Section 3 Jigsaw Roman Achievement
Jigsaw Topics Literature, History, and Philosophy Art and Architecture Science and Mathematics Law Codes
Literature, History, & Philosophy Blending of Greek, Hellenistic, & Roman traditions is known the Greco-Roman civilization Romans admired the Greeks Literature similar to Greeks Virgil > Poet like Homer Showed Rome’s past is as heroic as that of Greece Wrote Aeneid Poets used satirize > to make fun of Roman society Historians told of Rome’s heroic past (the rise and fall) Livy > The History of Rome Tacitus > opposite > told bitter side of Augustus & successors Philosophy >Stoicism Importance of duty and acceptance of one’s fate Concern for the well being of all people
Art & Architecture Roman sculptors stressed realism Broke new ground by revealing one’s character Some sculptors also stressed idealism Show power and leadership Mosaics become popular Picture made from chipped stone or glass Architecture > Romans stressed grandeur Developed rounded dome
Science & Mathematics Romans excelled in engineering Examples roads, aqueducts, and harbors Left scientific research to the Greeks Ptolemy > earth center of universe Galen created medical encyclopedia Put science to practical use
Law Codes Rome committed to law and justice Creates unity and stability Roman law basis for future legal systems (United States) Ex. > innocent until proven guilty Two codes of law civil law & law of nations Two systems will merge