The playground can be in any area of the ecosystem Mobile internet area Operator User’s device area Cloud Services/apps Distribution App Store Portal CLOUD Network Device OS UI/UX Enablers/ (API’s content This is an open ecosystem to be utilized by any parties for their own purposes
How do they play: Google Search, Email, chat, calendar, photos etc. Core biz Cloud Digital Locker Services/apps Distribution App Store Portal OEM Canvas optional CLOUD Network Device OS UI/UX Enablers/ (API’s The service currently has over 10 million, who have shared over a billion pieces of content. Their +1 button gets clicked 2.3 billion times per day. Google made $9.2 billion in Revenue. On the Android are now activating 550,000 devices per day, which is 50,000 more than a couple months ago. The Android Market has just reached 6 billion downloads. content Android Market UGC Google App Engine – cloud services / API’s
Android Market for Developer Help
Android Market for Developer Help