some general Information all plenary talks ... here ! 6-2-024 - BE Auditorium Working Groups: WG1 6-2-024 WG2 6-2-012 6-2-004 WG3 18-3-008 WG4 6-R-018 ANAR_2017 Web page: General Information: Bernhard Holzer Bernhard Holzer 0041-75411-1056 16-1056 Sonia Massonet 72523
Most relevant Information: the food you find pre-defined vouchers in your folder breakfast : 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 April in Restaurant 2 lunch : 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 April in Restaurant 2 dinner : 25 – 26 April in Restaurant 1 coffee / tea breaks: down stairs in front of the cafeteria special dinner: 27 April in Geneva Bus leaves in front of Hostel at 18:45h in front of Auditorium at 18:50h at Hostel Building 39
Restaurant 1 Auditorium Hostel
Working Groups: Keys from Sonia / Bernhard WG1: (37) 6-2-024 (Auditorium) WG2: (24) 17-1-007 WG3: (14) 18-3-008 WG4: (12) 6-R-018