Bilingual/ESL Lead Teachers Meeting Bilingual/ESL Department September 19 & 21, 2017
Bilingual/ESL Department Goal 1 By collaborating with the Literacy Department, English Learners (ELs) in grades 3-8 and ELs taking STAAR-EOC (English 1 and 2) will increase their academic achievement in Reading and/or Writing (in English or Spanish) by 5 points, as measured by STAAR and STAAR-EOC passing rates in PBMAS 2018 data. Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
Bilingual/ESL Department Goal 2 By increasing focus on the ELPS/TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs), the percentage of ELs making one level of progress or maintaining an Advanced High level will increase by 5 points, as measured by the TELPAS composite rating. (The percentage of students maintaining the same level or regressing will decrease by 5 points). Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
Lead Teacher Notebooks Let’s Get Ready to Assemble! Teachers will be adding content to their binder as the PPT progresses.
DLE/ESL Specialist School Assignments List of lead teachers/cohorts
Lead Teacher Roles & Responsibilities Because we have a lot of new LT’s go over the roles and responsibilities. Highlight If you have not turned one in, please of your principal submit it ASAP.
Elementary Lead Teacher Meeting Dates Cohort A September 19, 2017 November 14, 2017 January 23, 2018 March 6, 2018 May 15, 2018 Cohort B September 21, 2017 November 16, 2017 January 25, 2018 March 8, 2018 May 17, 2018 Lead Teachers are permitted to miss one meeting without affecting the stipend. If you miss, you are responsible to send a sub in your place and let your specialist know ahead of time.
Verification Forms ESL-ONLY campuses will be sent to Martha Garza-due two weeks after every session DL- campuses will be sent to Laura Jimenez.
PBMAS Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
Language Action Plans – Campus/Department Goals Planning for every EL on campus Start with LPAC EOY forms Reviewing failing course counts each six weeks ( LPAC report) Strategic planning for language supports in all content areas Met with LPAC focus group this week – draft version of documents to come in the next few weeks In response to TEA Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
Accommodations for ELLs Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
Begins day one! TELPAS Instructional accommodations for Els. Lau access. Dictionaries.
Dictionaries DLE ESL Check with your LPAC chairperson for any dictionary requests before the end of September. Check with LPAC about dictionaries. LPAC Chair is the one to request dictionaries.
Stipend Requirements Go over the Stipend Agreement form and Stipend Criteria with the LT’s. LT’s must go over the criteria/agreement form with their principal and have principal and LT sign and date it send to Specialist. Tell them that they will need to go over each of the requirements one by one on the Agreement Form with their DL-Bil and DL-ESL teachers. Have teachers initial that they understand/agree and then sign it. They are responsible to get the principals signature. Teachers are to give their forms to the LT. LT’s are to make a copy of forms, and send the originals to their specialist by: Cohort A Oct. 3; Cohort B Oct. 5.
Stipend Sessions Flyer Ask participants to find the BILINGUAL/ESL IMPORTANT DATE section in the binder packets.
Eduphoria Survey/ New Reflection Form Show teachers the new PL reflection forms for the sessions this school year.
ESL Certification Course Options Go over how to access the ESL cert.
Bilingual Certification Course Options Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.
ESL & Bil Certification Course Options FWISD and Texas A&M are entering into a partnership to support English Language Learners This partnership is with 5 north Texas districts Our first event was the TAMU NPD Eco-Resilience Conference this summer College course work may be available – more to come ESL certification classes will be offered as a part of this partnership: Course dates, times will be distributed as soon as MOU is signed Certification costs will be reimbursed – maybe not posting…) Bilingual certification classes will also be offered as part of this partnership (Please see the back of the flyer for course and course dates.) These courses are free for FWISD teachers.
Questions Thank you for allowing us to come to you tonight. Thank you for allowing us to share just a bit more about our organization, including our vision and our mission. Our vision is of an educational culture that honors the gift of the human imagination and nurtures creative capacity in all. Our mission is to create and provide innovative educational programming that integrates the arts and other curricular areas.