2-16 Product Data Description (Laminar View) Subcommittee Monday, March 14, 2016 Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV. Wifi Access Instructions
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Review Minutes and Action Items from last meeting Project History Determine next steps for committee Review New Action Items
Please introduce yourselves Welcome Welcome Introductions Please introduce yourselves Name Company and position What is your expectation of this group/meeting? Assign a scribe to take minutes
Antitrust Statement There should never be a discussion of the following at IPC meetings: Price or any elements of price or pricing policies, including costs, discounts, etc. Sales or production quotas, territories, allocations, boycotts or market shares. Identified individual company statistics, inventories or merchandising methods. Particular competitors or customers. Commercial liabilities, warranties, guarantees or the particular terms and conditions of sales, including credit, shipping and transportation arrangements. Anything dealing with "arm-twisting," trade abuses or excluding or controlling competition.
Principles of Standardization In May 1995 the IPC’s Technical Activities Executive Committee (TAEC) adopted Principles of Standardization as a guiding principle of IPC’s standardization efforts. Standards Should: Show relationship to Design for Manufacturability(DFM) and Design for the Environment (DFE) Minimize time to market Contain simple (simplified) language Just include spec information Focus on end product performance Include a feedback system on use and problems for future improvement Standards Should Not: Inhibit innovation Increase time-to-market Keep people out Increase cycle time Tell you how to make something Contain anything that cannot be defended with data
A little bit of history How did we get here?
What’s the “Problem”? Systems Company Manufacturing Partner Where’s the BOM? Systems Company Manufacturing Partner Did you read my instructions? Impedances? BOM
Single File IPC-2581 It is an IEC (61182-2) Standard now! How does IPC-2581 help? Single XML File IPC-2581 Test Fab Assy Single File IPC-2581 ECAD tools allow users to supply as much or as little data as needed Paper drawings are replaced with machine readable information Native import/export featured in the commercial tools Eliminate data interpretation & re-entry from drawings & documents to drive all Mfg. aspects It is an IEC (61182-2) Standard now! Single File
Our “Journey” together
Our “Journey” together 2016 OEMs Cisco, EMC, Ericsson, MSFT, Fujitsu Huawei, Network Communications, Harris, LMCO, QCOM, Qlogic, NVIDIA, Orbital, ZTE ECAD Altium, Cadence, Zuken DFM/CAM companies Frontline, Downstream, ADIVA, …. EMS/FAB companies Sanmina, Viasystems, Sierra Circuits, Azitech, Multek … IPC, IEC* *IEC/PAS 61182-12 83 Corporate Members 50 Associate Members Rev B Amendment 1 First Assembly Success
Meeting Minutes of the Fall Meeting @ ROSEMONT Review Minutes and Action Items Karen McConnell
MINUTES (Not found in KAVI) New committee Chair/Co-Chair discussions Gary Carter – Candidate for Committee Chair Jimmy Baccam – Candidate for Committee Co-Chair Kevin Kusiak – Candidate for IPC-2581 User Group Other topics discussed?
IPC-2581B Amendment 1 Review and disposition of industry feedback Next Steps IPC-2581B Amendment 1 Review and disposition of industry feedback IPC-2581C Proposals
Review New Action Items