Tereza Jůzová, Kateřina Stachová, Klára Lukášová Breakfast Tereza Jůzová, Kateřina Stachová, Klára Lukášová
The number of respondents: 85 Girls: 18 years - 3 17 years - 6 16 years - 20 15 years - 8 14 years - 1 Boys: 18 years - 4 17 years - 16 16 years - 14 15 years - 11 14 years - 2
1. Do you eat breakfast in weekdays?
2. Do you eat breakfast in weekends?
3. What you usually eat for breakfast? yoghurt/milk with cereals baked goods fruit eggs, ham, cheese
4. Do you have hot beverage during breakfast?
5. What beverage do you drink during breakfast? mostly tea juice water milk cocoa coffee
6. Do you take some pills in the morning?
7. Have you ever been at brunch?
8. What are the differences between your breakfast in weekdays and weekends? you have more time bigger, rich you have it later in no way
9. How would your perfect breakfast look like? cold buffet something by my parents breakfast to my bed like in a hotel really rich
10. Do you eat your breakfast alone?
11. How long after you wake up do you eat your breakfast?
12. Do you think that your breakfast is healthy?
13. Where do you usually eat your breakfast? home (my room, kitchen, living room,...) in a restaurant in a canteen
14. What do your parents eat for breakfast? i don‘t know baked goods fruit they eat in fast food/healthy restaurants the same things
15. In your opinion, what are the differencies between our breakfast and breakfast of French? more healthy, fresh food they have more time for it their crunchy baguettes
16. Honey or jam? honey jam
17. Do you often eat sweet pastry for breakfast?
18. Do you eat fruit for breakfast?
19. How often do you have dairy for breakfast?
20. Have you ever had food from yesterday dinner for breakfast?
21. Do you prepare your breakfast by yourself?
22. Do you consider breakfast as a social activity?
23. Have you ever had alcohol for breakfast?
24. Do you have warm breakfast?
25. Do you prefer sweet or salty breakfast?
26. Do you sometimes skip the breakfast and go to lunch?
27. Which member of your family makes the best breakfast?
28. Do you like breakfast in the form of all you can eat buffet?
29. Do you like musli for your breakfast?
30. What do you do before you eat breakfast? get dressed toilet wake up take a shower prepare clothes
Thank you for your attention This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.