Mobile Media Innovation Module 2 Audience & Usage Mobile Media Innovation Module 2
Mobile Media Module The Mobile Media Module is designed as a two-week, broad-based study on the mobile landscape that can be applied in many courses. The program was implemented at Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication to support our Scripps Innovation Challenge and to build knowledge of the mobile landscape across our communication curricula. For implementation, we brought in an expert in mobile development to teach in four existing classes over two weeks in Spring 2013. Faculty teaching those classes became the students and built their capacity to teach the material in subsequent semesters. By “hacking the curriculum” using the “module method,” we were able to reach more than 500 students in one semester with new material. For more information, contact Dr. Michelle Ferrier, associate professor, E.W. Scripps School of Journalism,
Mobile Media Innovation Modules Part 1: Fundamentals of Mobile Part 2: Audience and Usage Part 3: Social and Mobile Part 4: Mobile and Journalism Part 5: mCommerce and Monetization Part 6: App Development
Apps and Categories What are some of your favorite apps? What categories do they fall into? What governs your decision to download or not download an app? Note that MP3 players can also utilize these OS’
Apps and Categories
Who is the audience?
Who is the audience?
Who is the audience?
Who is the audience?
Android_vs_iOS_User_Differences_Every_Developer_Should_Know Who is the audience? Android_vs_iOS_User_Differences_Every_Developer_Should_Know
Android_vs_iOS_User_Differences_Every_Developer_Should_Know Who is the audience? iPhone users are slightly younger and more affluent. Leads European and North American markets. 41% of iPhone owners fall in the $100K household income range, whereas only 24% of Android owners do. iPhone users tend to purchase goods and services via smartphone more often than Android users. 80% of current iPhone owners owned a previous iPhone meaning that the brand enjoys a high user satisfaction and high device LOYALTY Android_vs_iOS_User_Differences_Every_Developer_Should_Know
Who is the audience? Android owns the larger market share at 80.0 percent. Holds a significant leads over iOS in Asia, South American and Africa. Android users on the whole skew younger than the total U.S. mobile market. Android users have a broader content category reach despite iOS user’s higher propensity iPhone users tend to purchase goods and services via smartphone more often than Android users.
Who is the audience? WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN!? Android has a greater market share. iOS has a more interactive audience and more money to spend. Plan for both to be key factors in whatever mobile media plans that you and your company have.
Demographics 56% of all US adults now own smartphones. Of the US adult population with mobile phones (91%)- the smartphone penetration is 61%. Blackberry smartphone market share has dropped from 10% in 2011 to 4% in 2013. 49% of cellphone owners with a household income of $150,000+ say that their phone is an iPhone. African Americans are more likely than whites or Latinos to say that their phone is an Android device as opposed to an iPhone.
Demographics Own A Smartphone All Adults (n=2,252) 56% Educational Attainment a Less than High School (n=168) 36% b High School Grad (n=630) 46% c Some College (n=588) 60% d College + (n=834) 70% Household Income Less than $30,000/yr (n=580) 43% $30,000-$49,999 (n=374) 52% $50,000-$74,999 (n=298) 61% $75,000+ (n=582) 78% Urbanity Urban (n=763) 59% Suburban (n=1,037) Rural (n=450) 40% As education level increases, smartphone likelihood increases as well. As household income increases, smartphone likelihood increases as well. Urban and suburban communities have 59% smartphone penetration, whereas rural communities only have 40%.
Demographics Whites and Hispanics have nearly the same percentage of iPhone to cell phone user ratio. Whites and Hispanics have nearly the same percentage of Android to cell phone user ratio. Blacks have significantly more Androids than iPhones. Men tend to favor the Android over the iPhone. Women tend to be split evenly between iPhones and Androids. All Cell Phone Owners (n=2,076) iPhone % Android % Gender a Men (n=967) 24% 31% b Women (n=1,109) 26% Race/ Ethnicity White (n=1,440) 27% Black (n=238) 16% 42% c Hispanic (n=235)
Demographics Note that MP3 players can also utilize these OS’
Quick Discussion Questions How would the designer’s vision and responsibility change if the audience is: Elderly? Children? Mentally Challenged? Deaf? Other? How would the marketing team’s strategy change if the audience is:
Quick Discussion Questions Can you think of any way that iPhone or Android phones are marketed that may result in the large discrepancy between the two devices among Blacks? If you were Apple CEO, Tim Cook, and you read that Blacks are underrepresented in the ownership of iPhones, what would you do to change that? If you are Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, and you read that Android users tend to purchase less than Apple users (on the average), how would you approach the situation?
Discussion Questions Article I: “Android and iOS Demographics in the US” Why do you think that social apps tend to be equally successful on iOS as they are to Android? Why do you think that there were so few apps that were in the Top 40 on both the App Store and Google Play? Why do you think that the Top 40 Shopping Apps on Android (eBay and Amazon) did not match the Top 40 Shopping Apps on iOS (Groupon, Black Friday, and Target Cartwheel)?
Discussion Questions Article II: “Smartphone Ownership – 2013 Update” Do you have any ethical or accuracy-based concerns about how this information was collected? How would you have collected the information differently? Were you surprised at any of the minority responses in terms of smartphone preference?