (Pilgrimage) At least once in their lives, all Muslims who are physically and financially able must make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. Non-Muslims are forbidden from entering the city.