eSIS To EMIS LEP Reporting Ohio eSIS Users Conference November 15 &16, 2010 Diane Fabian ACCESS
FY11 EMIS Reporting - LEP Immigrant Status Element School Entry Date >Immigrant Status Element The date will trigger the correct Y or N EMIS response. An immigrant student is a student who is age 3 through 21; was not born in any State; and has not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years.
FY11 EMIS Reporting - LEP Native Language First Language – Native Language Native or first language of the student. This is often the language spoken at home but should denote the primary language spoken by the student at the onset of speech.
FY11 EMIS Reporting - LEP Student Home Language Lang. at Home > Student Home Language The main language spoken at home by the student. Only required for LEP Not Equal to N or Immigrant Status = Y
FY11 EMIS - LEP LEP Status Element Limited English L-LEP Enrolled in US Schools for 1st time M-LEP Trial Mainstream N-No Y-Yes-LEP-US schools more than 180 days. Valid Options N No The student is not Limited English Proficient. Y Yes Limited English Proficient student who has been enrolled in U.S. schools for more than 180 school days OR Previously exempted from taking the spring administration of either of the State’s English language arts assessments (reading or writing). L LEP – Enrolled in U.S. Schools for First Time A recently arrived Limited English Proficient student who has been enrolled in US schools for no more than 180 school days AND Not previously exempted from taking the spring administration of either of the State’s English language arts assessments (reading or writing). M LEP – Trial-Mainstream A student considered to be in a Trial-Mainstream period. A student remains in the trial-mainstream period until he/she is reclassified from LEP.
Child is or is a child of migrant worker FY11 EMIS - LEP Migrant Worker Migrant Worker? – check moves to EMIS as Yes. Blank reports to EMIS as No Child is or is a child of migrant worker
FY11 EMIS - LEP LEP Reclassification Date LEP Reclassification Date – Date student no longer considered LEP. Check Reclassification from LEP and then enter Effective Date.
FY11 EMIS - LEP Program Codes LEP Codes – 235012,235013 235014,235015 Immigrant Ed Program 240001, 240002 Program Codes
FY11 EMIS - LEP OAA, OGT Test Accommodations **Not Applicable NO –NO ACCOMMODATIONS Y1-Yes, 504 Plan Y2-Yes, IEP Y3-Yes,LEP Y4-Yes,Accelerated
FY11 EMIS - LEP OTELA No – No Accom Y1 – Yes, 504 Y2 – Yes, IEP Comprehension Domain & Composite – No longer reported No – No Accom Y1 – Yes, 504 Y2 – Yes, IEP
FY11 EMIS - LEP Staff Reporting Assignment Code 999365 LEP Instructional Program This assignment area is to be used by school districts for teachers who teach in language instruction education programs designed specifically for limited English proficient (LEP) students. The purpose of the language instruction education program is to help LEP students attain English proficiency and achieve challenging State academic content standards. The program may make instructional use of both English and a child’s native language.
FY11 EMIS - LEP AdHoc Report
FY11 EMIS - LEP Questions?